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📜  给定n个线段,找出两个线段是否相交

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-29 13:11:22             🧑  作者: Mango


朴素算法解决此问题的朴素解决方案是检查每对线,并检查线对是否相交。我们可以检查O(1)时间中的两个线段。因此,该方法需要O(n 2 )。



….. a)如果当前点是其线段的左点,请检查其线段与其正上方和正下方的线段的交点。并将其线添加到活动线段(可以看到其左端点但尚未看到右端点的线段)。请注意,我们仅考虑那些仍处于活动状态的邻居。
…。 b)如果当前点是正确的点,则从活动列表中删除其线段,并检查其两个活动邻居(正好位于上方和下方的点)是否相交。

步骤2就像是从最左边的点到最右边的点从所有点传递一条垂直线一样。这就是为什么将该算法称为“扫描线算法”的原因。扫描线技术在许多其他几何算法中很有用,例如计算2D Voronoi图



1. Sort Points[] from left to right (according to x coordinate)

2. Create an empty Self-Balancing BST T. It will contain 
  all active line Segments ordered by y coordinate.

// Process all 2n points 
3. for i = 0 to 2n-1

    // If this point is left end of its line  
    if (Points[i].isLeft) 
       T.insert(Points[i].line())  // Insert into the tree

       // Check if this points intersects with its predecessor and successor
       if ( doIntersect(Points[i].line(), T.pred(Points[i].line()) )
         return true
       if ( doIntersect(Points[i].line(), T.succ(Points[i].line()) )
         return true

    else  // If it's a right end of its line
       // Check if its predecessor and successor intersect with each other
       if ( doIntersect(T.pred(Points[i].line(), T.succ(Points[i].line()))
         return true
       T.delete(Points[i].line())  // Delete from tree

4. return False




处理线段1的左端点:将1插入到Tree中。该树包含1 。没有路口。

处理线段2的左端点检查12的交点。 2被插入到Tree中。没有路口。该树包含1,2。

处理线段3的左端点:检查31的交点。没有路口。 3被插入到树中。该树包含2,1,3。


处理线段4的左端点检查线4与线23的交点。没有路口。 4被插入到树中。该树包含2,4,3。

处理线段5的左端点检查53的交点。没有路口。 5被插入到树中。该树包含2、4、3、5




// Implementation of Sweep Line Algorithm
using namespace std;
// A point in 2D plane
struct Point
    int x, y;
// A line segment with left as Point
// with smaller x value and right with
// larger x value.
struct Segment
    Point left, right;
// An event for sweep line algorithm
// An event has a point, the position
// of point (whether left or right) and
// index of point in the original input
// array of segments.
struct Event {
    int x, y;
    bool isLeft;
    int index;
    Event(int x, int y, bool l, int i) : x(x), y(y), isLeft(l), index(i) {}
    // This is for maintaining the order in set.
    bool operator<(const Event& e) const {
            return y < e.y;
// Given three colinear points p, q, r, the function checks if
// point q lies on line segment 'pr'
bool onSegment(Point p, Point q, Point r)
    if (q.x <= max(p.x, r.x) && q.x >= min(p.x, r.x) &&
        q.y <= max(p.y, r.y) && q.y >= min(p.y, r.y))
       return true;
    return false;
// To find orientation of ordered triplet (p, q, r).
// The function returns following values
// 0 --> p, q and r are colinear
// 1 --> Clockwise
// 2 --> Counterclockwise
int orientation(Point p, Point q, Point r)
    // See https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/orientation-3-ordered-points/
    // for details of below formula.
    int val = (q.y - p.y) * (r.x - q.x) -
              (q.x - p.x) * (r.y - q.y);
    if (val == 0) return 0;  // colinear
    return (val > 0)? 1: 2; // clock or counterclock wise
// The main function that returns true if line segment 'p1q1'
// and 'p2q2' intersect.
bool doIntersect(Segment s1, Segment s2)
    Point p1 = s1.left, q1 = s1.right, p2 = s2.left, q2 = s2.right; 
    // Find the four orientations needed for general and
    // special cases
    int o1 = orientation(p1, q1, p2);
    int o2 = orientation(p1, q1, q2);
    int o3 = orientation(p2, q2, p1);
    int o4 = orientation(p2, q2, q1);
    // General case
    if (o1 != o2 && o3 != o4)
        return true;
    // Special Cases
    // p1, q1 and p2 are colinear and p2 lies on segment p1q1
    if (o1 == 0 && onSegment(p1, p2, q1)) return true;
    // p1, q1 and q2 are colinear and q2 lies on segment p1q1
    if (o2 == 0 && onSegment(p1, q2, q1)) return true;
    // p2, q2 and p1 are colinear and p1 lies on segment p2q2
    if (o3 == 0 && onSegment(p2, p1, q2)) return true;
     // p2, q2 and q1 are colinear and q1 lies on segment p2q2
    if (o4 == 0 && onSegment(p2, q1, q2)) return true;
    return false; // Doesn't fall in any of the above cases
// Find predecessor of iterator in s.
auto pred(set &s, set::iterator it) {
    return it == s.begin() ? s.end() : --it;
// Find successor of iterator in s.
auto succ(set &s, set::iterator it) {
    return ++it;
// Returns true if any two lines intersect. 
bool isIntersect(Segment arr[], int n)
    // Pushing all points to a vector of events
    vector e;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        e.push_back(Event(arr[i].left.x, arr[i].left.y, true, i));
        e.push_back(Event(arr[i].right.x, arr[i].right.y, false, i));
    // Sorting all events according to x coordinate.
    sort(e.begin(), e.end(), [](Event &e1, Event &e2) {return e1.x < e2.x;});
    // For storing active segments.
    set s;
    // Traversing through sorted points
    for (int i=0; i<2*n; i++)
        Event curr = e[i];
        int index = curr.index;
        // If current point is left of its segment
        if (curr.isLeft)
            // Get above and below points
            auto next = s.lower_bound(curr);
            auto prev = pred(s, next);
            // Check if current point intersects with 
            // any of its adjacent 
            if (next != s.end() && doIntersect(arr[next->index], arr[index]))
               return true;
            if (prev != s.end() && doIntersect(arr[prev->index], arr[index]))
               return true;
            // Insert current point (or event)   
        // If current point is right of its segment
            // Find the iterator
            auto it = s.find(curr);
            // Find above and below points
            auto next = succ(s, it);
            auto prev = pred(s, it);
            // If above and below point intersect
            if (next != s.end() && prev != s.end())
               if (doIntersect(arr[prev->index], arr[next->index]))
                  return true;
            // Return current point
    return false;
// Driver code
int main() {
    Segment arr[] = { {{0, 0}, {0, 4}}, {{1, 0}, {5, 0}}};
    int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
    cout << isIntersect(arr, n);
    return 0;



