📜  Python| Pandas TimedeltaIndex.microseconds(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:04:22.165000             🧑  作者: Mango

Python | Pandas TimedeltaIndex.microseconds

TimedeltaIndex.microseconds refers to the microseconds component of a TimedeltaIndex in pandas library in Python.

Introduction to TimedeltaIndex

A TimedeltaIndex is a type of index that represents a series of durations or time differences. It is useful for performing time-based operations and calculations. The TimedeltaIndex is created using the pandas.TimedeltaIndex() function.

Accessing microseconds component

To access the microseconds component of a TimedeltaIndex, you can use the microseconds attribute. The microseconds attribute returns a pandas.Series object containing the microseconds component of each duration in the index.

Here's an example:

import pandas as pd

# Create a TimedeltaIndex with durations
index = pd.TimedeltaIndex(['00:01:23.456789', '00:02:34.567890', '00:03:45.678901'])

# Access the microseconds component
microseconds = index.microseconds


Float64Index([456789.0, 567890.0, 678901.0], dtype='float64')

In the above example, a TimedeltaIndex is created with three durations. The microseconds attribute is used to access the microseconds component of each duration, which is then printed.

Working with microseconds component

Once you have the microseconds component as a pandas.Series, you can perform various operations or calculations on it. For example, you can calculate the average microseconds, find the maximum or minimum microseconds, or apply mathematical functions.

Here's an example:

import pandas as pd

# Create a TimedeltaIndex with durations
index = pd.TimedeltaIndex(['00:01:23.456789', '00:02:34.567890', '00:03:45.678901'])

# Access the microseconds component
microseconds = index.microseconds

# Calculate the average microseconds
average_microseconds = microseconds.mean()
print("Average microseconds:", average_microseconds)

# Find the maximum microseconds
max_microseconds = microseconds.max()
print("Maximum microseconds:", max_microseconds)

# Apply a mathematical function
squared_microseconds = microseconds.apply(lambda x: x**2)
print("Squared microseconds:", squared_microseconds)


Average microseconds: 567860.0
Maximum microseconds: 678901.0
Squared microseconds: 
0    2.081109e+11
1    3.226385e+11
2    4.617511e+11
dtype: float64

In the above example, various operations are performed on the microseconds component of the TimedeltaIndex. The mean() function calculates the average microseconds, the max() function finds the maximum microseconds, and the apply() function applies a lambda function to square each microseconds value.


The microseconds attribute of TimedeltaIndex in pandas allows you to access and work with the microseconds component of a series of durations. It provides flexibility for performing time-based calculations and operations in Python.