1. 自主移动机器人(AMR):
AMR 代表自主移动机器人。它是一种使用车载传感器和处理器自主移动材料的车辆,无需任何物理指南或任何其他标记。 AMR 非常聪明,它们可以识别人、汽车等,同时可以对它们做出反应。他们安全地完成所有工作,不依赖于周围环境的繁忙程度。他们可以做一些不可预测的事情,比如跟随一个特定的人去任何他们需要去的地方,可以理解环境。
2. 自动导引车(AGV):
AGV 代表自动导引车。它是一种便携式机器人,可以跟随地板上的标记线或电线,使用无线电波、视觉相机、磁铁或激光进行导航。他们通常执行使用手动推车难以执行的典型任务。它们在工业中被广泛用于原材料的运输。他们需要仓库进行适当和有效的导航,以保持安全。
S.No. | AMR | AGV |
1. | AMR is an acronym of Autonomous Mobile Robot. | AGV is an acronym of Automated Guided Vehicle. |
2. | They don’t require any tracks for navigation. | They require wired or marked tracks for navigation. |
3. | They move freely around obstacles. | They get stopped when come in contact with obstacles. |
4. | They travels around people more and highly safe. | They travels only in dedicated areas due to safety measures. |
5. | Expansion of path is easily possible in AMRs. | Expansion of path is difficult in AGVs due to infrastructural changes. |
6. | AMR have no or little need of depots. | AGV are highly dependent on depots for movement. |
7. | They are highly flexible and agile. | They are less flexible and are not agile. |
8. | AMRs need simple software changes for their missions. | AGVs need complex changes in software and hardware too. |
9. | It is less expensive than AGVs. | It is comparatively more expensive than AMRs. |
10. | Example – Self-driving forklifts etc. | Example – Automated guided carts etc. |