📜  关于位操作的全部

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-25 01:15:10             🧑  作者: Mango


  • 按位与(&)
  • 按位或(|)
  • 按位XOR(^)
  • 按位非(!)





Operators Operations Result
XOR X ^ 0s X
XOR X ^ 1s ~X
XOR X ^ X 0
AND X & 0s 0
AND X & 1s X
OR X | 0s X
OR X | 1s 1s
OR X | X X


此方法用于查找给定数字N的特定位置(例如i )的位。这个想法是找到给定数字和2 i的按位与,可以将其表示为(1 << i) 。如果返回值是1,则第i位的位置1 。否则,它不会被设置。


// Function to get the bit at the
// ith position
boolean getBit(int num, int i)
    // Return true if the bit is
    // set. Otherwise return false
    return ((num & (1 << i)) != 0);

// Function to get the bit at the
// ith position
static boolean getBit(int num, int i)
    // Return true if the bit is
    // set. Otherwise return false
    return ((num & (1 << i)) != 0);
// This code is contributed by rishavmahato348.

// Function to get the bit at the
// ith position
static bool getBit(int num, int i)
    // Return true if the bit is
    // set. Otherwise return false
    return ((num & (1 << i)) != 0);
// This code is contributed by subhammahato348.

// Function to set the ith bit of the
// given number num
int setBit(int num, int i)
    // Sets the ith bit and return
    // the updated value
    return num | (1 << i);

// Function to clear the ith bit of
// the given number N
int clearBit(int num, int i)
    // Create the mask for the ith
    // bit unset
    int mask = ~(1 << i);
    // Return the update value
    return num & mask;

// C++ program to implement all the
// above functionalities
#include "bits/stdc++.h"
using namespace std;
// Function to get the bit at the
// ith position
bool getBit(int num, int i)
    // Return true if the ith bit is
    // set. Otherwise return false
    return ((num & (1 << i)) != 0);
// Function to set the ith bit of the
// given number num
int setBit(int num, int i)
    // Sets the ith bit and return
    // the updated value
    return num | (1 << i);
// Function to clear the ith bit of
// the given number N
int clearBit(int num, int i)
    // Create the mask for the ith
    // bit unset
    int mask = ~(1 << i);
    // Return the update value
    return num & mask;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given number N
    int N = 70;
    cout << "The bit at the 3rd position is: "
         << (getBit(N, 3) ? '1' : '0')
         << endl;
    cout << "The value of the given number "
         << " after setting the bit at "
         << " MSB is: "
         << setBit(N, 0) << endl;
    cout << "The value of the given number "
         << " after clearing the bit at "
         << " MSB is: "
         << clearBit(N, 0) << endl;
    return 0;


此方法用于将位设置为给定数字N的特定位置(例如i )。想法是将给定数字N的值更新为给定数字N2 i按位或,可以将其表示为(1 << i) 。如果返回值是1,则第i位的位置1 。否则,它不会被设置。



// Function to set the ith bit of the
// given number num
int setBit(int num, int i)
    // Sets the ith bit and return
    // the updated value
    return num | (1 << i);


该方法用于清除给定数字N的特定位置(例如i )的位。我们的想法是,以更新给定数目N位与所述给定数目N的值和的2 i中的称赞的是可被表示为〜(1 << i)中。如果返回值是1,则第i位的位置1 。否则,它不会被设置。



// Function to clear the ith bit of
// the given number N
int clearBit(int num, int i)
    // Create the mask for the ith
    // bit unset
    int mask = ~(1 << i);
    // Return the update value
    return num & mask;



// C++ program to implement all the
// above functionalities
#include "bits/stdc++.h"
using namespace std;
// Function to get the bit at the
// ith position
bool getBit(int num, int i)
    // Return true if the ith bit is
    // set. Otherwise return false
    return ((num & (1 << i)) != 0);
// Function to set the ith bit of the
// given number num
int setBit(int num, int i)
    // Sets the ith bit and return
    // the updated value
    return num | (1 << i);
// Function to clear the ith bit of
// the given number N
int clearBit(int num, int i)
    // Create the mask for the ith
    // bit unset
    int mask = ~(1 << i);
    // Return the update value
    return num & mask;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given number N
    int N = 70;
    cout << "The bit at the 3rd position is: "
         << (getBit(N, 3) ? '1' : '0')
         << endl;
    cout << "The value of the given number "
         << " after setting the bit at "
         << " MSB is: "
         << setBit(N, 0) << endl;
    cout << "The value of the given number "
         << " after clearing the bit at "
         << " MSB is: "
         << clearBit(N, 0) << endl;
    return 0;
The bit at the 3rd position is: 0
The value of the given number  after setting the bit at  MSB is: 71
The value of the given number  after clearing the bit at  MSB is: 70