例子 –
public class date
private int day;
private string month;
private int year;
public void increment ()
return day;
例子 –
struct date
int day;
string month;
int year;
S. No. |
Abstract Data Types or structure (ADT) |
Concrete Data Types or structure (CDT) |
1 | Abstract Data Types or structures describe the data and the operations to manipulate and change it. | Concrete data types or structures provide how these operations are actually implemented. |
2 | Most of the program becomes independent of the abstract data types representation, so it can be improved without breaking the program. | Which is not possible in Concrete Data Types or structure (CDT) |
3 | It’s easier for each part of a program to use an implementation of its data types and that will be more efficient. | It is not so efficient compared to ADT. |
4 | Implementation of a high level concept | Implementation of a simple concept |
5 | It is usable beyond its original use. | It is rarely reusable beyond its original use. |
6 | It hides the internal details. | It doesn’t hide anything. |
7 | It uses class. | It uses structure. |
8 | Examples- lists, sets, stacks. | Examples-Arrays, linked lists, trees, graphs. |