📜  C#|结构|套装– 1

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-29 20:57:59             🧑  作者: Mango

结构是一个值类型,是一个单位下不同数据类型的变量的集合。它几乎类似于一个类,因为它们都是用户定义的数据类型,并且都包含许多不同的数据类型。 C#提供了使用预定义数据类型的能力。但是,有时用户可能需要定义自己的数据类型,这也称为用户定义的数据类型。尽管它属于值类型,但用户可以根据要求对其进行修改,这就是为什么它也被称为用户定义的数据类型的原因。


  • 句法:
    Access_Modifier struct structure_name
       // Fields 
       // Parameterized constructor 
       // Constants 
       // Properties 
       // Indexers 
       // Events 
       // Methods etc.
  • 例子:
    // C# program to illustrate the 
    // Declaration of structure
    using System;
    namespace ConsoleApplication {
    // Defining structure
    public struct Person
        // Declaring different data types
        public string Name;
        public int Age;
        public int Weight;
    class Geeks {
        // Main Method
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Declare P1 of type Person
            Person P1;
            // P1's data
            P1.Name = "Keshav Gupta";
            P1.Age = 21;
            P1.Weight = 80;
            // Displaying the values 
            Console.WriteLine("Data Stored in P1 is " + 
                               P1.Name + ", age is " + 
                               P1.Age + " and weight is " + 
    Data Stored in P1 is Keshav Gupta, age is 21 and weight is 80

    说明:在上面的代码中,使用数据成员NameAgeWeight创建了一个名为“ Person”的结构。在主方法中,创建了结构类型为Person的P1 。现在,P1可以在。(点)运算符的帮助下访问其数据成员。


  • 句法:
    Structure_object_destination = structure_object_source;
  • 例子:
    // C# program to illustrate copy the structure
    using System;
    namespace ConsoleApplication {
    // Defining structure
    public struct Person
        // Declaring different data types
        public string Name;
        public int Age;
        public int Weight;
    class Geeks {
        // Main Method
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Declare P1 of type Person
            Person P1;
            // P1's data
            P1.Name = "Keshav Gupta";
            P1.Age = 21;
            P1.Weight = 80;
            // Declare P2 of type Person
            Person P2;
            // Copying the values of P1 into P2
             P2 = P1;
            // Displaying the values of P1
            Console.WriteLine("Values Stored in P1");
            Console.WriteLine("Name: " +P1.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("Age: " +P1.Age);
            Console.WriteLine("Weight: " +P1.Weight);
            // Displaying the values of P2
            Console.WriteLine("Values Stored in P2");
            Console.WriteLine("Name: " +P2.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("Age: " +P2.Age);
            Console.WriteLine("Weight: " +P2.Weight);
    Values Stored in P1
    Name: Keshav Gupta
    Age: 21
    Weight: 80
    Values Stored in P2
    Name: Keshav Gupta
    Age: 21
    Weight: 80

    说明:借助P1初始化struct Person的数据成员,并且可以使用’=’(赋值运算符)将数据成员的值由P1复制到P2。

结构嵌套: C#允许将一个结构声明为另一种结构,此概念称为该结构的嵌套。

  • 例子:
    // C# program to illustrate Nesting of structures
    using System;
    namespace ConsoleApplication {
    // first structure defined 
    // with public modifier
    public struct Address
        // data member of Address structure
        public string City;
        public string State;
    // Another structure 
    struct Person
        // data member of Person structure
        public string Name;
        public int Age;
        // Nesting of Address structure
        // by creating A1 of type Address
        public Address A1;
    class Geeks {
        // Main method
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Declare p1 of type Person
            Person p1;
            // Assigning values to the variables
            p1.Name = "Raman";
            p1.Age = 12;
            // Assigning values to the nested
            // structure data members
            p1.A1.City = "ABC_City";
            p1.A1.State = "XYZ_State";
            Console.WriteLine("Values Stored in p1");
            Console.WriteLine("Name: " +p1.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("Age: " +p1.Age);
            Console.WriteLine("City: " +p1.A1.City);
            Console.WriteLine("State: " +p1.A1.State);
    Values Stored in p1
    Name: Raman
    Age: 12
    City: ABC_City
    State: XYZ_State


  • 一旦结构超出范围,它将自动释放。
  • 比堆类型更容易,更快速地创建。
  • 使用结构,将变量的值复制到堆栈变得很容易。
  • struct是值类型,而class是引用类型。


Category Structure Class
Data Type Value Type Reference type
Assignment Operation Copies the value Copies the reference
Parameterless Constructors Not Allowed Allowed
Inheritance Not supported Always supported