平方根是一个值,它给出了与自身相乘的原始数字。例如,6 乘以自身得到 36(即 6 × 6 = 36),因此,6 是 36 的平方根,或者换句话说,36 是 6 的平方数。
Suppose, a is the square root of b, then it is represented as,
a = √b or
a2 = b
Let the square of 2 is 4 so the square root of 4 will be 2 i.e.
√4 = 2
以下是前 50 位数字的平方根: Square Root Value Square Root Value √1 1 √26 5.0990 √2 1.4142 √27 5.1962 √3 1.7321 √28 5.2915 √4 2 √29 5.3852 √5 2.2361 √30 5.4772 √6 2.4495 √31 5.5678 √7 2.6458 √32 5.6569 √8 2.8284 √33 5.7446 √9 3 √34 5.8310 √10 3.1623 √35 5.9161 √11 3.3166 √36 6 √12 3.4641 √37 6.0828 √13 3.6056 √38 6.1644 √14 3.7417 √39 6.2450 √15 3.8730 √40 6.3246 √16 4 √41 6.4031 √17 4.1231 √42 6.4807 √18 4.2426 √43 6.5574 √19 4.3589 √44 6.6332 √20 4.4721 √45 6.7082 √21 4.5826 √46 6.7823 √22 4.6904 √47 6.8557 √23 4.7958 √48 6.9282 √24 4.8990 √49 7 √25 5 √50 7.0711
- 如果一个数字是一个完美的平方,那么一个完美的平方根总是存在的。
- 4 的平方根是 2,16 的平方根是 4。所以我们可以得出结论,一个偶数完全平方的平方根是偶数。
- 9 的平方根是 3,81 的平方根是 9。所以我们可以得出结论,奇完全平方的平方根是奇数。
- 完美的平方不能是负数,因此负数的平方根没有定义。
- 从以上几点可以得出结论,以(具有个位)1、4、5、6或9结尾的数字将具有平方根。
- 如果多个结尾有偶数个零(0),那么它可以有一个平方根。
- 如果一个数字的个位是 2、3、7 或 8,则不可能有完美的平方根。
- 如果数以 2、3、7 或 8(在个位数中)结尾,则不存在完美平方根。
- 这两个平方根值可以相乘。例如,√5可以乘以√2,那么结果应该是√10。
- 两个相同的平方根相乘得到一个非平方根数。当 √5 乘以 √5 时,我们得到 5 作为结果。
9 is a perfect square because it is the product of two equal integers, 3 × 3 = 9.
However, 10 is not a perfect square because it cannot be expressed as the product of two equal integers. (5 × 2 = 10).
Thus, a perfect square is an integer that is the square of an integer; in other words, it is the product of some integer with itself.
The numbers that are perfect squares are mentioned below, and finding the square roots of those numbers is easy. Here are few examples of square roots:
- 12 = 1
- 22 = 4
- 32 = 9
- 42 = 16
- 52 = 25
- 62 = 36
- 72 = 49
- 82 = 64
- 92 = 81
- 102 = 100
As a result, the complete squares are 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, and 100.
要确定一个给定的数是完全平方还是不完全平方,我们必须首先确定它是完全平方还是不完全平方。如果数字是一个完美的平方,比如 4、9、16 等,我们将使用素数分解过程对其进行因式分解。如果数是不完全平方,如 2、3、5 等,我们必须使用长除法求根。
- 重复减法
- 素数分解法
- 除法
已知前 n 个奇数自然数之和为 n 2 。我们将通过多次减去整数来计算整数的平方根。让我们考虑一个例子,看看这种方法是如何工作的。假设您应该找到 25 的平方根,即 √25。步骤如下:
示例 1:使用重复减法确定 25 的平方根。
Since, 25 is an odd number. Therefore, the steps to find the square root of 25 is:
- 25 – 1 = 24
- 24 – 3 = 21
- 21 – 5 = 16
- 16- 7 = 9
- 9 – 9 = 0
Here it takes five steps to get the 0.
Hence, the square root of 25 is 5.
示例 2:使用重复减法确定 16 的平方根。
Since, 16 is an even number. Therefore, the steps to find the square root of 16 is:
- 16 – 4 = 12
- 12 – 4 = 8
- 8 – 4 = 4
Here it takes four steps to get the 0.
Hence, the square root of 16 is 4.
例 3:用重复减法求 49 的平方根。
Since, 49 is an odd number. Therefore, the steps to find the square root of 49 is:
- 49 – 1 = 48
- 48 – 3 = 45
- 45 – 5 = 40
- 40 – 7 = 33
- 33 – 9 = 24
- 24 – 11 = 13
- 13 -13 = 0
Here it takes seven steps to get the 0.
Hence, the square root of 49 is 7.
2. 素数分解法
e.g.: The prime factors of 126 will be 2, 3 and 7 as 2 × 3 × 3 × 7 = 126 and 2, 3, 7 are prime numbers.
- 16 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 22 × 22 = √16 = 4
- 25 = 5 × 5 = 52 = √25 = 5
- 64 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = √64 = 8
第 2 步:让我们将最左边的数字除以平方小于或等于最左边条形下方的数字的最大数字。取这个数作为除数和商。最左边栏下的数字被认为是股息。
第 3 步:除以得到数字。将余数右侧下一个栏下的数字记下来。
第 4 步:将除数加倍(或将除数与自身相加)。在这个除数的右边找到一个合适的数字,它与除数一起形成新除数的新除数。商中的新数字将与除数中选择的数字相同。条件与小于或等于股息的条件相同。
例 1:用除法求 144 的平方根。
The steps to determine the square root of 144 are:
Step 1: Start the division from the leftmost side. Here 1 is the number whose square is 1.
Step 2: Putting it in the divisor and the quotient and then doubling it will give as,
Step 3: Now it is required to find a number for the blanks in divisor and quotient. Let that number be x.
Step 4: Therefore, check when 2x multiplies by x give a number of less than or equal to 44. Take x = 1, 2, 3, and so on and check.
In this case,
- 21 × 1 = 21
- 22 × 2 = 44
So we choose x = 2 as the new digit to be put in the divisor and in the quotient.
The remainder here is 0 and hence 12 is the square root of 144.
例 2:用除法求 196 的平方根。
The steps to determine the square root of 196 are:
Step 1: Start the division from the leftmost side. Here 1 is the number whose square is 1.
Step 2: Putting it in the divisor and the quotient and then doubling it will give.
Step 3: Now we need to find a number for the blanks in divisor and quotient. Let that number be x.
Step 4: We need to check when 2x multiplies by x give a number less than or equal to 96. Take x = 1, 2, 3 and so on and check.
In this case,
- 21 × 1 = 21
- 22 × 2 = 44
- 23 × 3 = 69
- 24 × 4 = 96
So, choose x = 4 as the new digit to be put in divisor and in the quotient.
The remainder here is 0 and hence 14 is the square root of 196.
例 2:用除法求 225 的平方根。
The steps to determine the square root of 225 are:
Step 1: Start the division from the leftmost side. Here 1 is the number whose square is 1.
Step 2: Putting it in the divisor and the quotient and then doubling it will give.
Step 3: Now we need to find a number for the blanks in divisor and quotient. Let that number be x.
Step 4: We need to check when 2x multiplies by x gives a number which is either less than or equal to 125. Take x = 1, 2, 3 and so on and check.
In this case,
- 21 × 1 = 21
- 22 × 2 = 44
- 23 × 3 = 69
- 24 × 4 = 96
- 25 × 5 = 125
So we choose x = 5 as the new digit to be put in divisor and in the quotient.
The remainder here is 0 and hence 15 is the square root of 225.
4. 复数的平方根
要计算复数的平方根,假设根是 ea + ib。然后将其与原始数字进行比较以获得 a 和 b 的值,从而产生平方根。
设 a + ib 是复数,因此可以使用以下公式求 a + ib 的平方根
示例 1:求 6 – 8i 的平方根。
Let’s use the following formula to determine the square root of the given complex number as:
For the given case, substitute a = 6 and b = (-8) in the above formula,
which is the required solution.
示例 2:求 9 + 40i 的平方根。
解决方案 :
Let’s use the following formula to determine the square root of the given complex number as:
For the given case, substitute a = 9 and b = 40 in the above formula,
which is the required solution.
示例 3:求 3 + 4i 的平方根。
解决方案 :
Let’s use the following formula to determine the square root of the given complex number as:
For the given case, substitute a = 3 and b = 4 in the above formula,
which is the required solution.