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📜  在对数组执行给定操作后,位于 [L, R] 范围内的 S 模 M 值的最大计数

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-03 03:50:53             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个由N 个整数和整数M, L, R 组成的数组 arr[] 。考虑一个变量S (最初为0 )。任务是在对给定数组中的每个元素执行以下操作后,找到位于[L, R]范围内的 S % M值的最大计数:

  • arr[i]arr[i] – 1 添加S
  • 将 S 更改为 S % M


朴素的方法:最简单的方法是遍历给定的数组arr[]并将arr[i]arr[i – 1] 添加到给定的S并检查S%M是否在 [L, R]范围内。由于有两种可能性可以选择给定的数字。因此,使用递归递归获取S%M值的最大计数位于 [L, R]范围内。

时间复杂度: O(2 N )
辅助空间: O(N)

有效的方法:优化上述方法的想法是使用动态规划来存储重叠的子问题,然后找到 S%M 的最大计数位于[L, R]范围内。请按照以下步骤解决问题:

  1. 初始化 unordered_map dp以存储具有重叠子问题的状态值。
  2. 将总和初始化为0 ,然后递归地将arr[i] 或 arr[i] – 1值添加到总和S
  3. 在每一步,检查S%M是否在 [L, R]范围内。如果它在范围内,则计算该值并将上述地图dp中的当前状态更新为 1。否则更新为0
  4. 找出所有可能的组合后,返回S%M位于 [L, R]范围内的值的计数。


// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
// Lookup table
map, int> dp;
// Function to count the value of S
// after adding arr[i] or arr[i - 1]
// to the sum S at each time
int countMagicNumbers(int idx, int sum,
                      int a[], int n,
                      int m, int l, int r)
    // Base Case
    if (idx == n) {
        // Store the mod value
        int temp = sum % m;
        // If the mod value lies in
        // the range then return 1
        if (temp == l || temp == r
            || (temp > l && temp < r))
            return dp[{ idx, sum }] = 1;
        // Else return 0
            return dp[{ idx, sum }] = 0;
    // Store the current state
    pair curr
        = make_pair(idx, sum);
    // If already computed, return the
    // computed value
    if (dp.find(curr) != dp.end())
        return dp[curr];
    // Recursively adding the elements
    // to the sum adding ai value
    int ls = countMagicNumbers(idx + 1,
                               sum + a[idx],
                               a, n,
                               m, l, r);
    // Adding arr[i] - 1 value
    int rs = countMagicNumbers(idx + 1,
                               sum + (a[idx] - 1),
                               a, n, m, l, r);
    // Return the maximum count to
    // check for root value as well
    int temp1 = max(ls, rs);
    int temp = sum % m;
    // Avoid counting idx = 0 as possible
    // solution we are using idx != 0
    if ((temp == l || temp == r
         || (temp > l && temp < r))
        && idx != 0) {
        temp1 += 1;
    // Return the value of current state
    return dp[{ idx, sum }] = temp1;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int N = 5, M = 22, L = 14, R = 16;
    int arr[] = { 17, 11, 10, 8, 15 };
    cout << countMagicNumbers(0, 0, arr,
                              N, M, L, R);
    return 0;

# Python3 program for the above approach
# Lookup table
dp = {}
# Function to count the value of S
# after adding arr[i] or arr[i - 1]
# to the sum S at each time
def countMagicNumbers(idx, sum, a, n, m, l, r):
    # Base Case
    if (idx == n):
        # Store the mod value
        temp = sum % m
        # If the mod value lies in
        # the range then return 1
        if (temp == l or temp == r or 
           (temp > l and temp < r)):
            dp[(idx, sum)] = 1
            return dp[(idx, sum)]
        # Else return 0
            dp[(idx, sum)] = 0
            return dp[(idx, sum)]
    # Store the current state
    curr = (idx, sum)
    # If already computed, return the
    # computed value
    if (curr in dp):
        return dp[curr]
    # Recursively adding the elements
    # to the sum adding ai value
    ls = countMagicNumbers(idx + 1,
                           sum + a[idx],
                           a, n, m, l, r)
    # Adding arr[i] - 1 value
    rs = countMagicNumbers(idx + 1,
                           sum + (a[idx] - 1),
                           a, n, m, l, r)
    # Return the maximum count to
    # check for root value as well
    temp1 = max(ls, rs)
    temp = sum % m
    # Avoid counting idx = 0 as possible
    # solution we are using idx != 0
    if ((temp == l or temp == r or
        (temp > l and temp < r)) and 
         idx != 0):
        temp1 += 1
    # Return the value of current state
    dp[(idx, sum)] = temp1
    return dp[(idx, sum)]
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    N = 5
    M = 22
    L = 14
    R = 16
    arr = [ 17, 11, 10, 8, 15 ]
    print(countMagicNumbers(0, 0, arr, N, M, L, R))
# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29


时间复杂度: O(S*N),其中 N 是给定数组的大小S 是所有数组元素的总和。
空间复杂度: O(S*N)

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