Python – 使用 Pytorch 的矩阵乘法
矩阵乘法是科学计算的一个组成部分。当矩阵的大小很大时,它变得复杂。轻松计算两个矩阵的乘积的方法之一是使用 PyTorch 提供的方法。本文介绍如何使用 PyTorch 执行矩阵乘法。
PyTorch 和张量:
它是一个可用于基于神经网络的深度学习项目的包。它是由 Facebook 的 AI 研究团队开发的开源库。它可以用 GPU 的强大功能取代 NumPy。这个库提供的重要类之一是Tensor 。 它只不过是 NumPy 包提供的 n 维数组。 PyTorch 中有很多方法可以应用于 Tensor,这使得计算变得更快更容易。张量只能保存相同数据类型的元素。
使用 PyTorch 进行矩阵乘法:
PyTorch 中的方法期望输入是 Tensor,而 PyTorch 和 Tensor 可用于矩阵乘法的方法是:
- 火炬.mm()。
- 火炬.matmul()。
- 火炬.bmm()
- @运算符。
该方法通过采用m×n张量和n×p张量来计算矩阵乘法。它只能处理二维矩阵,不能处理一维矩阵。此函数不支持广播。广播只不过是当张量的形状不同时处理它们的方式。广播较小的张量以适应更宽或更大的张量的形状以进行操作。该函数的语法如下所示。, Tensor_2, out=None)
示例 1:相同维度的矩阵
import torch as t
mat_1 = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3],
[4, 3, 8],
[1, 7, 2]])
mat_2 = torch.tensor([[2, 4, 1],
[1, 3, 6],
[2, 6, 5]]), mat_2, out=None)
import torch as t
mat_1 = torch.tensor([[1, 2],
[4, 3]])
mat_2 = torch.tensor([[2, 4, 1],
[1, 3, 6]]), mat_2, out=None)
import torch as t
# both arguments 1D
vec_1 = torch.tensor([3, 6, 2])
vec_2 = torch.tensor([4, 1, 9])
print("Single dimensional tensors :", torch.matmul(vec_1, vec_2))
# both arguments 2D
mat_1 = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3],
[4, 3, 8],
[1, 7, 2]])
mat_2 = torch.tensor([[2, 4, 1],
[1, 3, 6],
[2, 6, 5]])
out = torch.matmul(mat_1, mat_2)
print("\n3x3 dimensional tensors :\n", out)
import torch
# first argument 1D and second argument 2D
mat1_1 = torch.tensor([3, 6, 2])
mat1_2 = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3],
[4, 3, 8],
[1, 7, 2]])
out_1 = torch.matmul(mat1_1, mat1_2)
print("\n1D-2D multiplication :\n", out_1)
# first argument 2D and second argument 1D
mat2_1 = torch.tensor([[2, 4, 1],
[1, 3, 6],
[2, 6, 5]])
mat2_2 = torch.tensor([4, 1, 9])
# assigning to output tensor
out_2 = torch.matmul(mat2_1, mat2_2)
print("\n2D-1D multiplication :\n", out_2)
import torch
# creating Tensors using randn()
mat_1 = torch.randn(2, 3, 3)
mat_2 = torch.randn(3)
# printing the matrices
print("matrix A :\n", mat_1)
print("\nmatrix B :\n", mat_2)
# output
print("\nOutput :\n", torch.matmul(mat_1, mat_2))
import torch
# 3D matrices
mat_1 = torch.randn(2, 3, 3)
mat_2 = torch.randn(2, 3, 4)
print("matrix A :\n",mat_1)
print("\nmatrix B :\n",mat_2)
print("\nOutput :\n",torch.bmm(mat_1,mat_2))
# single dimensional matrices
oneD_1 = torch.tensor([3, 6, 2])
oneD_2 = torch.tensor([4, 1, 9])
# two dimensional matrices
twoD_1 = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3],
[4, 3, 8],
[1, 7, 2]])
twoD_2 = torch.tensor([[2, 4, 1],
[1, 3, 6],
[2, 6, 5]])
# N-dimensional matrices (N>2)
# 2x3x3 dimensional matrix
ND_1 = torch.tensor([[[-0.0135, -0.9197, -0.3395],
[-1.0369, -1.3242, 1.4799],
[-0.0182, -1.2917, 0.6575]],
[[-0.3585, -0.0478, 0.4674],
[-0.6688, -0.9217, -1.2612],
[1.6323, -0.0640, 0.4357]]])
# 2x3x4 dimensional matrix
ND_2 = torch.tensor([[[0.2431, -0.1044, -0.1437, -1.4982],
[-1.4318, -0.2510, 1.6247, 0.5623],
[1.5265, -0.8568, -2.1125, -0.9463]],
[[0.0182, 0.5207, 1.2890, -1.3232],
[-0.2275, -0.8006, -0.6909, -1.0108],
[1.3881, -0.0327, -1.4890, -0.5550]]])
print("1D matrices output :\n", oneD_1 @ oneD_2)
print("\n2D matrices output :\n", twoD_1 @ twoD_2)
print("\nN-D matrices output :\n", ND_1 @ ND_2)
print("\n Mixed matrices output :\n", oneD_1 @ twoD_1 @ twoD_2)
tensor([[10, 28, 28],
[27, 73, 62],
[13, 37, 53]])
这里 tensor_1 是 2×2 维的,tensor_2 是 2×3 维的。所以输出将是 2×3。
import torch as t
mat_1 = torch.tensor([[1, 2],
[4, 3]])
mat_2 = torch.tensor([[2, 4, 1],
[1, 3, 6]]), mat_2, out=None)
tensor([[1.4013e-45, 0.0000e+00, 2.8026e-45],
[0.0000e+00, 5.6052e-45, 0.0000e+00]])
torch.matmul(Tensor_1, Tensor_2, out=None)
下表列出了参数的各种可能维度以及基于它的操作。 argument_1 argument_2 Action taken 1-dimensional 1-dimensional The scalar product is calculated 2-dimensional 2-dimensional General matrix multiplication is done 1-dimensional 2-dimensional The tensor-1 is pretended with a ‘1’ to match dimension of tensor-2 2-dimensional 1-dimensional Matrix-vector product is calculated 1/N-dimensional (N>2) 1/N-dimensional (N>2) Batched matrix multiplication is done
示例 1:相同维度的参数
import torch as t
# both arguments 1D
vec_1 = torch.tensor([3, 6, 2])
vec_2 = torch.tensor([4, 1, 9])
print("Single dimensional tensors :", torch.matmul(vec_1, vec_2))
# both arguments 2D
mat_1 = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3],
[4, 3, 8],
[1, 7, 2]])
mat_2 = torch.tensor([[2, 4, 1],
[1, 3, 6],
[2, 6, 5]])
out = torch.matmul(mat_1, mat_2)
print("\n3x3 dimensional tensors :\n", out)
Single dimensional tensors : tensor(36)
3x3 dimensional tensors :
tensor([[10, 28, 28],
[27, 73, 62],
[13, 37, 53]])
import torch
# first argument 1D and second argument 2D
mat1_1 = torch.tensor([3, 6, 2])
mat1_2 = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3],
[4, 3, 8],
[1, 7, 2]])
out_1 = torch.matmul(mat1_1, mat1_2)
print("\n1D-2D multiplication :\n", out_1)
# first argument 2D and second argument 1D
mat2_1 = torch.tensor([[2, 4, 1],
[1, 3, 6],
[2, 6, 5]])
mat2_2 = torch.tensor([4, 1, 9])
# assigning to output tensor
out_2 = torch.matmul(mat2_1, mat2_2)
print("\n2D-1D multiplication :\n", out_2)
1D-2D multiplication :
tensor([29, 38, 61])
2D-1D multiplication :
tensor([21, 61, 59])
示例 3:N 维参数 (N>2)
import torch
# creating Tensors using randn()
mat_1 = torch.randn(2, 3, 3)
mat_2 = torch.randn(3)
# printing the matrices
print("matrix A :\n", mat_1)
print("\nmatrix B :\n", mat_2)
# output
print("\nOutput :\n", torch.matmul(mat_1, mat_2))
matrix A :
tensor([[[ 0.5433, 0.0546, -0.5301],
[ 0.9275, -0.0420, -1.3966],
[-1.1851, -0.2918, -0.7161]],
[[-0.8659, 1.8350, 1.6068],
[-1.1046, 1.0045, -0.1193],
[ 0.9070, 0.7325, -0.4547]]])
matrix B :
tensor([ 1.8785, -0.4231, 0.1606])
Output :
tensor([[ 0.9124, 1.5358, -2.2177],
[-2.1448, -2.5191, 1.3208]])
该方法为要相乘的矩阵只有 3 维 (x×y×z) 且两个矩阵的第一维 (x) 必须相同的情况提供批量矩阵乘法。这不支持广播。语法如下。
torch.bmm( Tensor_1, Tensor_2, deterministic=false, out=None)
“确定性”参数采用布尔值。 ' false ' 进行非确定性的更快计算。 “ true ”的计算速度较慢,但它是确定性的。
在下面的示例中,matrix_1 的维度为 2×3×3。第二个矩阵的维度为 2×3×4。
import torch
# 3D matrices
mat_1 = torch.randn(2, 3, 3)
mat_2 = torch.randn(2, 3, 4)
print("matrix A :\n",mat_1)
print("\nmatrix B :\n",mat_2)
print("\nOutput :\n",torch.bmm(mat_1,mat_2))
matrix A :
tensor([[[-0.0135, -0.9197, -0.3395],
[-1.0369, -1.3242, 1.4799],
[-0.0182, -1.2917, 0.6575]],
[[-0.3585, -0.0478, 0.4674],
[-0.6688, -0.9217, -1.2612],
[ 1.6323, -0.0640, 0.4357]]])
matrix B :
tensor([[[ 0.2431, -0.1044, -0.1437, -1.4982],
[-1.4318, -0.2510, 1.6247, 0.5623],
[ 1.5265, -0.8568, -2.1125, -0.9463]],
[[ 0.0182, 0.5207, 1.2890, -1.3232],
[-0.2275, -0.8006, -0.6909, -1.0108],
[ 1.3881, -0.0327, -1.4890, -0.5550]]])
Output :
tensor([[[ 0.7954, 0.5231, -0.7752, -0.1756],
[ 3.9031, -0.8274, -5.1288, -0.5915],
[ 2.8488, -0.2372, -3.4850, -1.3212]],
[[ 0.6532, -0.1637, -1.1251, 0.2633],
[-1.5532, 0.4309, 1.6527, 2.5167],
[ 0.6492, 0.8870, 1.4994, -2.3371]]])
** 注意:由于随机值是动态填充的,因此每次运行的矩阵都会有所不同。
@ – Simon H运算符,当应用于矩阵时,对一维矩阵执行逐元素乘法,对二维矩阵执行普通矩阵乘法。如果两个矩阵具有相同的维度,则矩阵乘法正常执行,无需任何广播/前置。如果任何一个矩阵的维度不同,则先进行适当的广播,然后进行乘法。此运算符也适用于 N 维矩阵。
# single dimensional matrices
oneD_1 = torch.tensor([3, 6, 2])
oneD_2 = torch.tensor([4, 1, 9])
# two dimensional matrices
twoD_1 = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3],
[4, 3, 8],
[1, 7, 2]])
twoD_2 = torch.tensor([[2, 4, 1],
[1, 3, 6],
[2, 6, 5]])
# N-dimensional matrices (N>2)
# 2x3x3 dimensional matrix
ND_1 = torch.tensor([[[-0.0135, -0.9197, -0.3395],
[-1.0369, -1.3242, 1.4799],
[-0.0182, -1.2917, 0.6575]],
[[-0.3585, -0.0478, 0.4674],
[-0.6688, -0.9217, -1.2612],
[1.6323, -0.0640, 0.4357]]])
# 2x3x4 dimensional matrix
ND_2 = torch.tensor([[[0.2431, -0.1044, -0.1437, -1.4982],
[-1.4318, -0.2510, 1.6247, 0.5623],
[1.5265, -0.8568, -2.1125, -0.9463]],
[[0.0182, 0.5207, 1.2890, -1.3232],
[-0.2275, -0.8006, -0.6909, -1.0108],
[1.3881, -0.0327, -1.4890, -0.5550]]])
print("1D matrices output :\n", oneD_1 @ oneD_2)
print("\n2D matrices output :\n", twoD_1 @ twoD_2)
print("\nN-D matrices output :\n", ND_1 @ ND_2)
print("\n Mixed matrices output :\n", oneD_1 @ twoD_1 @ twoD_2)
1D matrices output :
2D matrices output :
tensor([[10, 28, 28],
[27, 73, 62],
[13, 37, 53]])
N-D matrices output :
tensor([[[ 0.7953, 0.5231, -0.7751, -0.1757],
[ 3.9030, -0.8274, -5.1287, -0.5915],
[ 2.8487, -0.2372, -3.4850, -1.3212]],
[[ 0.6531, -0.1637, -1.1250, 0.2633],
[-1.5532, 0.4309, 1.6526, 2.5166],
[ 0.6491, 0.8869, 1.4995, -2.3370]]])
Mixed matrices output:
tensor([218, 596, 562])