精益是一种有效的方法论,它相信通过持续改进和为客户创造价值,价值流向客户。它优化了可用资源,以创建以客户需求为中心的稳定工作流程。精益是亨利福特在 1450 年代的威尼斯发现的。它通常是指专门称为精益制造的知识集。这侧重于基于需求而不是供应的生产。它包含5个原则。
- 提高产品质量
- 提供更多的员工满意度
- 提高对利益相关者的可见性
- 客户价值的可预测交付
- 更高效的业务流程
敏捷是一种众所周知的开发方法,也是许多开发团队的最佳方法,尤其是那些希望创建持续交付环境的团队。它侧重于迭代开发、短周期、获取反馈和适应新需求。解决方案是通过自组织跨职能团队之间的互动开发的。敏捷是 2001 年发布的敏捷宣言中的一种心态,其中包含 17 位软件开发人员编写的 12 条原则和 4 条价值观。
- 更好的客户满意度
- 快速开发和交付
- 更加重视终端用户
- 业务与开发团队紧密合作
- 允许延迟和进一步更改
S.NO. |
01. | Agile is more focused on continuous delivery through the self organizing cross-functional teams. | Lean is focused on flow of value to the customer. |
02. | Agile is always adaptive to change. | Lean is about stable workflow and meeting the customer’s demands. |
03. | Agile is designed using different frameworks like scrum, Kanban etc. | Lean is designed using transitions from manufacturing processes. |
04. | Agile came out in 2001 and was designed by 17 software developers. | Lean was found in 1450s Venice by Henry Ford. |
05. | Agile consists of 12 principles and 4 values. | Lean consists of 7 principles. |
06. | Agile delivers products in a dynamic manner in small parts rather than whole products at once. | Lean is used to develop both the quality of the product and the delivery speed as well. |
07. | Agile can not be used to cut costs. | Lean can be used to cut costs. |
08. | Agile is easier to use for dynamic requirement changes. | Lean is not flexible when the requirements are changed. |
09. | Agile believes in end results through responses and feedbacks. | Lean follows a systematic plan for development by eliminating unnecessary things like meetings, documentation etc. |
10. | It is a collective collaboration between teams and end users. | It gives emphasis on maximizing customer value and increasing efficiency.. |