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📜  在Python中使用 Tkinter 的 GUI 聊天应用程序

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:23.356000             🧑  作者: Mango

在Python中使用 Tkinter 的 GUI 聊天应用程序

先决条件: Tkinter、套接字编程和多线程

这是一个简单的 GUI(图形用户界面)聊天应用程序,其中多个用户可以在客户端-服务器架构中相互连接,即客户端将在服务器的帮助下进行交互。

由于只有客户端会交互,所以服务器脚本没有 GUI

# import socket library
import socket
# import threading library
import threading
# Choose a port that is free
PORT = 5000
# An IPv4 address is obtained
# for the server.  
SERVER = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
# Address is stored as a tuple
# the format in which encoding
# and decoding will occur
FORMAT = "utf-8"
# Lists that will contains
# all the clients connected to
# the server and their names.
clients, names = [], []
# Create a new socket for
# the server
server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
# bind the address of the
# server to the socket
# function to start the connection
def startChat():
    print("server is working on " + SERVER)
    # listening for connections
    while True:
        # accept connections and returns
        # a new connection to the client
        #  and  the address bound to it
        conn, addr =  server.accept()
        # 1024 represents the max amount
        # of data that can be received (bytes)
        name = conn.recv(1024).decode(FORMAT)
        # append the name and client
        # to the respective list
        print(f"Name is :{name}")
        # broadcast message
        broadcastMessage(f"{name} has joined the chat!".encode(FORMAT))
        conn.send('Connection successful!'.encode(FORMAT))
        # Start the handling thread
        thread = threading.Thread(target = handle,
                                  args = (conn, addr))
        # no. of clients connected
        # to the server
        print(f"active connections {threading.activeCount()-1}")
# method to handle the
# incoming messages
def handle(conn, addr):
    print(f"new connection {addr}")
    connected = True
    while connected:
          # receive message
        message = conn.recv(1024)
        # broadcast message
    # close the connection
# method for broadcasting
# messages to the each clients
def broadcastMessage(message):
    for client in clients:
# call the method to
# begin the communication

# import all the required  modules
import socket
import threading
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import font
from tkinter import ttk
# import all functions /
#  everything from chat.py file
from chat import *
PORT = 5050
FORMAT = "utf-8"
# Create a new client socket
# and connect to the server
client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
# GUI class for the chat
class GUI:
    # constructor method
    def __init__(self):
        # chat window which is currently hidden
        self.Window = Tk()
        # login window
        self.login = Toplevel()
        # set the title
        self.login.resizable(width = False,
                             height = False)
        self.login.configure(width = 400,
                             height = 300)
        # create a Label
        self.pls = Label(self.login,
                       text = "Please login to continue",
                       justify = CENTER,
                       font = "Helvetica 14 bold")
        self.pls.place(relheight = 0.15,
                       relx = 0.2,
                       rely = 0.07)
        # create a Label
        self.labelName = Label(self.login,
                               text = "Name: ",
                               font = "Helvetica 12")
        self.labelName.place(relheight = 0.2,
                             relx = 0.1,
                             rely = 0.2)
        # create a entry box for
        # tyoing the message
        self.entryName = Entry(self.login,
                             font = "Helvetica 14")
        self.entryName.place(relwidth = 0.4,
                             relheight = 0.12,
                             relx = 0.35,
                             rely = 0.2)
        # set the focus of the cursor
        # create a Continue Button
        # along with action
        self.go = Button(self.login,
                         text = "CONTINUE",
                         font = "Helvetica 14 bold",
                         command = lambda: self.goAhead(self.entryName.get()))
        self.go.place(relx = 0.4,
                      rely = 0.55)
    def goAhead(self, name):
        # the thread to receive messages
        rcv = threading.Thread(target=self.receive)
    # The main layout of the chat
    def layout(self,name):
        self.name = name
        # to show chat window
        self.Window.resizable(width = False,
                              height = False)
        self.Window.configure(width = 470,
                              height = 550,
                              bg = "#17202A")
        self.labelHead = Label(self.Window,
                             bg = "#17202A",
                              fg = "#EAECEE",
                              text = self.name ,
                               font = "Helvetica 13 bold",
                               pady = 5)
        self.labelHead.place(relwidth = 1)
        self.line = Label(self.Window,
                          width = 450,
                          bg = "#ABB2B9")
        self.line.place(relwidth = 1,
                        rely = 0.07,
                        relheight = 0.012)
        self.textCons = Text(self.Window,
                             width = 20,
                             height = 2,
                             bg = "#17202A",
                             fg = "#EAECEE",
                             font = "Helvetica 14",
                             padx = 5,
                             pady = 5)
        self.textCons.place(relheight = 0.745,
                            relwidth = 1,
                            rely = 0.08)
        self.labelBottom = Label(self.Window,
                                 bg = "#ABB2B9",
                                 height = 80)
        self.labelBottom.place(relwidth = 1,
                               rely = 0.825)
        self.entryMsg = Entry(self.labelBottom,
                              bg = "#2C3E50",
                              fg = "#EAECEE",
                              font = "Helvetica 13")
        # place the given widget
        # into the gui window
        self.entryMsg.place(relwidth = 0.74,
                            relheight = 0.06,
                            rely = 0.008,
                            relx = 0.011)
        # create a Send Button
        self.buttonMsg = Button(self.labelBottom,
                                text = "Send",
                                font = "Helvetica 10 bold",
                                width = 20,
                                bg = "#ABB2B9",
                                command = lambda : self.sendButton(self.entryMsg.get()))
        self.buttonMsg.place(relx = 0.77,
                             rely = 0.008,
                             relheight = 0.06,
                             relwidth = 0.22)
        self.textCons.config(cursor = "arrow")
        # create a scroll bar
        scrollbar = Scrollbar(self.textCons)
        # place the scroll bar
        # into the gui window
        scrollbar.place(relheight = 1,
                        relx = 0.974)
        scrollbar.config(command = self.textCons.yview)
        self.textCons.config(state = DISABLED)
    # function to basically start the thread for sending messages
    def sendButton(self, msg):
        self.textCons.config(state = DISABLED)
        self.entryMsg.delete(0, END)
        snd= threading.Thread(target = self.sendMessage)
    # function to receive messages
    def receive(self):
        while True:
                message = client.recv(1024).decode(FORMAT)
                # if the messages from the server is NAME send the client's name
                if message == 'NAME':
                    # insert messages to text box
                    self.textCons.config(state = NORMAL)
                    self.textCons.config(state = DISABLED)
                # an error will be printed on the command line or console if there's an error
                print("An error occured!")
    # function to send messages
    def sendMessage(self):
        while True:
            message = (f"{self.name}: {self.msg}")
# create a GUI class object
g = GUI()



# import all the required  modules
import socket
import threading
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import font
from tkinter import ttk
# import all functions /
#  everything from chat.py file
from chat import *
PORT = 5050
FORMAT = "utf-8"
# Create a new client socket
# and connect to the server
client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
# GUI class for the chat
class GUI:
    # constructor method
    def __init__(self):
        # chat window which is currently hidden
        self.Window = Tk()
        # login window
        self.login = Toplevel()
        # set the title
        self.login.resizable(width = False,
                             height = False)
        self.login.configure(width = 400,
                             height = 300)
        # create a Label
        self.pls = Label(self.login,
                       text = "Please login to continue",
                       justify = CENTER,
                       font = "Helvetica 14 bold")
        self.pls.place(relheight = 0.15,
                       relx = 0.2,
                       rely = 0.07)
        # create a Label
        self.labelName = Label(self.login,
                               text = "Name: ",
                               font = "Helvetica 12")
        self.labelName.place(relheight = 0.2,
                             relx = 0.1,
                             rely = 0.2)
        # create a entry box for
        # tyoing the message
        self.entryName = Entry(self.login,
                             font = "Helvetica 14")
        self.entryName.place(relwidth = 0.4,
                             relheight = 0.12,
                             relx = 0.35,
                             rely = 0.2)
        # set the focus of the cursor
        # create a Continue Button
        # along with action
        self.go = Button(self.login,
                         text = "CONTINUE",
                         font = "Helvetica 14 bold",
                         command = lambda: self.goAhead(self.entryName.get()))
        self.go.place(relx = 0.4,
                      rely = 0.55)
    def goAhead(self, name):
        # the thread to receive messages
        rcv = threading.Thread(target=self.receive)
    # The main layout of the chat
    def layout(self,name):
        self.name = name
        # to show chat window
        self.Window.resizable(width = False,
                              height = False)
        self.Window.configure(width = 470,
                              height = 550,
                              bg = "#17202A")
        self.labelHead = Label(self.Window,
                             bg = "#17202A",
                              fg = "#EAECEE",
                              text = self.name ,
                               font = "Helvetica 13 bold",
                               pady = 5)
        self.labelHead.place(relwidth = 1)
        self.line = Label(self.Window,
                          width = 450,
                          bg = "#ABB2B9")
        self.line.place(relwidth = 1,
                        rely = 0.07,
                        relheight = 0.012)
        self.textCons = Text(self.Window,
                             width = 20,
                             height = 2,
                             bg = "#17202A",
                             fg = "#EAECEE",
                             font = "Helvetica 14",
                             padx = 5,
                             pady = 5)
        self.textCons.place(relheight = 0.745,
                            relwidth = 1,
                            rely = 0.08)
        self.labelBottom = Label(self.Window,
                                 bg = "#ABB2B9",
                                 height = 80)
        self.labelBottom.place(relwidth = 1,
                               rely = 0.825)
        self.entryMsg = Entry(self.labelBottom,
                              bg = "#2C3E50",
                              fg = "#EAECEE",
                              font = "Helvetica 13")
        # place the given widget
        # into the gui window
        self.entryMsg.place(relwidth = 0.74,
                            relheight = 0.06,
                            rely = 0.008,
                            relx = 0.011)
        # create a Send Button
        self.buttonMsg = Button(self.labelBottom,
                                text = "Send",
                                font = "Helvetica 10 bold",
                                width = 20,
                                bg = "#ABB2B9",
                                command = lambda : self.sendButton(self.entryMsg.get()))
        self.buttonMsg.place(relx = 0.77,
                             rely = 0.008,
                             relheight = 0.06,
                             relwidth = 0.22)
        self.textCons.config(cursor = "arrow")
        # create a scroll bar
        scrollbar = Scrollbar(self.textCons)
        # place the scroll bar
        # into the gui window
        scrollbar.place(relheight = 1,
                        relx = 0.974)
        scrollbar.config(command = self.textCons.yview)
        self.textCons.config(state = DISABLED)
    # function to basically start the thread for sending messages
    def sendButton(self, msg):
        self.textCons.config(state = DISABLED)
        self.entryMsg.delete(0, END)
        snd= threading.Thread(target = self.sendMessage)
    # function to receive messages
    def receive(self):
        while True:
                message = client.recv(1024).decode(FORMAT)
                # if the messages from the server is NAME send the client's name
                if message == 'NAME':
                    # insert messages to text box
                    self.textCons.config(state = NORMAL)
                    self.textCons.config(state = DISABLED)
                # an error will be printed on the command line or console if there's an error
                print("An error occured!")
    # function to send messages
    def sendMessage(self):
        while True:
            message = (f"{self.name}: {self.msg}")
# create a GUI class object
g = GUI()

输出 :


客户 1:

客户 2:

客户 3:

服务器 :