📜  Flutter和Ionic之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-01-02 05:36:02             🧑  作者: Mango



什么是flutter ?

是一个跨平台的UI工具包,它使我们能够使用Dart编程语言为移动,Web和桌面创建快速,美观,本地编译的应用程序。它使用一种编程语言和单个代码库构建应用程序。它是免费和开源的。 Google最初于2017年5月开发了它,现在通过ECMA标准进行管理。它是提供卓越的原生体验的一种日益普及的技术。

Google引入了它作为SDK(软件开发工具包)来创建适用于iOS和,iOS上的Objective C和Swift集成在一起。



  • 它得到了Google的支持。
  • 它支持Hot-Reload功能,从而使应用程序开发过程变得异常快速。更改后,热重载功能会立即反映出修改后的代码。
  • 由于具有跨平台功能,因此减少了测试时间和精力。此功能允许测试人员不在同一应用程序的不同平台上运行同一组测试。
  • 它具有出色的用户界面,因为它使用了以设计为中心的窗口小部件,高级开发工具,高级API和许多其他功能。
  • 它类似于反应式框架,在该框架中,开发人员无需手动更新UI内容。

flutter 的缺点或缺点


  • 它主要支持Dart编码编程,因此开发人员需要学习新技术。
  • Flutter是一种相对较新的语言,因此没有良好的社区支持。
  • 它提供对SDK库的非常有限的访问。这意味着开发人员没有很多功能来创建移动应用程序。


JavaScript等Web技术构建高质量的移动,桌面和渐进式Web应用程序。它具有一次构建即可在任何地方运行的功能。它由Drifty Co.的Max Lynch,Ben Sperry和Adam Bradley于2013年创建。 Ionic框架的第一个beta版本于2014年3月发布。




  • 它很容易学习,因为它需要CSS,HTML或JavaScript技术的基本知识才能构建应用程序。
  • 它为开发人员提供了结构合理的文档。
  • 它支持跨平台功能,该功能可以使用单个代码库在多个平台上部署应用程序。
  • 它基于Angular构建,为开发人员提供了许多用于构建应用程序的功能。



  • 它仍处于开发阶段,因此可以随时重写其库。
  • 与其他本机应用程序相比,它没有提供良好的安全性。
  • 它的性能不好;但是,性能差异对于普通用户而言并不明显。
  • 它不适用于高端图形相关的应用程序。

flutter 与离子


Parameters Flutter Ionic
Developed By It was first introduced by Google. It was created by Max Lynch, Ben Sperry, and Adam Bradley.
Release May 2017 March 2014
Language It uses Dart programming to build mobile apps. It uses web technologies such as CSS, HTML, and JavaScript for creating applications.
Runtime It will run by Custom Graphics Engine. It runs in a Web browser.
Performance Its performance is amazing because it uses Dart programming, and there is no need to use JavaScript Bridge for starting interactions with the app. Its performance is slow because it uses web technologies for rendering an application. This approach decreases the speed of our application.
Learning Curve In Flutter, developers must have to learn Dart programming to build an app. It has an easy learning curve because of web technologies.
Documentation It has well organized and more informative documentation where we can get everything that we want in one place. It also provides well-structured documentation to the developers. Since it is in the development phase, its libraries can be changed at any time.
Community Support Flutter is a new technology, so it does not have strong community support. However, it is advertised by Google; therefore, it would be very popular in the coming year. It has huge community support and a great marketplace.
Hot Reload Support Support
User Interface Flutter has an excellent user interface in comparison to Ionic. Its user interface is not good because it renders everything in HTML and CSS.
UI Elements Widgets Web Components
Native API Access Native plugin library by using Flutter native packages Native plugin library by using Cordova and Capacitor
Mobile Performance Excellent Good
Web Performance Poor Excellent
Pricing It is entirely free to utilize Flutter system technologies and their libraries. It is free but offers a paid Pro Development Environment that accelerates the development process.
Deployment Options It can deploy on Mobile, Desktop, and Web. It can deploy on Mobile, Desktop, Web as well as PWA.
Popular Apps Hamilton, Google Ads, Alibaba, Cryptograph, etc. JustWatch, Pacifica, Nationwide, etc.