📜  使用哈希实现电话目录

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-06 06:33:40             🧑  作者: Mango

散列是一种使用较少的键比较并在最坏情况下以 O(n) 时间和平均情况下 O(1) 时间搜索元素的技术。

  1. 创建记录
  2. 显示记录
  3. 删除记录
  4. 搜索记录
  5. 更新记录


ID, Name, Telephone number

我们正在创建一个哈希表,并插入记录。对于删除、搜索或更新实体,会询问客户端 ID,并根据相等运算符显示或处理详细信息。如果未找到该记录,则会显示相应的消息。


1 .如果位置为空,则直接插入实体。
2 .如果映射的位置被占用,则继续探测直到找到一个空槽。找到空槽后,插入实体。

  1. 创建记录:此方法从用户那里获取详细信息,如 ID、姓名和电话号码,并在哈希表中创建新记录。
  2. 显示记录:创建此函数是为了显示日记的所有记录。
  3. 删除记录:此方法获取要删除的记录的键。然后,它在哈希表中搜索记录 id 是否与键匹配。然后,该记录被删除。
  4. 搜索记录:该方法获取要搜索的记录的关键字。然后,它遍历哈希表,如果记录 id 与键匹配,则显示记录详细信息。
  5. 更新记录:此方法获取要搜索的记录的键。然后,它遍历哈希表,如果记录 id 与键匹配,则显示记录详细信息。


using namespace std;
// Class to store contact
// details
class node {
    string name;
    long int tel;
    int id;
        tel = 0;
        id = 0;
    friend class hashing;
class hashing {
    // Maximum size of
    // directory is 100
    node data[100];
    string n;
    long int t;
    int i, index;
        i = 0;
        t = 0;
    // This method takes details
    // from the user like ID,
    // Name and Telephone number
    // and create new record in
    // the hashtable.
    void create_record(int size)
        // Enter ID
        i = 4;
        // Enter Name
        n = "XYZ Gupta";
        // Enter telephone number
        t = 23451234;
        cout << "\nEnter id :";
        cout << " \t\t\t"
             << i;
        cout << "\nEnter name :";
        cout << " \t\t\t " << n;
            << "\nEnter telephone";
        cout << " number :\t"
             << t;
        index = i % size;
        // Inserting record using linear
        // probing in case of collision
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            if (data[index].id == 0) {
                data[index].id = i;
                data[index].name = n;
                data[index].tel = t;
                    = (index + 1) % size;
    // This method takes the key of
    // the record to be searched.
    // Then, it traverses the hash
    // table, if record id matches
    // with the key it displays the
    // record detail.
    void search_record(int size)
        int index1, key, flag = 0;
        key = 4;
        cout << "\nEnter record";
        cout << " id to search : "
             << key;
        index1 = key % size;
        // Traversing the directory
        // linearly inorder to search
        // record detail
        for (int a = 0; a < size; a++) {
            if (data[index1].id == key) {
                flag = 1;
                cout << "\nRecord found:";
                cout << "\n\tID ";
                cout << "\tNAME ";
                cout << "\t\tTELEPHONE ";
                cout << "\n\t"
                     << data[index1].id
                     << " \t"
                     << data[index1].name
                     << " \t"
                     << data[index1].tel;
                    = (index1 + 1) % size;
        if (flag == 0)
            cout << "\nRecord";
        cout << " not found";
    // This method takes the key
    // of the record to be deleted.
    // Then, it searches in hash
    // table if record id matches
    // with the key. Then, that
    // record is deleted.
    void delete_record(int size)
        int index1, key, flag = 0;
        key = 4;
        cout << "\nEnter record";
        cout << " id to delete : "
             << key << "\n ";
        index1 = key % size;
        // Traversing the directory
        // linearly inorder to delete
        // the record detail
        for (int a = 0; a < size; a++) {
            if (data[index1].id
                == key) {
                flag = 1;
                data[index1].id = 0;
                data[index1].name = " ";
                data[index1].tel = 0;
                cout << "\nRecord";
                cout << " deleted";
                cout << " successfully";
                    = (index1 + 1) % size;
        if (flag == 0)
            cout << "\nRecord";
        cout << " not found";
    // This method takes the key
    // of the record to be searched.
    // Then, it traverses the hash table,
    // if record id matches with the
    // key then it displays the record
    // detail.
    void update_record(int size)
        int index1, key, flag = 0;
        key = 4;
        cout << "\nEnter record";
        cout << " id to update : "
             << key;
        index1 = key % size;
        // Traversing the directory
        // linearly inorder to search
        // record detail
        for (int a = 0; a < size; a++) {
            if (data[index1].id
                == key) {
                flag = 1;
                    = (index1 + 1) % size;
        // If the record is found
        // the details are updated
        if (flag == 1) {
            n = "XYZ Agarwal";
            t = 23413421;
            data[index1].name = n;
            data[index1].tel = t;
            cout << "\nEnter";
            cout << " name: \t\t\t"
                 << n;
            cout << "\nEnter";
            cout << " telephone number: \t"
                 << t;
            cout << "\nDetails updated: ";
            cout << "\n\tID \tNAME";
            cout << " \t\tTELEPHONE ";
            cout << "\n\t"
                 << data[index1].id
                 << " \t"
                 << data[index1].name
                 << " \t"
                 << data[index1].tel;
    // This function is created to
    // display all the record of
    // the diary.
    void display_record(int size)
        cout << "\n\tID \tNAME";
        cout << " \t\tTELEPHONE ";
        // Displaying the details of
        // all records of the directory.
        for (int a = 0; a < size; a++) {
            if (data[a].id != 0) {
                cout << "\n\t"
                     << data[a].id
                     << " \t"
                     << data[a].name
                     << " \t"
                     << data[a].tel;
// Driver code
int main()
    // size of directory
    int size;
    // creating object of hashing
    // class
    hashing s;
    size = 20;
    // Creating a record in
    // directory
    cout << "\n1.CREATE record ";
    // Display available
    // record details
    cout << "\n\n\n\n2.DISPLAY";
    cout << " record ";
    // Searching a record detail
    // in the directory
    cout << "\n\n\n\n3.SEARCH";
    cout << " record";
    // Updating the existing
    // details of a record
    cout << "\n\n\n\n4.UPDATE";
    cout << " record ";
    // Removing specified
    // existing record
    // from dictionary
    cout << "\n\n\n\n5.DELETE";
    cout << " record ";
    return 0;


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