黎曼和允许我们计算任意函数的曲线下面积。这些公式帮助我们定义定积分。这些和背后的基本思想是将要计算的区域划分为小矩形并计算它们的面积之和。这些区域并不准确,但它们有助于了解实际区域。矩形的数量越多,我们就越接近实际区域。让我们看一下带有 sigma 符号的黎曼和。
该区域可以通过将曲线下的区域划分为 n 个大小相等的矩形来近似。因此,区间 [a, b] 被划分为由点定义的 n 个子区间。
a = x 0 < x 1 < x 2 < ...。 x n-2 < x n-1 < x n = b
[x 0 , x 1 ], [x 1 , x 2 ], ...。 [x n-1 , x n ]
因此,对于第 i个矩形,宽度将为 [x i-1 , x i ]。
第 i个矩形 A i = f( )(x i - x i-1 )
假设目标是计算函数f(x) = x 2的图形下的面积,则面积将在 x = 0.5 到 x = 4.5 的范围内计算。
将区间分成四等份,区间为 [0.5, 1.5]、[1.5, 2.5]、[2.5, 3.5] 和 [3.5, 4.5]。
A(1) + A(2) + A(3) + A(4) =
设区间的高度为矩形末端的函数值。这称为右和黎曼和。令 x i表示第 i个矩形的右端点。
因此,x i = 0.5 + i 的公式。现在,函数在这些点的值变为,
f(x i ) = (0.5 + i) 2
= (0.5 + i) 2
A(1) + A(2) + A(3) + A(4) =
⇒ A(1) + A(2) + A(3) + A(4) =
因此,通过这种方式,几乎所有的黎曼和都可以用 sigma 表示法表示。
Step 1: Find out the width of each interval. Let’s denote the width of interval with
Step 2: Let xi denote the right-endpoint of the rectangle xi = a + x.i
Step 3: Define the area of each rectangle.
Step 4: Sum the areas
问题1:考虑一个函数f(x),它的面积是从x = 4到x = 10的黎曼和计算的,整个面积被分成5个矩形。求区间宽度。
The whole length is divided into 5 equal parts,
xi = 4 and xl = 10,
Width of an interval is given by =
Where xi – initial point, and xl – last point and n= number of parts
n = 5
问题2:考虑一个函数f(x) = x,它的面积是从x = 0到x = 5的黎曼和计算的,整个面积被分成5个矩形。用 sigma 符号求黎曼和
Step (i): Calculate the width
The whole length is divided into 5 equal parts,
xi = 0 and xl = 5,
Width of an interval is given by =
Where xi = initial point, and xl – last point and n= number of parts
n = 5
a = 0,
xi = 0 +
⇒ xi = i
Step (iii)
Ai = Height x Width
= f(xi)
= (i)
Total Area = A(1) + A(2) + A(3) + A(4) + A(5)
问题 3:考虑一个函数f(x) = 5 – x,它的面积是由 x = 0 到 x = 5 的黎曼和计算的,整个面积被分成 5 个矩形。用 sigma 符号求黎曼和
Step (i): Calculate the width
The whole length is divided into 5 equal parts,
xi = 0 and xl = 5,
Width of an interval is given by =
Where xi = initial point, and xl – last point and n= number of parts
n = 5
a = 0,
xi = 0 +
⇒ xi = i
Step (iii)
Ai = Height x Width
= f(xi)
= (5 – i)(1)
= 5 – i
Total Area = A(1) + A(2) + A(3) + A(4) + A(5)
问题 4:考虑一个函数f(x) = √x,它的面积是由 x = 0 到 x = 4 的黎曼和计算的,整个面积被分成 4 个矩形。用 sigma 符号求黎曼和
Step (i): Calculate the width
The whole length is divided into 4 equal parts,
xi = 0 and xl = 4,
Width of an interval is given by =
Where xi = initial point, and xl – last point and n= number of parts
n = 4
a = 0,
xi = 0 +
⇒ xi = i
Step (iii)
Ai = Height × Width
= f(xi)
= (√i)(1)
= √i
Total Area = A(1) + A(2) + A(3) + A(4)
问题5:考虑一个函数f(x) = e x + 1,它的面积是从x = 0到x = 4的黎曼和计算的,整个面积被分成4个矩形。用 sigma 符号求黎曼和
Step (i): Calculate the width
The whole length is divided into 4 equal parts,
xi = 0 and xl = 4,
Width of an interval is given by =
Where xi = initial point, and xl – last point and n= number of parts
n = 4
a = 0,
xi = 0 +
⇒ xi = i
Step (iii)
Ai = Height x Width
= f(xi)
= (ei + 1)(1)
= ei + 1
Total Area = A(1) + A(2) + A(3) + A(4)
问题6:考虑一个函数f(x) = x 2 + x,它的面积是从x = 0到x = 6的黎曼和计算的,整个面积被分成3个矩形。用 sigma 符号求黎曼和
Step (i): Calculate the width
The whole length is divided into 4 equal parts,
xi = 0 and xl = 6,
Width of an interval is given by =
Where xi = initial point, and xl – last point and n= number of parts
n = 3
a = 0,
xi = 0 +
⇒ xi = 2i
Step (iii)
Ai = Height x Width
= f(xi)
= (i2 + i)(2)
Total Area = A(1) + A(2) + A(3) + A(4) + A(5) + A(6)