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📜  最小化为使所有数组元素等于 1 而需要执行的给定操作的计数

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-26 06:57:27             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个由N 个正整数组成的数组arr[] ,任务是通过执行以下操作的最少次数使所有数组元素等于1

  • 将子数组的所有元素的值增加任何正整数。
  • 如果所有数组元素都是偶数,则将所有数组元素除以2




  • 找到数组的最大元素,比如Max
  • 如果所有数组元素都相等并且也是2的幂的形式,则打印log 2 (Max)
  • 否则,使所有数组元素等于大于或等于Max的最接近的2 次幂并打印log 2 (Max) + 1。


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to check if all array
// elements are equal or not
bool CheckAllEqual(int arr[], int N)
    // Traverse the array
    for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) {
        // If all array elements
        // are not equal
        if (arr[0] != arr[i]) {
            return false;
    return true;
// Function to find minimum count of operation
// to make all the array elements equal to 1
int minCntOperations(int arr[], int N)
    // Stores largest element of the array
    int Max = *max_element(arr, arr + N);
    // Check if a number is a power of 2 or not
    bool isPower2 = !(Max && (Max & (Max - 1)));
    // If Max is a power of 2 and all
    // array elements are equal
    if (isPower2 && CheckAllEqual(arr, N)) {
        return log2(Max);
    else {
        return ceil(log2(Max)) + 1;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int arr[] = { 2, 4 };
    int N = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    cout << minCntOperations(arr, N);

// Java program to implement
// the above approach
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class GFG
    // Function to check if all array
    // elements are equal or not
    static boolean CheckAllEqual(int arr[], int N)
        // Traverse the array
        for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
            // If all array elements
            // are not equal
            if (arr[0] != arr[i])
                return false;
        return true;
    // Function to find minimum count of operation
    // to make all the array elements equal to 1
    static int minCntOperations(int arr[], int N)
        // Stores largest element of the array
        int Max = Arrays.stream(arr).max().getAsInt();
        // Check if a number is a power of 2 or not
        boolean isPower2;
        if ((int)(Math.ceil((Math.log(N) / Math.log(N))))
            == (int)(Math.floor(((Math.log(N) / Math.log(2))))))
            isPower2 = true;
            isPower2 = false;
        // If Max is a power of 2 and all
        // array elements are equal
        if (isPower2 && CheckAllEqual(arr, N))
            return (int)(Math.log(Max) / Math.log(2));
            return (int)Math.ceil(Math.log(Max)
                                  / Math.log(2)) + 1;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int[] arr = new int[] { 2, 4 };
        int N = arr.length;
        System.out.println(minCntOperations(arr, N));
// This code is contributed by Dharanendra L V

# Python 3 program to implement
# the above approach
import math
# Function to check if all array
# elements are equal or not
def CheckAllEqual(arr, N):
    # Traverse the array
    for i in range(1, N):
        # If all array elements
        # are not equal
        if (arr[0] != arr[i]):
            return False
    return True
# Function to find minimum count of operation
# to make all the array elements equal to 1
def minCntOperations(arr, N):
    # Stores largest element of the array
    Max = max(arr)
    # Check if a number is a power of 2 or not
    isPower2 = not (Max and (Max & (Max - 1)))
    # If Max is a power of 2 and all
    # array elements are equal
    if (isPower2 and CheckAllEqual(arr, N)):
        return log2(Max)
        return math.ceil(math.log2(Max)) + 1
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    arr = [2, 4]
    N = len(arr)
    print(minCntOperations(arr, N))
    # This code is contributed by chitranayal.

// C# program to implement
// the above approach
using System;
using System.Linq;
class GFG {
  // Function to check if all array
  // elements are equal or not
  static bool CheckAllEqual(int[] arr, int N)
    // Traverse the array
    for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
      // If all array elements
      // are not equal
      if (arr[0] != arr[i])
        return false;
    return true;
  // Function to find minimum count of operation
  // to make all the array elements equal to 1
  static int minCntOperations(int[] arr, int N)
    // Stores largest element of the array
    int Max = arr.Max();
    // Check if a number is a power of 2 or not
    bool isPower2;
    if ((int)(Math.Ceiling((Math.Log(N) / Math.Log(N))))
        == (int)(Math.Floor(((Math.Log(N) / Math.Log(2))))))
      isPower2 = true;
      isPower2 = false;
    // If Max is a power of 2 and all
    // array elements are equal
    if (isPower2 && CheckAllEqual(arr, N))
      return (int)(Math.Log(Max) / Math.Log(2));
      return (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(Max)
                               / Math.Log(2)) + 1;
  // Driver Code
  static public void Main()
    int[] arr = new int[] { 2, 4 };
    int N = arr.Length;
    Console.WriteLine(minCntOperations(arr, N));
// This code is contributed by Dharanendra L V



时间复杂度: O(N)
辅助空间: O(1)

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