📜  在Python中使用 Tkinter 创建 Copy-Move GUI

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:48.257000             🧑  作者: Mango

在Python中使用 Tkinter 创建 Copy-Move GUI



  • shutil : Python shutil 模块使我们能够轻松地操作文件对象,而无需深入研究文件对象。它处理低级语义,例如创建文件对象、复制文件后关闭文件,并允许我们专注于程序的业务逻辑。 shutil 是本机库,您无需在外部安装它,只需导入即可。
  • tkinter: Tkinter 是一个Python绑定到 Tk GUI 工具包。它是 Tk GUI 工具包的标准Python接口,或者简单来说,Tkinter 被用作Python图形用户界面。 Tkinter 也是原生库,不需要在外部安装,直接导入,边用边用。

GUI 如下图所示:


# Importing necessary packages
import shutil
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox, filedialog
# Defining CreateWidgets() function to
# create necessary tkinter widgets
def CreateWidgets():
    link_Label = Label(root, text ="Select The File To Copy : ",
                    bg = "#E8D579")
    link_Label.grid(row = 1, column = 0,
                    pady = 5, padx = 5)
    root.sourceText = Entry(root, width = 50,
                            textvariable = sourceLocation)
    root.sourceText.grid(row = 1, column = 1,
                        pady = 5, padx = 5,
                        columnspan = 2)
    source_browseButton = Button(root, text ="Browse",
                                command = SourceBrowse, width = 15)
    source_browseButton.grid(row = 1, column = 3,
                            pady = 5, padx = 5)
    destinationLabel = Label(root, text ="Select The Destination : ",
                            bg ="#E8D579")
    destinationLabel.grid(row = 2, column = 0,
                        pady = 5, padx = 5)
    root.destinationText = Entry(root, width = 50,
                                textvariable = destinationLocation)
    root.destinationText.grid(row = 2, column = 1,
                            pady = 5, padx = 5,
                            columnspan = 2)
    dest_browseButton = Button(root, text ="Browse",
                            command = DestinationBrowse, width = 15)
    dest_browseButton.grid(row = 2, column = 3,
                        pady = 5, padx = 5)
    copyButton = Button(root, text ="Copy File",
                        command = CopyFile, width = 15)
    copyButton.grid(row = 3, column = 1,
                    pady = 5, padx = 5)
    moveButton = Button(root, text ="Move File",
                        command = MoveFile, width = 15)
    moveButton.grid(row = 3, column = 2,
                    pady = 5, padx = 5)
def SourceBrowse():
    # Opening the file-dialog directory prompting
    # the user to select files to copy using
    # filedialog.askopenfilenames() method. Setting
    # initialdir argument is optional Since multiple
    # files may be selected, converting the selection
    # to list using list()
    root.files_list = list(filedialog.askopenfilenames(initialdir ="C:/Users/AKASH / Desktop / Lockdown Certificate / Geek For Geek"))
    # Displaying the selected files in the root.sourceText
    # Entry using root.sourceText.insert()
    root.sourceText.insert('1', root.files_list)
def DestinationBrowse():
    # Opening the file-dialog directory prompting
    # the user to select destination folder to
    # which files are to be copied using the
    # filedialog.askopendirectory() method.
    # Setting initialdir argument is optional
    destinationdirectory = filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir ="C:/Users/AKASH / Desktop / Lockdown Certificate / Geek For Geek")
    # Displaying the selected directory in the
    # root.destinationText Entry using
    # root.destinationText.insert()
    root.destinationText.insert('1', destinationdirectory)
def CopyFile():
    # Retrieving the source file selected by the
    # user in the SourceBrowse() and storing it in a
    # variable named files_list
    files_list = root.files_list
    # Retrieving the destination location from the
    # textvariable using destinationLocation.get() and
    # storing in destination_location
    destination_location = destinationLocation.get()
    # Looping through the files present in the list
    for f in files_list:
        # Copying the file to the destination using
        # the copy() of shutil module copy take the
        # source file and the destination folder as
        # the arguments
        shutil.copy(f, destination_location)
def MoveFile():
    # Retrieving the source file selected by the
    # user in the SourceBrowse() and storing it in a
    # variable named files_list'''
    files_list = root.files_list
    # Retrieving the destination location from the
    # textvariable using destinationLocation.get() and
    # storing in destination_location
    destination_location = destinationLocation.get()
    # Looping through the files present in the list
    for f in files_list:
        # Moving the file to the destination using
        # the move() of shutil module copy take the
        # source file and the destination folder as
        # the arguments
        shutil.move(f, destination_location)
# Creating object of tk class
root = tk.Tk()
# Setting the title and background color
# disabling the resizing property
root.title("Copy-Move GUI")
root.config(background = "black")
# Creating tkinter variable
sourceLocation = StringVar()
destinationLocation = StringVar()
# Calling the CreateWidgets() function
# Defining infinite loop
