甘地著名的丹地游行拉开了公民不服从运动的序幕。 1930 年 3 月 12 日,甘地和其他 78 名修行会成员从艾哈迈达巴德的萨巴尔马蒂修行出发,前往距离艾哈迈达巴德约 385 公里的印度西部海岸的丹迪。他们于 1930 年 4 月 6 日登陆丹迪。在那里,甘地违反了禁盐令。
- 圣雄甘地决定撤回不合作运动 1922 年 2 月,因为运动在许多地方转向暴力,这也表明许多领导人也厌倦了群众斗争,并希望参加根据 1919 年印度政府法案设立的内部委员会的选举.
- 后来,CR Das 和 Motilal Nehru 成立了 swaraj 党,但遭到 Jawahar Lal Nehru 和 Subhash Chandra Bose 等年轻领导人的反对,并要求完全独立。
- 有两个因素改变了 1920 年代后期的印度政治格局。
- 全球经济萧条——作为全球经济萧条的影响。农产品价格从 1926 年开始下降,1930 年后暴跌。此后,由于农产品需求下降和出口下降,农民发现难以出售收成和支付收入。
- 西蒙委员会的到来 –之后 西蒙委员会于 1928 年抵达印度, 其主要目标是在约翰西蒙的领导下审查宪法制度的运作并期待宪法制度的变化。在这个委员会中,没有任何一个委员会成员。这个西蒙委员会遭到了所有印度领导人的抵制,并以“ Go BACK SIMON ”的口号迎接。
- 1929 年 10 月,欧文勋爵宣布向印度提供自治领地位,并召开圆桌会议讨论宪法的未来。但国会领导人对此并不满意。那时,像 Subhash Chandra Bose 和 Jawahar Lal Nehru 这样的激进派领导人在大会上变得更加自信。
- 1929 年 12 月,拉合尔国会正式提出在贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁领导下的 PURNA SWARAJ 的要求,并宣布 1930 年 1 月 26 日为独立日。
The British had long had a profitable monopoly on salt manufacture and delivery in India. The Indian population was barred from making or selling salt on their own due to a number of restrictions and instead had to rely on expensive, heavily taxed salt that was frequently imported. The vast majority of Indians were harmed by this since they were impoverished and could not afford to buy it. Indian protests against the salt tax began in the 19th century and were a major source of contention throughout the British colonial period.
- 圣雄甘地发现盐是一种强大的象征,可以用作国家统一的象征。
- 1930 年 1 月 31 日,甘地致信总督欧文,提出了他的要求,其中最重要的是取消盐税和其他一些具有普遍利益和不同种姓的工业家农民的特殊要求的税。
- 盐是社会上每个人都使用的必需品。盐税及其对其生产的垄断暴露了英国政府最压迫的面孔。
- 根据甘地的说法,是否会安排任何运动来反对这种影响到各阶层人民的英国统治的压迫,或者反对对有助于国家统一的盐生产的垄断。
- 甘地向英国政府发出最后通牒,如果英国政府的要求没有得到满足,国会将发起公民不服从运动,但总督欧文否认了谈判。
- 后来,甘地开始了他著名的盐之旅,在 78 名跟随者的陪同下,从 Sabarmati 静修处前往古吉拉特邦的沿海城镇丹迪。他们已于4月6日抵达丹地,开始违法开水制盐运动。
- 这也标志着整个印度的公民不服从运动的开始。
Civil disobedience, also known as passive resistance, is the refusal to accept a government’s or occupying authority’s demands or directives without resorting to violence or aggressive acts of opposition; its common goal is to push the government or occupying power to make concessions. Nationalist movements in Africa and India, the American civil rights movement, labor, anti-war, and other social movements in many nations have all used civil disobedience as a primary technique and ideology.
- 这次领导人不仅要求人民停止与英国官员合作,而且还允许或告知他们违反殖民法,就像他们在 1921 年至 22 年不合作运动时所做的那样。
- 在全国不同地区,成千上万的抗议者违反盐法,制造盐,并在政府盐厂前示威。
- 随着运动的蔓延,在许多地区,人们开始抵制外国服装,酒类商店被设置纠察线。农民也拒绝缴纳税收和乔基达里税,并辞去了政府控制的办公室的职务。在许多地方,森林人违反森林法,开始进入森林采集木材和放牧牲畜。
- 由于这种不受控制的局面,英国殖民政府开始采取行动,他们开始将国会领导人一一抓捕。
- 当英国政府于 1930 年逮捕阿卜杜勒·加法尔汗时,愤怒的人群在白沙瓦街头示威,许多人在明火中丧生。一个月后,圣雄甘地也被捕,然后工业工人袭击了所有象征英国统治的建筑物,作为回报,他们感到害怕政府以残酷的镇压政策作为回应,导致对和平的萨蒂亚格拉哈发动袭击,妇女和儿童遭到殴打,约 100,000 人被捕。
- 在这种情况下,甘地决定取消运动,并于 1931 年 3 月 5 日与欧文达成协议。甘地同意参加在伦敦举行的圆桌会议,之后政府同意释放政治犯。
- 甘地前往伦敦参加会议,但没有进行谈判。当他回来时,发现国大党已经宣布非法,他们的激进领导人加法尔汗和贾瓦哈尔·拉尔·尼赫鲁都在监狱里,并采取了一系列措施来防止集会、示威和抵制。甘地怀着伟大的动机重新发起了公民不服从运动,它持续了一年,但后来在 1934 年失去了动力。
Gandhi ji initiated the non-cooperation movement in 1920 because he regarded it as a chance to unify Hindus and Muslims and to find a solution to the khilafat issue. The achievement of swaraj was the most crucial goal .The non-cooperation movement attempted to overthrow the colonial economic and power system, forcing British authorities to listen to the independence movement’s demands.
The Rowlatt Act prompted Gandhi to call for a countrywide demonstration. His non-cooperation strategy involved urging all Indians to withdraw their labour from any activity that “supported the British administration and also the economy in India,” including British enterprises and educational institutions, in order to promote “self-reliance.” Protesters would refuse to buy British goods, employ local handicrafts (spinning khadi, for example), and picket liquor stores using nonviolent tactics, or Ahinsa.
The revolution was a great shock to British authorities and a massive source of inspiration for millions of Indian nationalists. The country’s unity was bolstered, and several Indian schools and institutions were established. The sale of Indian items was promoted.
On February 5, 1922, a massacre occurred in Chauri Chaura, a tiny town in the Gorakhpur region of Uttar Pradesh. A police officer assaulted a group of volunteers who were picketing a booze store. A large mass of peasants gathered there and proceeded to the police chowki (station). The mob set fire to the police chowki, which contained 22 officers.
After the Chauri Chaura event, the non-cooperation movement was disbanded. Mahatma Gandhi was imprisoned on February 12, 1922, after having single-handedly put down the national insurrection. He was sentenced to six years in jail on March 18, 1922, for printing seditious literature. This resulted in the movement’s suppression, as well as the imprisonment of additional leaders.
The insurrection, Mahatma Gandhi thought, was drifting off course, and he was dissatisfied with the movement’s gradual loss of its nonviolent nature. He didn’t want the movement to devolve into a bloodbath, with police and enraged crowds battling one other and people caught in the middle. Gandhi went on a fast and called off the non-cooperation action on February 12, 1922, after appealing to the Indian populace to halt all opposition.
Despite the fact that the majority of Congress officials remained loyal to Gandhi, a few of determined leaders, notably the Ali brothers, broke away (Muhammad Ali and Shaukat Ali). In response to Gandhi’s leadership, Motilal Nehru and Chittaranjan Das founded the Swaraj Party. Many nationalists believed that the non-cooperation campaign should not have been halted because of rare acts of violence, and most nationalists were disappointed, despite their faith in Gandhi.
问题 4:为什么成立了 Swaraj 党?
The Swaraj Party was founded by C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru. The non-cooperation movement’s goal of swaraj was not met. As a result, some leaders in Congress were tired of large protests and wanted to vote in the provincial council elections established by the Government of India Act of 1919. They believed that opposing British government policies within the council, arguing for change, and demonstrating that these councils were not actually democratic was critical. Within the Congress, C.R Das and Motilal Nehru founded the swaraj party to advocate for a return to council politics.
问题 5:不合作运动的经济影响是什么?
- Fall in Imports: Imports are falling as a result of a boycott of foreign goods, picketing of liquor stores, and the burning of imported clothing in a massive bonfire. Between 1921 and 1922, the import of foreign clothes was cut in half, with the value falling from Rs 102 crore to Rs 57 crore.
- Foreign Goods Boycott: In many regions, merchants and dealers refused to trade in foreign goods or fund foreign commerce.
- Boost to the Indian economy: As the boycott campaign expanded and individuals began to discard foreign clothes in favour of wearing solely Indian ones, output of Indian textiles and handlooms increased.