unordered_multimap :: key_eq()是C++ STL中的内置函数,根据比较结果返回布尔值。它取决于unordered_multimap容器使用的键等效项比较谓词。密钥等效项比较是一个谓词,该谓词接受两个参数并返回一个布尔值,该布尔值指示它们是否被视为等效。如果它们相等则返回true,否则返回false。它在构造时由容器采用,类似于比较中使用的(==)运算符。
unordered_multimap_name.key_eq()(args1, args2)
参数:该函数接受两个强制性参数args1和args2 ,在这两个参数之间进行比较。 data_type与unordered_multimap的相同。
下面的程序说明了unordered_multimap :: key_eq()函数:
程序1 :
// CPP program to illustrate the
// unordered_multimap::key_eq() function
using namespace std;
int main()
unordered_multimap sample;
bool answer = sample.key_eq()("GEEKS", "geeks");
// checks if both are same
if (answer)
cout << "GEEKS and geeks are treated" <<
" similarly in the container\n";
cout << "GEEKS and geeks are treated"
<< " dissimilarly in the container\n";
return 0;
GEEKS and geeks are treated dissimilarly in the container
程序2 :
// CPP program to illustrate the
// unordered_multimap::key_eq() function
using namespace std;
int main()
unordered_multimap sample;
bool answer = sample.key_eq()(100, 200);
// check
if (answer)
cout << "100 and 200 are treated "
<< "similarly in the container\n";
cout << "100 and 200 are treated"
<< " dissimilarly in the container\n";
answer = sample.key_eq()(100, 100);
if (answer)
cout << "100 and 100 are treated "
<< "similarly in the container\n";
cout << "100 and 100 are treated "
<< "dissimilarly in the container\n";
return 0;
100 and 200 are treated dissimilarly in the container
100 and 100 are treated similarly in the container
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