📜  Python| Pandas DataFrame.blocks(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:46:22.548000             🧑  作者: Mango

Python | Pandas DataFrame.blocks


In the world of data analysis and manipulation, Pandas is a popular library in Python. It provides powerful data structures such as Series and DataFrame, which are widely used by programmers. This introduction focuses on the DataFrame.blocks attribute in Pandas.


blocks is an attribute of a Pandas DataFrame object that provides access to the internal data blocks of the DataFrame. Each data block represents a logically coherent data segment in the DataFrame, such as continuous memory blocks of the same data type.

The blocks attribute is a dictionary-like object where the keys represent the block's shape and dtype, and the values are instances of the Block class. The Block class defines the attributes and methods to manipulate the underlying data block efficiently.

Usage and Examples

Accessing the blocks attribute

To access the blocks attribute of a DataFrame, you can simply use the dot notation as shown below:


Understanding the blocks dictionary

The blocks attribute returns a dictionary-like object where keys represent the shape and dtype of the data blocks. These keys can be utilized to access the corresponding data block object.

Iterating over DataFrame blocks

You can iterate over the blocks using the .items() method of the blocks object. Each iteration provides a key-value pair representing the shape-dtype and block object respectively.

for key, block in df.blocks.items():
    # Perform operations on the block

Accessing data block shape and dtype

To obtain information about the shape and dtype of a data block, you can access the shape and dtype attributes of a block object.


Accessing underlying data in a block

You can access the underlying data of a block using the get_values() method. This method returns a 1D NumPy ndarray that represents the block's data.

data = block.get_values()

The DataFrame.blocks attribute in Pandas provides access to the internal data blocks of a DataFrame, allowing programmers to manipulate the data efficiently. Being able to access, iterate, and retrieve information about the blocks helps in better understanding and working with complex data structures in a DataFrame.