电表桥 - 解释、构造、工作、示例问题
在半导体中,它们可以是电子或开口。在电解质中,电荷传输剂是粒子,而在电离气体等离子中,它们是粒子和电子。电流的国际单位制单位是安培或安培,它是电荷以每秒一库仑的速度在表面上的进展。这 安培是 SI 基本单位 电流是使用称为电流表的小工具估算的。
Electric flows make attractive fields, which are utilized in engines, generators, inductors, and transformers. In normal conductors, they cause Joule warming, which makes light in radiant lights. Time-shifting flows emanate electromagnetic waves, which are utilized in media communications to communicate data.
The rule of working of a meter connect is equivalent to the rule of a Wheatstone connect. A Wheatstone connect depends on the rule of invalid avoidance, for example at the point when the proportion of protections in the two arms is equivalent, no current will move through the centre arm of the circuit.
想想下面显示的惠斯通连接的轮廓。它由四个障碍物 P、Q、R 和 S 以及一组电动势 E 组成。
在合理条件下,没有电流流过检流计和端子,B 和 D 处于相似电位。
P/Q = R/S
- 一个仪表连接有一根 1m 长的均匀交叉段区域的导线,它被拉紧。
- 在正确扭绞的两条金属条之间,这根电线被精心扣住,
- 在金属条之间的孔内,有相关的保护。在主孔 R 中,一个障碍物限制和随后的孔中,与小电阻丝 S 相关联。
- 线被剪断的端点与通过单元格的键相关联。
- 检流计直接与两个孔中心的金属相关联。
- 骑手与检流计的另一端相关联(这里,骑手是一根金属棒,一侧有刀片状边缘,在电位计导线上滑动以形成电气关联)。骑手滑过仪表连接线,直到电流计显示零分流。
- 在任何情况下,将骑手移动到导线的端点,即 A 和 C。检流计的转向应该在两个终点上是相反的。
- 从 A 侧开始,将骑手逐渐滑过电线,并小心地查看电流计的重定向在哪里出现为零。
- 如果没有获得这样的点,请通过更改可变对立的对立来刺穿扩展中的不同障碍物。
- 将骑手滑过电线并小心注意电线上检流计重定向为零的点。这是图中“B”点所解决的无效点。
- 利用沿导线附加的米刻度获取无效点的长度。这是所连接仪表的“调整长度”。
- 只留下焦点 A n和 B 之间的距离 'l 1 '。
- 只留下焦点 B 和 C 之间的距离 'l 2 ',其中 l 2 =100–l 1 。
- 在检流计显示无效分流时,仪表连接的作用类似于惠斯通连接,可寻址为:
Calculation of an Unknown Resistance Using Meter Bridge:
In case S is the obscure opposition in the above circuit, we can ascertain it’s worth utilizing the meter connect. In reasonable condition,
R / Resistance across length AB = S / Resistance across length BC
We realize that the obstruction r of a wire of length l, space of cross-area An and resistivity ρ is given as,
r= ρl / A
Utilizing this connection, in case of ρ be the resistivity and A be the space of cross-part of the given meter connect wire, then, at that point the obstruction across the length,
AB=ρl1 / A
The resistance across the length,
BC=ρl2 / A
Subbing these qualities in the above connection, we get:
R / ρl1 / A = S / ρl2 / A
R / l1 = S / l2
R / l1 = S / 100-l1
Thus, the unknown resistance,
S= (100–l1) R / l1
We can ascertain the particular resistivity of the obscure obstruction by utilizing the equation,
ρ = πd2S / 4L
where d is the width of the wire, S is the obscure opposition (of the wire), and L is the length of the wire.
问题 1:仪表连接中的最终错误是什么?
End mistake happens when the no sizes of the meter scale don’t agree with the beginning of the wire. It is caused because of the moving of zero scale or the wanderer obstruction in the wire.
A meter bridge is an electrical apparatus that is used to measuring the unknown resistance of a conductor. It consists of a wire of length one meter. Hence it is called a meter bridge.
The null deflection in the galvanometer is obtained at 20cm from one end.
Let, L1=20cm
So, L2=100–20=80cm
Thus, the ratio of unknown resistance will be: R / L1=S / L2
Thus, R / S=1 / 4
问题4:左侧间隙接20Ω电阻,表桥右侧间隙接未知电阻。此外,当电阻器互换时,零偏转点会偏移 40cm。找到未知电阻的值?
In the first case, let the deflection point is taken as L. Let the balance point gets shifted to l by 40cm when the resistors are interchanged.
Thus, L– l=40cm
Also, L+ l=100cm
Solving the above equations, we get:
Let R=20Ω
And unknown resistance be S, thus,
R / S=L / l
R / S=70 / 30
20 / S=7 / 3
问题 5:我们在电表连接中使用康铜或锰铜线的原因是什么?
Constantan, manganin or nichrome wires give a low-temperature coefficient of obstruction, so they are utilized in a meter bridge.
问题 6:给出计算仪表连接的模糊障碍物的方程式
The unknown resistance, S=(100–l1) R / l1, where R is known resistance and l1 is the balancing length of the wire.
Q=15 Ω , l1:l2 = 3:2
l1/l2 = 3/2
P/Q = l1/l2
P = Q x l1/l2
P= 22.5 Ω
问题8:在电表桥中,电阻箱内的电阻值为10Ω。平衡长度为 l1 = 55 cm。找出未知电阻的值。
Q= 10 Ω
P/Q =l1/100-l1
P=Q x l1/100-l1
P= 10×55/100-55
P=12.2 Ω