碳是一种化学元素,符号为C,原子序数为6。它是非金属的四价化合物,这意味着它可以与四个电子形成共价化学键。它在元素周期表的第 14 组。碳仅占地壳的 0.025% 左右。碳是地壳中第 15 丰富的元素,按质量计算,是宇宙中第四丰富的元素,仅次于氢、氦和氧。碳的丰富性、有机化合物的独特多样性以及在普通地球温度下形成聚合物的非凡能力使其成为所有已知生命的共同元素。按质量计,它是人体中含量第二高的元素(约 18.5%),仅次于氧。
- 碳产生四个电子以形成共价键。
- 它以多种同素异形体和其他形式存在。金刚石和石墨是两种具有不同特性的材料。
- 在正常情况下,碳是极其惰性的。
- 这种化学元素用符号 C 表示。
- 它的原子序数为 6,因为它的原子核中有 6 个质子。
- 碳是非金属的,也是四价的。
- 它有多种形状。
- 化学元素可以与其他元素形成键。
- 它是具有众多应用程序的免费元素。其中包括使用钻石或黑色颜料来装饰汽车轮辋或打印机墨水。
- 石墨是另一种碳,已用于高温坩埚、弧光灯电极、干电池和铅笔尖。
- 碳的另一种无定形状态是植物碳,用作漂白剂和气体吸收剂。
- 他们使用二氧化碳和灭火器来碳酸饮料。
- 固体形式的碳被称为干冰。
- 一氧化碳也可用于各种冶金过程的还原。
- 二硫化碳和四氯化碳是工业溶剂中两个值得注意的夹杂物。
碳在基于重量的元素丰度顺序中排名第 19 位。据估计,宇宙中的碳原子至少是硅原子的 3.5 倍。除了碳,宇宙中只有氦、氧、氢、氮和氖自然丰富。当氦燃烧时,宇宙产物是碳。在这个过程中,三个原子量为 4 的氦原子核融合在一起,产生一个原子量为 12 的碳原子核。
After hydrogen, helium, and oxygen, carbon is the fourth most abundant chemical element in the observable universe by mass. Carbon is abundant in the sun, stars, comets, and most planets’ atmospheres. Some meteorites contain microscopic diamonds that formed when the solar system was still in the form of a protoplanetary disc.
绝大多数碳酸盐岩体都含有碳(石灰石、白云石、大理石等)。煤炭是最丰富的矿物碳商业来源,碳含量非常丰富(无烟煤含有 92-98%)。大多数钻石矿床位于非洲。现在正在从好望角海岸的海底开采钻石。钻石是天然发现的,但现在美国使用的所有工业钻石中约有 30% 是制造出来的。
Carbon can be found in the Earth’s atmosphere and is dissolved in all bodies of water. Carbon can also be found in hydrocarbons (such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas). Coal reserves are estimated to be around 900 gigatons. Carbon can also be found in methane hydrates found in the polar regions and beneath the seas.
Six neutrons and six protons make up carbon. It is a chemical element known for its ability to create patterns.
Carbon can form polymers, which are resilient, long chains of carbon linked with the same chemical element. Because of electron management, it can form bonds with four different atoms. A cloud of electrons surrounds the nucleus in which the atoms are arranged.
In the case of diamond, each carbon atom in a single crystal is covalently bound to four other carbon atoms, forming the four corners of a regular tetrahedron. There are no free electrons available due to the four covalent bonds with each carbon atom. Diamond is a poor conductor of electricity due to the lack of free electrons within its crystalline structure.
Every carbon atom in a single crystal of graphite is covalently bonded to three other carbon atoms. Due to the fact that each carbon atom has four valence electrons, one valence electron is left free for each carbon atom. By applying electric potential, these free electrons can be easily made to flow within the crystalline structure of graphite. As a result, graphite is an excellent electrical conductor.
The physical properties of carbon compounds are as follows:
- Since they have covalent bonds between their atoms, they do not form ions. As a result, they are poor conductors of electrical current.
- These substances have low melting and boiling points.
- They are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents such as ether, carbon tetrachloride, and others.