珀尔 |创建 Excel 文件
Excel 文件是最常用的计算机之间通信的办公应用程序。它用于为计算创建文本、数字和公式的行和列。这是发送报告的好方法。该演示也适用于 Linux、Windows 和其他平台。在 excel 中,行从 1 到 n 编号……列用 A、B、C 等字母标记……因此,A1 指的是左上角。要使用 Perl 创建 excel 文件,您可以使用 padre IDE,我们还将使用 Excel::Writer::XLSX 模块。
Perl 使用 write()函数向 excel 文件添加内容。
Syntax: write(cell_address, content)
cell_address: Address of the cell where content is to be added.
content: which is to be added to the worksheet.
Excel 文件可以使用 Perl 命令行创建,但首先我们需要加载 Excel::Writer::XLSX 模块。
use Excel::Writer::XLSX;
my $Excelbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( 'GFG_Sample.xlsx' );
my $Excelsheet = $Excelbook->add_worksheet();
$Excelsheet->write( "A1", "Hello!" );
$Excelsheet->write( "A2", "GeeksForGeeks" );
$Excelsheet->write( "B1", "Next_Column" );
第 1 步:加载模块 Excel::Writer::XLSX。
第 2 步:创建一个代表整个 Excel 文件的对象 $Excelbook。
第 3 步:调用 write() 方法将数据添加到工作表中。
第 4 步:现在,使用.pl扩展名保存文件。
第 5 步:在命令行上运行您的 .pl 文件,将创建 Excelsheet。
Excel 提供了各种数学公式的使用,以便于在资产负债表、业务记录等 excel 表上进行计算。
- 添加:
Excel 提供了一种方法“SUM”,用于在特定单元格上添加值。Syntax: =SUM(Start, End)
Start: Address of the starting cell
End: Address of the Ending cellReturns: the summation of values between the Starting and Ending cell.
#!/usr/bin/perl use Excel::Writer::XLSX; my $Excelbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( 'GFG_Sample.xlsx' ); my $Excelsheet = $Excelbook->add_worksheet(); # Writing values at A1 and A2 $Excelsheet->write( "A1", 55 ); $Excelsheet->write( "A2", 47 ); # Adding without use of SUM method $Excelsheet->write( "A3", "= A1 + A2" ); # Addition of a Range of cells $Excelsheet->write( "A4", " =SUM(A1:A3)" );
- 数数:
Excel中的此函数用于计算给定范围内仅包含数值的所有单元格。Syntax: =COUNT(Start, End)
Returns: count of all cells containing numeric value#!/usr/bin/perl use Excel::Writer::XLSX; my $Excelbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( 'GFG_Sample.xlsx' ); my $Excelsheet = $Excelbook->add_worksheet(); # Writing values $Excelsheet->write( "A1", 5 ); $Excelsheet->write( "A2", 40 ); $Excelsheet->write( "A3", "Hello" ); $Excelsheet->write( "A4", 10 ); # Addition of a Range of cells $Excelsheet->write( "A5", "Count ="); $Excelsheet->write( "B5", "=COUNT(A1:A4)" );
ExcelSheets 中可以使用颜色来分别标记特定值。这些颜色是使用 add_format() 方法指定的。
Syntax: add_format(color=> ‘color_name’)
use Excel::Writer::XLSX;
my $Excelbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( 'GFG_Sample.xlsx' );
my $Excelsheet = $Excelbook->add_worksheet();
# Setting value of color
my $color1 = $Excelbook->add_format(color=> 'blue',);
my $color2 = $Excelbook->add_format(color=> 'red',);
my $color3 = $Excelbook->add_format(color=> 'green',);
$Excelsheet->write( "A2", "Geeks", $color1 );
$Excelsheet->write( "B2", "For", $color2 );
$Excelsheet->write( "C2", "Geeks", $color3 );
Syntax: write(R,C, “value”)
R and C are the coordinates of the Row and Column respectively.
use Excel::Writer::XLSX;
my $Excelbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( 'GFG_Sample.xlsx' );
my $Excelsheet = $Excelbook->add_worksheet();
$Excelsheet->write( 0, 0, "Hello!" );
$Excelsheet->write( 1, 0, "GeeksForGeeks" );
$Excelsheet->write( 3, 2, "Welcome!!!" );