亚马逊访问我们的校园(DAIICT)招聘实习生和 FTE。分享一下我的实习面试经历。
总共有 2 轮——1 轮在线轮次,然后是 1 轮 F2F 面试。
在线回合(90 分钟):
- 最接近 K 的两个数之和,但唯一的条件是两个数之和必须小于 K。如果可能有多个答案,则打印任何一个。
Ex: Array: {2, 1, 4, 9, 2, 3, 8, 3, 4} and k = 18 Ans: 9, 8 Ex: Array: {2, 1, 4, 9, 2, 3, 8, 3, 4} and k = 12 Ans: 9, 3 or 8, 4
- 给定一个大小为 m*n 矩阵的数组 A。它包含 1, 0,其中 1 表示允许路径,0 表示不允许路径。一个单元格包含“9”。您必须从单元格 (0, 0) 开始,并找出是否可以到达包含“9”的单元格。
Ex: A: {1, 1, 0} {9, 1, 0} {0, 0, 1} Ans : 1 Ex: A: {0, 1, 0} {9, 1, 0} {0, 0, 1} Ans : 0
在大约 250 名学生中,有 53 人入围第二轮。
->做 MCQ(逻辑推理)很重要。少数同时解决了编码问题但没有尝试 MCQ 的学生未被选中,而一些可以解决 1 个问题(8/10 测试用例)的 80% 和少数 MCQ 的学生被选中。
第 2 轮:FTF 面试(约 90 分钟):
The interviewer asked me some HR questions like Why Amazon? , Introduce myself
Reverse every k node.
Then he asked me a question on the graph. I told him that I have not prepared for it, but I had a course called design and analysis in my semester 3 so I will try to recall that and try to answer your question. 1) given n cities and every city is connected via m roads. There is no cycle in the graph. Each road between city x and city y has some traffic denoted by weight of the edge. Each city has one stadium. Now suppose in one city, a cricket match is conducted and all other cities’ people come to that city to watch a match. Total traffic denoted by the sum of edges of all city. The task is to find maximum traffic coming to that city at any point in time.
Suppose the match is in the city coloured with black. So traffic coming to that is from 3 sides. one from the group of three cities and traffic will be (9+5+4+2 = 20), second will be from (15 + 6= 21) and third will be(1+4=5). so ans will be max of these and thus ans = 21.
When he gave me this question I don’t know the answer but I tried a lot. I gave him around 3 approaches and discussed with the interviewer but he said that my approach is wrong. But then I tried and never give up. Then he gave me the hint to do bfs and then dfs from neighbouring. I got a hint and answered the question and wrote code. Then, he asked me if I had any questions for him.
提示 :
- 永远不要失去希望和信心。
- 如果你不知道答案,那没关系,试着解决这个问题,永远不要放弃,说先生我不能这样做。
- 尽力而为。与采访讨论。面试官总是看到你的病人和思考能力。
- 如果是理论问题,如果您不知道答案,请告诉他们对不起,先生,我不知道答案,而是他们给了他们错误的答案。
在我准备 geeks 的过程中,geeks 对 geeks 确实是一个很大的帮助。采访中几乎所有的问题都来自极客。非常感谢其他极客以及分享他们的面试经历,因为回顾过去的经历是结束我准备工作的完美方式。