在Python中使用 OpenCV 连接图像
为了使用Python垂直和水平连接图像,cv2 库带有两个函数:
- hconcat():用作 cv2.hconcat() 水平拼接图像。这里 h 表示水平。
- vconcat():它被用作 cv2.vconcat() 来垂直连接图像。这里 v 表示垂直。
在数组上使用 hconcat() 和 vconcat() 实现
传递作为 n 维数组的图像列表,其中列表中的图像垂直或水平连接。可以调整不同大小的图像大小。以下连接图像的方法通过下面的代码解释为:
# import cv2 library
import cv2
# read the images
img1 = cv2.imread('sea.jpg')
img2 = cv2.imread('man.jpeg')
# vertically concatenates images
# of same width
im_v = cv2.vconcat([img1, img1])
# show the output image
cv2.imshow('sea_image.jpg', im_v)
# horizontally concatenates images
# of same height
im_h = cv2.hconcat([img2, img2])
# show the output image
cv2.imshow('man_image.jpeg', im_h)
# define a function for vertically
# concatenating images of different
# widths
def vconcat_resize(img_list, interpolation
# take minimum width
w_min = min(img.shape[1]
for img in img_list)
# resizing images
im_list_resize = [cv2.resize(img,
(w_min, int(img.shape[0] * w_min / img.shape[1])),
interpolation = interpolation)
for img in img_list]
# return final image
return cv2.vconcat(im_list_resize)
# function calling
img_v_resize = vconcat_resize([img1, img2, img1])
# show the output image
cv2.imwrite('vconcat_resize.jpg', img_v_resize)
# define a function for horizontally
# concatenating images of different
# heights
def hconcat_resize(img_list,
# take minimum hights
h_min = min(img.shape[0]
for img in img_list)
# image resizing
im_list_resize = [cv2.resize(img,
(int(img.shape[1] * h_min / img.shape[0]),
h_min), interpolation
= interpolation)
for img in img_list]
# return final image
return cv2.hconcat(im_list_resize)
# function calling
img_h_resize = hconcat_resize([img1, img2, img1])
# show the Output image
cv2.imshow('hconcat_resize.jpg', img_h_resize)
# define a function for vertically
# concatenating images of the
# same size and horizontally
def concat_vh(list_2d):
# return final image
return cv2.vconcat([cv2.hconcat(list_h)
for list_h in list_2d])
# image resizing
img1_s = cv2.resize(img1, dsize = (0,0),
fx = 0.5, fy = 0.5)
# function calling
img_tile = concat_vh([[img1_s, img1_s, img1_s],
[img1_s, img1_s, img1_s],
[img1_s, img1_s, img1_s]])
# show the output image
cv2.imshow('concat_vh.jpg', img_tile)
# define a function for concatenating
# images of different sizes in
# vertical and horizontal tiles
def concat_tile_resize(list_2d,
interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC):
# function calling for every
# list of images
img_list_v = [hconcat_resize(list_h,
interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
for list_h in list_2d]
# return final image
return vconcat_resize(img_list_v, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
# function calling
im_tile_resize = concat_tile_resize([[img1],
[img1, img2,
img1, img2, img1],
[img1, img2, img1]])
# show the image
cv2.imshow('concat_tile_resize.jpg', im_tile_resize)
垂直连接: cv2.vconcat() 用于垂直组合相同宽度的图像。
# vertically concatenates images
# of same width
im_v = cv2.vconcat([img1, img1])
# show the output image
cv2.imshow('sea_image.jpg', im_v)
水平连接: cv2.hconcat() 用于水平组合相同高度的图像。
# horizontally concatenates images
# of same height
im_h = cv2.hconcat([img2, img2])
# show the output image
cv2.imshow('man_image.jpeg', im_h)
垂直拼接不同宽度的图像:用于组合不同宽度的图像。这里 shape[0] 代表高度,shape[1] 代表宽度。
# define a function for vertically
# concatenating images of different
# widths
def vconcat_resize(img_list, interpolation
# take minimum width
w_min = min(img.shape[1]
for img in img_list)
# resizing images
im_list_resize = [cv2.resize(img,
(w_min, int(img.shape[0] * w_min / img.shape[1])),
interpolation = interpolation)
for img in img_list]
# return final image
return cv2.vconcat(im_list_resize)
# function calling
img_v_resize = vconcat_resize([img1, img2, img1])
# show the output image
cv2.imwrite('vconcat_resize.jpg', img_v_resize)
# define a function for horizontally
# concatenating images of different
# heights
def hconcat_resize(img_list,
# take minimum hights
h_min = min(img.shape[0]
for img in img_list)
# image resizing
im_list_resize = [cv2.resize(img,
(int(img.shape[1] * h_min / img.shape[0]),
h_min), interpolation
= interpolation)
for img in img_list]
# return final image
return cv2.hconcat(im_list_resize)
# function calling
img_h_resize = hconcat_resize([img1, img2, img1])
# show the Output image
cv2.imshow('hconcat_resize.jpg', img_h_resize)
垂直和水平连接相同大小的图像:可以使用 cv2.hconcat() 和 cv2.vconcat() 使用 2D 列表以平铺形式组合图像。
# define a function for vertically
# concatenating images of the
# same size and horizontally
def concat_vh(list_2d):
# return final image
return cv2.vconcat([cv2.hconcat(list_h)
for list_h in list_2d])
# image resizing
img1_s = cv2.resize(img1, dsize = (0,0),
fx = 0.5, fy = 0.5)
# function calling
img_tile = concat_vh([[img1_s, img1_s, img1_s],
[img1_s, img1_s, img1_s],
[img1_s, img1_s, img1_s]])
# show the output image
cv2.imshow('concat_vh.jpg', img_tile)
# define a function for concatenating
# images of different sizes in
# vertical and horizontal tiles
def concat_tile_resize(list_2d,
interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC):
# function calling for every
# list of images
img_list_v = [hconcat_resize(list_h,
interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
for list_h in list_2d]
# return final image
return vconcat_resize(img_list_v, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
# function calling
im_tile_resize = concat_tile_resize([[img1],
[img1, img2,
img1, img2, img1],
[img1, img2, img1]])
# show the image
cv2.imshow('concat_tile_resize.jpg', im_tile_resize)