📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:59.416000             🧑  作者: Mango



定义、测量、分析、改进和控制简称 DMAIC。完全实施后,构思新的流程解决方案和解决问题的方法。它是一个改进周期,是用于驱动六西格玛规则的核心工具。它使数据驱动周期的流程变得容易,从而改进、优化和稳定了业务流程和设计。它是一个相互关联的阶段,每个步骤都需要确保最佳结果。

循环 DMAIC 过程的五个步骤是:

  1. 定义
  2. 措施
  3. 分析
  4. 提升
  5. 控制


对 DMAIC 的普遍批评是它在通信框架上效率低下。它总是让观众感到困惑和恼火。此外,一刀切的方法不适合依赖创造力的组织。当目标在某个新的呼叫监控系统中实现时,DMAIC 将无法正常工作。

2. PDCA:

PDCA 代表 Plan-Do-Check-Act。它是一种迭代设计,是一种用于各种业务目的的管理方法,用于改进、控制和延续流程产品。最初由美国物理学家沃尔特在 1920 年代开发。这也称为戴明循环。表示计划、执行、检查和执行的连续循环。它为解决问题和管理变更提供了简单有效的方法。该模型可用于解决问题的迭代技术,用于改进业务解决迭代技术,用于改进业务和流程。

PDCA 包括以下四个步骤:

  1. 计划
  2. 查看
  3. 行为


不具体的定义会导致错误的使用。需要在更长的时间内规划变更。在 PDCA 循环中,人们需要考虑是否接受并且不那么主动。此外,使解决紧急问题的工具无效 纵容在最终结果之前涉及分析和测试的多个步骤。







PLANEstablishes objective and delivers product according to desired results and also works as per required processes. recognizes an opportunity and changes plans accordingly.1It is the 1st step which seeks identically all the pertinent information necessary to breakdown problems in project. It also focuses on business goals, budget, potential resources drives motivation and high level project timeline.DEFINE
DOTests the changes. Functions on small scale study basis. The tasks are aligned and assessed, and carries out objectives from previous steps.2The main goal of the steps is to measure the specification of problems. It establishes process performance baseline. Its current process of activation and uses that for improvement of data which is comparedMEASURE
CHECKDuring the check phase, the data and results are evaluated. Reviews tests , analyzes result. Formal and informal assessment takes place continually from daily assessment and annual standardized texts.3This phase examines data amassed ,validates and isolates the exact root in the process inefficiencies and defects. It extracts the main meaning. Prioritize the root cause which improves step.ANALYZE
ACTThis step standardize when goals are met, improves the design curriculum and teaching method3This one initiates formal action plans which solves the targeted root problem which are raised during analyzation. Plans different variable isolation and co-factors until true obstacles are detected. Creates ,focuses on simplest and easiest solution also, deploy improvements.IMPROVE
  4This step is to embed the changes and ensures sustainability, track improvement and gains approval to release resources. Helps in controlling plan, transition plans, control plan and provides delivery benefits. CONTROL





01.PDCA is a repetitive 4 step stage model applied to achieve continuous improvement during business processes.DMAIC represents a data driven improvement approach which helps in improving ,enhancing and stabilizing the whole business process in 5 major steps.
02.PDCA is much simpler and more straightforward.DMAIC is likely more religious and detailed conceptional.
03.Runs on lean cycle procedure consisting 4 major steps.Works on six sigma principles consisting 5 steps.
04.Whereas, PDCA solves the overwhelming majority of problems.Its an effective way to solve bigger complex challenges.
05.PDCA cycle is inferior in that way.The six sigma rule is great way to drive through the process.
06.PDCA cycle performs on a quantitative and qualitative way.DMAIC provides an more detailed planning phase and plot.