📜  OTT和IPTV的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-13 02:27:09             🧑  作者: Mango

1. 过顶(OTT):
Over the Top (OTT) 通过可公开访问的 Internet 连接进行视频流传输。这就是为什么它也被称为 Over the Top。在 OTT 中,内容是通过开放的互联网、非托管网络交付的。所以它遵循一个开放的生态系统。在这种情况下,内容通过互联网而不是卫星或电缆传输。一般来说,它的内容类型不是主要的溢价。它可以在任何设备数据或 Wi-Fi 上查看,而且它不需要基于专用宽带的连接来使用该服务。


  • 低成本
  • 多样化编程
  • 最少安装


  • 流媒体取决于互联网质量
  • 无法使用电缆仅显示

2. 互联网协议电视(IPTV):
Internet 协议电视 (IPTV) 将视频和音频内容传送到连接到基于 Internet 协议 (IP) 网络的计算机。在 IPTV 中,内容是通过专用的托管网络传送的。所以它遵循一个围墙花园生态系统。在这个 IPTV 中,内容通过互联网传输到专用机顶盒。它需要将设备连接到基于专用宽带的连接才能使用该服务并被视为主要要求。


  • 中断更少的高质量视频
  • 不需要特殊安装,只需要机顶盒
  • 按需查看并获取节目发布日期


  • 作为基于订阅的软件包出售
  • 互联网速度会影响流媒体的质量


01. OTT (Over the Top) does the video streaming over publicly accessible Internet connection. That’s why it is also called as Over the Top. IPTV (Internet Protocol TV) delivers video and audio content to the computers attached to the network based on the Internet protocol (IP).
02. In OTT content is delivered through open internet, unmanaged network. So it follows a open ecosystem. In IPTV content is delivered through dedicated, managed network. So it follows a walled garden ecosystem.
03. In OTT the content transmits over the internet instead of satellite or cable. While in IPTV the content transmits over the internet to a dedicated set-up-box.
04. It does not allow for playing the content whenever required such as live-streaming sports. It plays like regular TV only streamed over the internet rather than traditional satellite or cable.
05. Its content type is not primarily premium. Its content type is primarily premium.
06. It can be viewed on any device data or Wi-Fi and also it does not require a dedicated broadband based connectivity for availing the service. While it requires a device to be connected to a dedicated broadband based connection to avail the service and considered as a primary requirement.
07. The major platform players are Online Video Platforms like Kaltura and Brightcove, CDN Players like L3 and Limelight and specific cloud service providers like Amazon. The major platform players are Telecom Service Providers and special IPTV platform vendors like Microsoft Mediaroom ( now Ericsson), Cisco, ALU.
08. It uses Unicast (HTTP), Simulated Multicast (UDP/TCP) routing topology. It uses Multicast. But Initial unicast burst and during channel change leading to Multicast join.
09. Popular Video on Demand services like YouTube, Netflix, Sky Go, BBC iPlayer etc. IPTV services like U-Verse (AT&T), Prism TV (CenturyLink) etc.
10. Its service reach or scope is global. Its service reach or scope is local.