📜  数学的力量

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-04 17:33:06             🧑  作者: Mango

数字的幂表示乘法中使用数字的次数。幂也称为指数或指数。例如,8 ^ 2可以称为“ 8的幂2”或“ 8的第二幂”,或简称为“ 8平方”。


  1. 如果索引是1,那么您只需要数字本身。例如5 ^ 1 = 5
  2. 如果索引为0,则得到1。例如5 ^ 0 = 1
  3. 指数使编写和使用许多乘法变得更容易
  4. 负指数表示将某数除以多少次,例如5 ^ -1 = 1/5 = 0.2



例子 :

Input:  x = 10, y = 1
Output: True

Input:  x = 10, y = 1000
Output: True

Input:  x = 10, y = 1001
Output: False


// C++ program to check if a number is power of
// another number
using namespace std;
/* Returns 1 if y is a power of x */
bool isPower(int x, long int y)
    // The only power of 1 is 1 itself
    if (x == 1)
        return (y == 1);
    // Repeatedly comput power of x
    long int pow = 1;
    while (pow < y)
        pow *= x;
    // Check if power of x becomes y
    return (pow == y);
/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
    cout << (isPower(10, 1) ? "True" : "False") << endl;
    cout << (isPower(1, 20) ? "True" : "False") << endl;
    cout << (isPower(2, 128) ? "True" : "False") << endl;
    cout << (isPower(2, 30) ? "True" : "False") << endl;
    return 0;

// Java program to check if a number is power of
// another number
public class Test {
    // driver method to test power method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // check the result for true/false and print.
        System.out.println(isPower(10, 1) ? "True" : "False");
        System.out.println(isPower(1, 20) ? "True" : "False");
        System.out.println(isPower(2, 128) ? "True" : "False");
        System.out.println(isPower(2, 30) ? "True" : "False");
    /* Returns true if y is a power of x */
    public static boolean isPower(int x, int y)
        // The only power of 1 is 1 itself
        if (x == 1)
            return (y == 1);
        // Repeatedly compute power of x
        int pow = 1;
        while (pow < y)
            pow = pow * x;
        // Check if power of x becomes y
        return (pow == y);

# Python program to check
# if a number is power of
# another number
# Returns true if y is a
# power of x 
def isPower (x, y):
    # The only power of 1
    # is 1 itself
    if (x == 1):
        return (y == 1)
    # Repeatedly compute
    # power of x
    pow = 1
    while (pow < y):
        pow = pow * x
    # Check if power of x
    # becomes y
    return (pow == y)
# Driver Code
# check the result for
# true/false and print.
if(isPower(10, 1)): print("True")
else: print("False")
if(isPower(1, 20)): print("True")
else: print("False")
if(isPower(2, 128)): print("True")
else: print("False")
if(isPower(2, 30)): print("True")
else: print("False")

// C# program to check if a number 
// is power of another number
using System;
class GFG
    // Returns true if y is a power of x 
    public static bool isPower (int x, int y)
        // The only power of 1 is 1 itself
        if (x == 1)
        return (y == 1);
        // Repeatedly compute power of x
        int pow = 1;
        while (pow < y)
        pow = pow * x;
        // Check if power of x becomes y
        return (pow == y);
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main ()
        //check the result for true/false and print.
        Console.WriteLine(isPower(10, 1) ? "True" : "False");
        Console.WriteLine(isPower(1, 20) ? "True" : "False");
        Console.WriteLine(isPower(2, 128) ? "True" : "False");
        Console.WriteLine(isPower(2, 30) ? "True" : "False");




上述解决方案的时间复杂度为O(Log x y)


  • 查找升为y的x的单位数字
  • 检查数字是否可以表示为x ^ y(x升为幂y)
  • 找到最接近a ^ b的x的倍数
  • N位的所有可能数字和基数B(不带前导零)
  • 检查数字是否可以表示为a ^ b |套装2
  • 无需使用乘法(*)和除法(/)运算符即可编写自己的Power


  • 元素乘积为偶数的子集总数
  • 前N个自然数之和,不是K的幂
  • 一个数字的GCD升为一个幂而另一个数字
  • 最大N位数字可被给定的三个数字整除
  • 检查给定的号码是否被电源隔离
