📌  相关文章
📜  在Android中自动调整TextView的大小

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-13 17:08:00             🧑  作者: Mango





第1步:创建一个具有空活动的android studio项目

  • 您可以参考此Android |如何在Android Studio中创建/启动新项目,了解如何创建一个空活动的android studio项目。
  • 将应用程序名称重命名为Auto resize TextView ,并将布局名称命名为activity_main.xml。
  • 并选择Java作为Language。


  • 由于我们以拨号盘为例来演示TextView的自动调整大小,因此请在activity_main.xml文件中调用以下代码以使UI像拨号盘一样。



import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    TextView primaryTextView;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // register the button using appropriate ID of the TextView
        primaryTextView = findViewById(R.id.primaryTextView);
    // handle the button 1 and append the 1 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedOne(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "1");
    // handle the button 2 and append the 2 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedTwo(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "2");
    // handle the button 3 and append the 3 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedThree(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "3");
    // handle the button 4 and append the 4 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedFour(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "4");
    // handle the button 5 and append the 5 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedFive(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "5");
    // handle the button 6 and append the 6 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedSix(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "6");
    // handle the button 7 and append the 7 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedSeven(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "7");
    // handle the button 8 and append the 8 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedEight(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "8");
    // handle the button 9 and append the 9 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedNine(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "9");
    // handle the button 0 and append the 0 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedZero(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "0");

  • 可以在上面的代码app:autoSizeMaxTextSize =“ 80sp”中看到TextView的属性这是TextView的初始大小。
  • app:autoSizeMinTextSize =“ 10sp”使用此属性,TextView的大小将调整为10sp, app:autoSizeStepGranularity =“ 2sp”使用此属性,我们将TextView的大小统一缩小到屏幕外时的2sp 。
  • app:autoSizeTextType =“ uniform”通过使用此属性,我们只是在均匀地调整TextView的大小。
  • 要记住的一件事是,不应将TextView的高度和宽度设置为wrap_content。
  • 要禁用TextView的大小调整,可以将此属性设置为none。如您在下面看到的。



步骤3:现在,使用onClick XML属性分别处理每个Button

  • 现在在MainActivity中。 Java文件,我们将分别处理每个Button的所有onClick函数,并在按下时将TextView设置为适当的数字。因此,现在调用以下代码:


import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    TextView primaryTextView;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // register the button using appropriate ID of the TextView
        primaryTextView = findViewById(R.id.primaryTextView);
    // handle the button 1 and append the 1 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedOne(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "1");
    // handle the button 2 and append the 2 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedTwo(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "2");
    // handle the button 3 and append the 3 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedThree(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "3");
    // handle the button 4 and append the 4 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedFour(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "4");
    // handle the button 5 and append the 5 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedFive(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "5");
    // handle the button 6 and append the 6 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedSix(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "6");
    // handle the button 7 and append the 7 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedSeven(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "7");
    // handle the button 8 and append the 8 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedEight(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "8");
    // handle the button 9 and append the 9 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedNine(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "9");
    // handle the button 0 and append the 0 to the end of the TextView
    public void clickedZero(View view) {
        primaryTextView.setText(primaryTextView.getText() + "0");

