📜  latex amsmath (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:17:17.587000             🧑  作者: Mango

LaTeX amsmath


LaTeX amsmath is a package for typesetting mathematics in LaTeX documents. It provides a wide range of mathematical features and tools, making it an essential package for mathematicians, physicists, and anyone who needs to write complex mathematical equations.

Mathematical Environments

LaTeX amsmath offers various environments for typesetting mathematical content:

  1. Equation Environment: The equation environment is used to display a single numbered equation.
  E = mc^2
  1. Align Environment: The align environment is used for multiple equations with alignment. It enables aligning equations at specific points using & to mark the alignment position.
  f(x) &= x^2 \\
  g(x) &= \sin(x)
  1. Gather Environment: The gather environment is used for multiple equations without alignment.
  a = b + c \\
  d = e + f + g
Mathematical Symbols

LaTeX amsmath provides an extensive collection of mathematical symbols and operators, such as:

  • Greek letters: $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$
  • Summation and integration symbols: $\sum$, $\int$
  • Fractions and binomial coefficients: $\frac{a}{b}$, ${n \choose k}$
  • Matrices and vectors: $\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 \end{bmatrix}$, $\vec{v}$
  • Multiline subscripts and superscripts: $x_{1+2}$, $a^{b^c}$
Customizable Equation Numbering

LaTeX amsmath allows customization of equation numbering. You can use the \tag command to assign a custom label or remove the numbering altogether using \nonumber:

  a + b = c \tag{1.1}
Math Fonts

LaTeX amsmath provides additional math fonts, such as bold math symbols (\boldsymbol) and calligraphic letters (\mathcal).

  \boldsymbol{\alpha} = \mathcal{A}
Advanced Equation Formatting

LaTeX amsmath offers advanced formatting options for equations, including:

  • Aligning equations at specific operators using \begin{alignat}.
  • Splitting long equations into multiple lines using \begin{split}.
  • Adding text annotations to equations using \begin{align*} and \text command.

LaTeX amsmath is a powerful package for typesetting mathematical equations in LaTeX. Its extensive features, including mathematical environments, symbols, customizable numbering, and advanced formatting make it an indispensable tool for writing mathematical content.