📜  p5.js |鼠标移动Y

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:34.268000             🧑  作者: Mango

p5.js |鼠标移动Y

p5.js 中的movedY变量包含自草图最后一帧以来鼠标的垂直移动。正值表示鼠标向下移动,负值表示它在最后一帧中向上移动。



下面的程序说明了 p5.js 中的movedY变量:

示例 1:

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 300);
  fpsSlider = createSlider(1, 60, 30, 1);
  fpsSlider.position(20, 40);
function draw() {
  text("Move the slider to change the framerate of the sketch", 20, 20);
  // Set the framerate according to the slider
  text("Current Framerate: " + fpsSlider.value() + " FPS", 20, 80);
  // Use the movedY property
  text("The mouse moved " + movedY + " units in the y-direction", 20, 140);
  text("since the last frame", 20, 160);

let gameOver = false;
function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 300);
function draw() {
    "Move the mouse vertically from one end to the "+
    "other end slowly to keep playing",
  if (!gameOver) {
    // Use the movedY property to display the
    // amount of mouse movedF
    text("The mouse moved " + movedY + " units in "+
         "the y-direction", 20, 60);
    // Get the absolute amount of mouse moved
    // and finish the game is it goes too fast
    if (abs(movedY) > 3) gameOver = true;
  } else text("You moved too fast! Refresh to try again", 20, 80);



示例 2:


let gameOver = false;
function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 300);
function draw() {
    "Move the mouse vertically from one end to the "+
    "other end slowly to keep playing",
  if (!gameOver) {
    // Use the movedY property to display the
    // amount of mouse movedF
    text("The mouse moved " + movedY + " units in "+
         "the y-direction", 20, 60);
    // Get the absolute amount of mouse moved
    // and finish the game is it goes too fast
    if (abs(movedY) > 3) gameOver = true;
  } else text("You moved too fast! Refresh to try again", 20, 80);



参考: https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/movedY
环境设置: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/p5-js-soundfile-object-installation-and-methods/

参考: https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/setCamera