假设有两个对象P和Q以其各自的速度v p和v q移动,现在根据它们的位置,它们的相对速度将有所不同。假设当它们沿相同方向移动时,它们在时间t中的初始位移为X 01和X 02 ,最终位移为X 1和X 2,
然后,X 1 = X 01 + v p t⇢(1)
X 2 = X 02 + v q t⇢(2)
X 2 – X 1 = X 01 – X 02 +(v q t- v p t)
X 2 – X 1 =(X 02 – X 01 )+(v q – v p )t
最终的相对位移为:X = X 2 – X 1 (物体的位移Q wrt P)
初始相对位移为:X 0 = X 02 – X 01 (物体的位移Q wrt P)
相对速度为:v = v q – v p (物体Q的速度,物体P的速度)
相对速度可能会有所不同,并且可能会根据对象的绝对值而变为正,负或什至为零。如果两个速度v 1和v 2方向相同,则对象2 wrt 1的相对速度为(v 2 – v 1 ) 。当这些物体沿相反方向移动时,相对速度变为(v 2 + v 1 ) 。
当对象沿相同方向移动时,让我们根据不同对象的速度值(v p和v q)查看不同的情况,
情况1:对象具有相同的速度(v p = v q )
当两个物体具有相同的速度并且沿相同的方向移动时,它们之间的距离将始终保持恒定(X 2 – X 1 = X)
情况2:第二个物体的速度大于第一个物体的速度(v q > v p )
情况3:当第一个物体(P)的速度大于第二个物体(v p > v q )的速度时
- When the objects are moving in the same direction, the magnitude of the relative velocity between them is the sum of the velocities of the objects.
- When the objects are moving in the opposite direction, the magnitude of the relative velocity between them is equal to the difference between the magnitude of their velocities.
While travelling in trains, most the times it is seen that the trains coming in opposite direction seem to be travelling at a very fast speed than usual, it is because the speed we observe is the relative speed of first train w.r.t. to the train coming in opposite direction, hence, the overall speed is the sum of speeds of both the trains.
问题2:质点以vm / sec的恒定速度运动,如果质点运动的时间为t,并且覆盖的距离为x(t),则x(1)= -2,x(7 )=6。找到,
1.粒子所覆盖的位移从t = 1秒到7秒。
2.恒定速度的值(vm / sec)。
1. Distance at t = 1 second, x(1) = -2
Distance at t = 7 seconds, x(7) = 6
Total displacement = 6- (-2) = 6+2 = 8 units
2. Constant velocity = Displacement/ Time = 8/(7-1) = 8/6 = 4/3 m/sec.
问题3:Rahul以6m / sec的速度骑自行车,而Raman以2m / sec的速度向同一方向慢跑。证明拉曼wrt Rahul的相对速度将为负。
Raman’s speed w.r.t. Rahul = (Speed of Raman)- (Speed of Rahul)
= 2 m/sec – 6 m/sec
= -4 m/sec
Hence, The Relative speed of Raman w.r.t. Rahul is negative.
问题4:在上一个问题中,假设可以想象Rahul和Raman都在一个非常大的平台上,该平台以10,000m / sec的速度移动。如果绝对速度与以前相同,那么这个新增加的因素之间的相对速度是否会发生变化?
NO CHANGE. There will be No change in the relative speed between them because of the introduction of large platform moving with a speed of 10,000m/sec, since the platform is under both Rahul and Raman. In other sense, Earth too acts as a very big platform which constantly moves around the Sun but the formula for Relative velocity still remains the same.