📅  最后修改于: 2020-10-25 05:23:16             🧑  作者: Mango
Twig模板是文本文件,其中包含用值替换的表达式和变量。 Twig使用三种类型的标签。
{{ Place Your Output Here }}
{% executable statements are placed here %}
{# write your comment here #}
Sr.No. | Filter & Description | Example |
1 |
Absolute URL It takes the relative path and converts it to an absolute URL. |
'' |absolute_url converts to − |
2 |
Camelize It converts a string to CamelCase format. |
'contact_us'| camelize converts to − ContactUs |
3 |
Contains if it finds the string. |
'This is some string' | contains('some') the output is − 1 |
4 |
Defined You can check if some variable is defined or not. If variable is not defined, you can provide a default value. |
set header_image_width = page.header.header_image_width|defined(900) It sets header_image_width with value 900 if it’s not defined. |
5 |
Ends-With You can determine whether a string ends with a given string by using Ends-With filter. |
'this is an example for ends-with filter' | ends_with('filter') it is displayed as − True |
6 |
FieldName It filters the field name by changing dot into array notation. |
'field.name'|fieldName it is displayed as − field[name] |
7 |
Humanize It is used to convert a string to human readable format. |
'some_text_to_read'|humanize it is displayed as − Some text to read |
8 |
Ksort It sorts an array map using key. |
{% set ritems = {'orange':1, 'apple':2, 'peach':3}|ksort %} {% for key, value in ritems %}{{ key }}:{{ value }}, {% endfor %} it is displayed as − apple:2, orange:1, peach:3, |
9 |
Left Trim It is used to remove white spaces at the beginning of a string and removes the matching character given from the left side of the string. |
'/strip/leading/slash/'|ltrim('/') it is displayed as − strip/leading/slash/ |
10 |
Markdown It is used to convert the string containing markdown into HTML using the markdown parser of Grav. |
'## some text with markdown'|markdown it is displayed as −
11 |
MD5 The md5 hash for the string can be created by using this filter. |
'something'|md5 it is displayed as − 437b930db84b8079c2dd804a71936b5f |
12 |
Monthize By using Monthize filter, we can convert an integer number of days to number of months. |
'61'|monthize it is displayed as − 2 |
13 |
Nice Time By using the Nice Time filter, we can get a date in nice human readable time format as output. |
page.date|nicetime(false) it is displayed as − 3 hrs ago |
14 |
Ordinalize Ordinals ( like 1st, 2nd, 3rd ) can be given to integers by using Ordinalize filter. |
'78'| ordinalize it is displayed as − 78th |
15 |
Pluralize A string can be converted to its plural English form by using Pluralize filter. |
'child'|pluralize it is displayed as − children |
16 |
Randomize This filter helps randomize the provided list. If parameter contains any values then those values are skipped from randomizing. |
{% set ritems = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten']|randomize(3) %} {% for ritem in ritems %}{{ ritem }}, {% endfor %} it is displayed as − one, two, three, eight, six, five, nine, seven, ten, four, |
17 |
Right Trim It is quite similar to left trim except it removes whitespaces and matched character from right side of the string. |
'/strip/leading/slash/'|rtrim('/') it is displayed as − /strip/leading/slash |
18 |
Singularize A string can be converted to English singular version by using Singular filter. |
'vehicles'|singularize it is displayed as − vehicle |
19 |
Safe Email Safe Email filter is used to convert an email address into ASCII characters so that it makes harder for an email to be spammed. |
"someoneemailaddress@domain.com"|safe_email the output is − someoneemailaddress@domain.com |
20 |
SortByKey It is used to sort the array map using keys. |
{% set people = [{'email':'john@gmail.com', 'id':3}, {'email':'melw@fdd.com', 'id':1}, {'email':'nancy@fb.com', 'id':7}]|sort_by_key('id') %} {% for person in people %}{{ person.email }}:{{ person.id }}, {% endfor %} it displays − melw@fdd.com:1, john@gmail.com:3, nancy@fb.com:7, |
21 |
Starts-With You can determine whether a string starts with a given string by using Starts-With filter. |
'this is an example for starts-with filter' |starts_with('this') the output is − true |
22 |
Translate for more detailed information. |
MY_LANGUAGE_KEY_STRING it displays − 'Some text in English' |
23 |
Translate Admin It translates a string into current language which is set in the user.yaml file. |
24 |
Titleize A string is converted into Title Case format by using Titleize. |
'welcome page'|titleize it is displayed as − Welcome Page |
25 |
UnderScoreize format by using UnderScoreize filter. |
'ContactUs'|underscorize it is converted to − contact_us |
26 |
Truncate a string You can use Truncate to truncate a string or shorten the string, you must specify number of characters. |
'one sentence. two sentences'|truncate(5) it truncates to − one s... You can use true as parameter if you don’t want to truncate the string to closest sentence-end after the given number of characters. 'one sentence. two sentences'|truncate(5, true) it truncates to − one sentence You can also strip HTML text, but you should use striptags filter before truncate filter. ' it is displayed as − one s |
Sr.No. | Function & Description | Example |
1 |
Array This function cast a value to array. |
array(value) |
2 |
Authorize This function makes an authenticated user is authorized to see a resource and accepts permission string or array of permission strings. |
authorize(['admin.statistics', 'admin.super']) |
3 |
Dump It accepts a valid twig variable and dumps it into the Grav debugger panel. However, the debugger should be enabled to see message tab values. |
dump(page.header) |
4 |
Debug This works same as the dump() function. |
5 |
Gist This function creates the Gist embed code based on the Github Gist ID. |
6 |
Random String Generation This function will create a random string with the specified number of characters. These strings can be used as unique id or key. |
generate_random_string(10) |
7 |
Repeat This function will repeat the string for given amount of time. |
repeat('Grav ', 10) will repeat Grav 10 times. |
8 |
String Generates a random string of specified character length. |
ta (23) |
9 |
Translate Array It is a function connected with |ta filter. |
10 |
Url This filter will create a URL and it will also convert PHP URL streams into valid HTML resources. If the URL cannot be resolved a default value can be passed. |
url('theme://images/logo.png') | default('http://www.placehold.it/150x100/f4f4f4') |
11 |
Translate Using the Translate filter, |
t('SITE_NAME') is translated to − Site Name |