📜  Angular 10 I18nSelectPipe API(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:39:12.205000             🧑  作者: Mango

Angular 10 I18nSelectPipe API

The Angular 10 I18nSelectPipe API is a powerful tool for internationalization in Angular applications. It allows developers to format strings based on a set of values, making it easier to translate content and adapt to different cultural norms. This functionality is particularly useful in multi-lingual and multi-cultural environments, where content must be presented in different ways based on the user's language or country of origin.

How to use I18nSelectPipe

To use the I18nSelectPipe, the first step is to import it into your Angular application. This can be done using the following code:

import { I18nSelectPipe } from '@angular/common';

Once imported, the I18nSelectPipe can be used in HTML templates, like this:

<p>{{gender | i18nSelect: {'male': 'He', 'female': 'She', 'other': 'They'} }}</p>

Here, we are using the I18nSelectPipe to format a string based on a set of values. The gender variable is used to determine which string to use. If gender is male, the output will be He. If gender is female, the output will be She. If gender is anything else, the output will be They.

The I18nSelectPipe can also be used with variables and expressions, like this:

<p>{{value | i18nSelect: {'0': 'No items', '1': '{} item', 'other': '{} items'}:value}}</p>

Here, we are using the I18nSelectPipe to format a string based on the value of value. If value is 0, the output will be No items. If value is 1, the output will be 1 item. If value is anything else, the output will be n items, where n is equal to value.


The I18nSelectPipe API is a powerful tool for internationalization in Angular applications. By allowing developers to format strings based on a set of values, it makes it easier to translate content and adapt to different cultural norms. Whether you are building a multi-lingual or multi-cultural application, the I18nSelectPipe is an essential tool for ensuring that your content is presented in the right way, to the right people, at the right time.