📜  敏捷模型与迭代模型之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-08-27 17:07:17             🧑  作者: Mango



  • 它增强了团队之间的协作。
  • 它促进从客户那里获得快速反馈。


  • 它不适用于小型项目。
  • 它需要一个Scrum Master,这可能会增加开发成本。



  • 它使错误的调试变得容易。
  • 这是创建软件的一种更灵活的方法。


  • 它需要良好的计划来确定迭代。
  • 它需要定义明确的模块才能进行工作。



Agile Model

Iterative Model

1. The Agile Model of software development is a type of model in which specifications and solutions enhance through the continuous collaboration of functional teams. The Iterative Model of software development is a type of model in which implementation starts with small elements, and iteratively evolves to the final solution through a collaboration of functional teams.
2. The process of development in this model is called Sprint. The process of development in this model is called an Iteration.
3. With the completion of a sprint, a meeting is carried out. With the completion of an iteration, a meeting is carried out.
4. Collaborating teams can review products during a Sprint. Collaborating teams can review products on the baseline of iteration.
5. There are two main roles in this model Scrum Master and Team member. There are two roles in this model Project Manager and Team Member.
6. Scrum Master is responsible for facility and team members do the estimation. The Project Manager is responsible for the estimation and completion of each iteration.
7. Test cases are prepared, identified, and executed by team members. Test cases are prepared, identified, and executed by Testers.
8. Deploying and Demonstration of software is done at end of each sprint. Deploying and Demonstration of software is done at end of an iteration.