📜  进程同步中的 Dekker 算法

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-27 15:33:56             🧑  作者: Mango

为了获得这样的互斥、有界等待和进度,已经实现了几种算法,其中之一是 Dekker 算法。要理解算法,让我们先了解临界区问题的解决方案。

do {
    //entry section
        critical section
    //exit section
        remainder section
} while (TRUE);


  1. 互斥
  2. 进步
  3. 有界等待

另一个是Dekker 的解决方案。 Dekker 的算法是临界区问题的第一个可证明正确的解决方案。它允许两个线程在没有冲突的情况下共享一次性资源,仅使用共享内存进行通信。它避免了天真的轮换算法的严格交替,并且是最早发明的互斥算法之一。
尽管 Dekker 的解决方案有很多版本,但最终版本或第 5 版本是满足上述所有条件且效率最高的版本。
注 –此处提到的 Dekker 解决方案仅确保两个进程之间的互斥,通过正确使用数组和变量,它可以扩展到两个以上的进程。

var flag: array [0..1] of boolean;
turn: 0..1;

        flag[i] := true;
        while flag[j] do
                if turn = j then
                        flag[i] := false;
                        while turn = j do no-op;
                        flag[i] := true;

                critical section

        turn := j;
        flag[i] := false;

                remainder section

until false;

Dekker 解决方案的第一个版本——这个想法是在进程之间使用公共或共享线程号,如果共享线程表明前一个进程已经在运行,则阻止另一个进程进入其临界区。

    int thread_number = 1;
    do {
        // entry section
        // wait until threadnumber is 1
        while (threadnumber == 2)
        // critical section
        // exit section
        // give access to the other thread
        threadnumber = 2;
        // remainder section
    } while (completed == false)
    do {
        // entry section
        // wait until threadnumber is 2
        while (threadnumber == 1)
        // critical section
        // exit section
        // give access to the other thread
        threadnumber = 1;
        // remainder section
    } while (completed == false)

    // flags to indicate if each thread is in
    // its critical section or not.
    boolean thread1 = false;
    boolean thread2 = false;
    do {
        // entry section
        // wait until thread2 is in its critical section
        while (thread2 == true)
        // indicate thread1 entering its critical section
        thread1 = true;
        // critical section
        // exit section
        // indicate thread1 exiting its critical section
        thread1 = false;
        // remainder section
    } while (completed == false)
    do {
        // entry section
        // wait until thread1 is in its critical section
        while (thread1 == true)
        // indicate thread2 entering its critical section
        thread2 = true;
        // critical section
        // exit section
        // indicate thread2 exiting its critical section
        thread2 = false;
        // remainder section
    } while (completed == false)

    // flags to indicate if each thread is in
    // queue to enter its critical section
    boolean thread1wantstoenter = false;
    boolean thread2wantstoenter = false;
    do {
        thread1wantstoenter = true;
        // entry section
        // wait until thread2 wants to enter
        // its critical section
        while (thread2wantstoenter == true)
        // critical section
        // exit section
        // indicate thread1 has completed
        // its critical section
        thread1wantstoenter = false;
        // remainder section
    } while (completed == false)
    do {
        thread2wantstoenter = true;
        // entry section
        // wait until thread1 wants to enter
        // its critical section
        while (thread1wantstoenter == true)
        // critical section
        // exit section
        // indicate thread2 has completed
        // its critical section
        thread2wantstoenter = false;
        // remainder section
    } while (completed == false)

    // flags to indicate if each thread is in
    // queue to enter its critical section
    boolean thread1wantstoenter = false;
    boolean thread2wantstoenter = false;
    do {
        thread1wantstoenter = true;
        while (thread2wantstoenter == true) {
            // gives access to other thread
            // wait for random amount of time
            thread1wantstoenter = false;
            thread1wantstoenter = true;
        // entry section
        // wait until thread2 wants to enter
        // its critical section
        // critical section
        // exit section
        // indicate thread1 has completed
        // its critical section
        thread1wantstoenter = false;
        // remainder section
    } while (completed == false)
    do {
        thread2wantstoenter = true;
        while (thread1wantstoenter == true) {
            // gives access to other thread
            // wait for random amount of time
            thread2wantstoenter = false;
            thread2wantstoenter = true;
        // entry section
        // wait until thread1 wants to enter
        // its critical section
        // critical section
        // exit section
        // indicate thread2 has completed
        // its critical section
        thread2wantstoenter = false;
        // remainder section
    } while (completed == false)

    // to denote which thread will enter next
    int favouredthread = 1;
    // flags to indicate if each thread is in
    // queue to enter its critical section
    boolean thread1wantstoenter = false;
    boolean thread2wantstoenter = false;
    do {
        thread1wantstoenter = true;
        // entry section
        // wait until thread2 wants to enter
        // its critical section
        while (thread2wantstoenter == true) {
            // if 2nd thread is more favored
            if (favaouredthread == 2) {
                // gives access to other thread
                thread1wantstoenter = false;
                // wait until this thread is favored
                while (favouredthread == 2)
                thread1wantstoenter = true;
        // critical section
        // favor the 2nd thread
        favouredthread = 2;
        // exit section
        // indicate thread1 has completed
        // its critical section
        thread1wantstoenter = false;
        // remainder section
    } while (completed == false)
    do {
        thread2wantstoenter = true;
        // entry section
        // wait until thread1 wants to enter
        // its critical section
        while (thread1wantstoenter == true) {
            // if 1st thread is more favored
            if (favaouredthread == 1) {
                // gives access to other thread
                thread2wantstoenter = false;
                // wait until this thread is favored
                while (favouredthread == 1)
                thread2wantstoenter = true;
        // critical section
        // favour the 1st thread
        favouredthread = 1;
        // exit section
        // indicate thread2 has completed
        // its critical section
        thread2wantstoenter = false;
        // remainder section
    } while (completed == false)

Dekker 解决方案的第二个版本——为了移除锁步同步,它使用两个标志来指示其当前状态,并在进入和退出部分相应地更新它们。


    // flags to indicate if each thread is in
    // its critical section or not.
    boolean thread1 = false;
    boolean thread2 = false;
    do {
        // entry section
        // wait until thread2 is in its critical section
        while (thread2 == true)
        // indicate thread1 entering its critical section
        thread1 = true;
        // critical section
        // exit section
        // indicate thread1 exiting its critical section
        thread1 = false;
        // remainder section
    } while (completed == false)
    do {
        // entry section
        // wait until thread1 is in its critical section
        while (thread1 == true)
        // indicate thread2 entering its critical section
        thread2 = true;
        // critical section
        // exit section
        // indicate thread2 exiting its critical section
        thread2 = false;
        // remainder section
    } while (completed == false)

上述版本出现的问题是互斥本身。如果在标志更新期间(即在 current_thread = true 期间)线程被抢占(停止),那么一旦被抢占的线程重新启动,两个线程都会进入它们的临界区,同样可以在开始时观察到,当两个标志都为假时.
Dekker 解决方案的第三个版本——为了重新确保互斥,它在入口部分本身之前设置标志。


    // flags to indicate if each thread is in
    // queue to enter its critical section
    boolean thread1wantstoenter = false;
    boolean thread2wantstoenter = false;
    do {
        thread1wantstoenter = true;
        // entry section
        // wait until thread2 wants to enter
        // its critical section
        while (thread2wantstoenter == true)
        // critical section
        // exit section
        // indicate thread1 has completed
        // its critical section
        thread1wantstoenter = false;
        // remainder section
    } while (completed == false)
    do {
        thread2wantstoenter = true;
        // entry section
        // wait until thread1 wants to enter
        // its critical section
        while (thread1wantstoenter == true)
        // critical section
        // exit section
        // indicate thread2 has completed
        // its critical section
        thread2wantstoenter = false;
        // remainder section
    } while (completed == false)

Dekker 解决方案的第四个版本——使用小时间间隔重新检查条件,消除死锁并确保互斥。


    // flags to indicate if each thread is in
    // queue to enter its critical section
    boolean thread1wantstoenter = false;
    boolean thread2wantstoenter = false;
    do {
        thread1wantstoenter = true;
        while (thread2wantstoenter == true) {
            // gives access to other thread
            // wait for random amount of time
            thread1wantstoenter = false;
            thread1wantstoenter = true;
        // entry section
        // wait until thread2 wants to enter
        // its critical section
        // critical section
        // exit section
        // indicate thread1 has completed
        // its critical section
        thread1wantstoenter = false;
        // remainder section
    } while (completed == false)
    do {
        thread2wantstoenter = true;
        while (thread1wantstoenter == true) {
            // gives access to other thread
            // wait for random amount of time
            thread2wantstoenter = false;
            thread2wantstoenter = true;
        // entry section
        // wait until thread1 wants to enter
        // its critical section
        // critical section
        // exit section
        // indicate thread2 has completed
        // its critical section
        thread2wantstoenter = false;
        // remainder section
    } while (completed == false)

Dekker’s Algorithm : Final and completed 解决方案 –想法是使用偏好的线程概念来确定临界区的入口。优先线程在提供互斥和避免死锁、无限延迟或锁步同步的线程之间交替。


    // to denote which thread will enter next
    int favouredthread = 1;
    // flags to indicate if each thread is in
    // queue to enter its critical section
    boolean thread1wantstoenter = false;
    boolean thread2wantstoenter = false;
    do {
        thread1wantstoenter = true;
        // entry section
        // wait until thread2 wants to enter
        // its critical section
        while (thread2wantstoenter == true) {
            // if 2nd thread is more favored
            if (favaouredthread == 2) {
                // gives access to other thread
                thread1wantstoenter = false;
                // wait until this thread is favored
                while (favouredthread == 2)
                thread1wantstoenter = true;
        // critical section
        // favor the 2nd thread
        favouredthread = 2;
        // exit section
        // indicate thread1 has completed
        // its critical section
        thread1wantstoenter = false;
        // remainder section
    } while (completed == false)
    do {
        thread2wantstoenter = true;
        // entry section
        // wait until thread1 wants to enter
        // its critical section
        while (thread1wantstoenter == true) {
            // if 1st thread is more favored
            if (favaouredthread == 1) {
                // gives access to other thread
                thread2wantstoenter = false;
                // wait until this thread is favored
                while (favouredthread == 1)
                thread2wantstoenter = true;
        // critical section
        // favour the 1st thread
        favouredthread = 1;
        // exit section
        // indicate thread2 has completed
        // its critical section
        thread2wantstoenter = false;
        // remainder section
    } while (completed == false)

参考 –
Dekker 算法 -csisdmz.ul.ie
Dekker 算法 – 维基百科