- 老师收集学生的分数,按升序或降序排列,计算班级平均分,或找出不及格的学生人数,通知他们,让他们开始努力。
- 政府官员为人口普查收集数据,并将其与以前的记录进行比较,以了解人口增长是否得到控制。
- 分析一个国家特定宗教的信徒数量。
- 算术平均值:也称为平均值,给定数据集的算术平均值是通过将数据中的数字相加并将如此获得的总和除以观测值的数量来计算的。
- 中位数:将一组给定统计数据的较高值和较低值分开的值称为中位数。
- 众数:在给定的一系列统计数据中出现频率最高的值称为众数。
- 标准偏差:表示统计系列的某些值与其平均值或中位数趋于变化或分散的程度的值称为标准偏差。
- 范围:这样的值描述了系列中最高值和最低值之间的差异。
- 相关性:这种有助于研究两个变量之间关系的统计工具称为相关性。
A teacher assigned with the task of marking 60 students’ papers (out of 100 marks) can divide the data set in 10 groups, like students who have scored between 0 and 10 would be put under 0- 10 class interval, those who got between 10 and 20 would be put in 10- 20 interval, and so on until the last group (interval) becomes 90- 100. Such division is shown as follows:
Alternatively, the teacher could have made 5 class intervals by choosing aa class size of 20, which is shown as follows:
- 计算给定数据集中类区间的中点。用“m”表示的中点或等级分数是通过将上下限相加并将所述总和除以 2 来计算的。换句话说,需要找到上限和下限的平均值一个特定的类来获得中分。
- 将给定类间隔的频率(用“f”表示)乘以它们各自的类标记,用“m”表示。将所有 f 与相应的 m 相乘后,将所有这些结果相加以将其描述为 Σfm。
- 将所有频率加在一起,并用 Σf 表示。
- 将频率和 (Σf) 除以中点和频率的乘积之和 (Σfm)。
- 如此获得的数字是给定数据集的算术平均值。
Hence, arithmetic mean for a given data set where class marks are m, and frequencies are f, through direct method is calculated using the following formula:
问题 1. 使用直接法计算以下数据集的算术平均值:Marks Scored Number of Students 0 – 10 5 10 – 20 10 20 -30 3 30 – 40 10 40 – 50 4 50 – 60 7 60 – 70 9 70 – 80 6 80 – 90 4 90 – 100 2
For the computation of mean, we need to calculate the class intervals of the given class intervals. This is done as follows: fm 5 5 25 12 15 180 14 25 350 10 35 350 9 45 405 Σf = 50 Σfm = 1310 Marks Number of Students(f) Mid- Points(m) 0 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50
Mean = X̄ = = = 26.2
Hence, the mean of the given data set is 26.2
问题 2. 使用直接法计算以下数据集的算术平均值:Marks Scored Number of Students 0 – 20 15 20 – 40 13 40 – 60 11 60 – 80 15 80 – 100 6
For the computation of mean, we need to calculate the class intervals of the given class intervals. This is done as follows: fm 0 – 2 2 1 2 2 – 4 4 3 12 4 – 6 6 5 30 6 – 8 8 7 56 8 – 10 10 9 90 Σf = 30Class Intervals Frequency(f) Mid- Points(m) Σfm = 190
Mean = X̄ = = = 6.33
Hence, the mean of the given data set is 6.33
问题 3. 使用直接法计算以下数据集的算术平均值:Class Intervals Class Marks/ Mid- points 0 – 10 = 05 10 – 20 = 15 20 – 30 = 25 30 – 40 = 35 40 – 50 = 45
For the computation of mean, we need to calculate the class intervals of the given class intervals. This is done as follows: fm 10 – 20 5 15 75 20 – 30 3 25 75 30 – 40 4 35 140 40 – 50 7 45 315 50 – 60 2 55 110 60 – 70 6 65 390 70 – 80 13 75 975 Σf = 40Class Intervals Frequency(f) Mid- Points(m) Σfm = 2080
Mean = X̄ = = = 52
Hence, the mean of the given data set is 52.
问题 4. 使用直接法计算以下数据集的算术平均值: 5 12 14 10 9Marks Number of Students 0 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50
For the computation of mean, we need to calculate the class intervals of the given class intervals. This is done as follows: fm 100 – 120 4 110 440 120 – 140 6 130 780 140 – 160 10 150 1500 160 – 180 8 170 1360 180 – 200 5 190 950 Σf = 33Class Intervals Frequency(f) Mid- Points(m) Σfm = 5030
Mean = X̄ = = = 152.42
Hence, the mean of the given data set is 152.42