📜  csr_matric scipy lib - Python (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:14:17.595000             🧑  作者: Mango

Introduction to CSR Matrix in SciPy

CSR (Compressed Sparse Row) matrix is a popular sparse matrix format used for efficient storage and manipulation of large matrices with mostly zero elements. It is especially useful when dealing with sparse matrices in scientific and numerical computations.

Table of Contents
What is a CSR Matrix?

A CSR matrix is a compressed representation of a sparse matrix in which only the non-zero elements are stored along with their row and column indices. It consists of three arrays:

  • data: An array containing non-zero elements of the matrix.
  • indices: An array containing the column indices of the corresponding non-zero elements.
  • indptr: An array containing the indices to start of each row in the data and indices arrays.

This representation eliminates the need to store all the zero elements, resulting in significant memory savings for large sparse matrices.

Creating CSR Matrix

In SciPy library, creating a CSR matrix can be done using the csr_matrix function. Here's an example:

import scipy.sparse as sp

# Create a dense matrix
dense_matrix = [[1, 0, 0],
                [0, 2, 0],
                [0, 0, 3]]

# Convert dense matrix to CSR matrix
csr_matrix = sp.csr_matrix(dense_matrix)
Operations on CSR Matrix

Once a CSR matrix is created, we can perform various operations on it, including:

  • Accessing elements using row and column indices.
  • Counting the non-zero elements in the matrix.
  • Performing arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
  • Applying matrix transformations like transpose, row scaling, and column scaling.

SciPy provides functions and methods to perform these operations efficiently on CSR matrices.

Advantages and Performance

The CSR matrix format offers several advantages, such as:

  • Efficient memory usage for large sparse matrices.
  • Fast matrix-vector multiplication.
  • Efficient slicing and indexing operations.
  • Ability to convert to other sparse matrix formats.

Compared to dense matrix representations, CSR matrices can greatly reduce memory requirements and improve computational efficiency for sparse matrix operations.


CSR matrix format in SciPy is a powerful tool for working with large sparse matrices in Python. It provides efficient storage, manipulation, and computation capabilities for sparse matrix operations. Programmers can leverage the functionality of the SciPy library to work with CSR matrices effectively in scientific and numerical computations.

For more detailed information and examples, please refer to the SciPy documentation.