复数是形式(a + ib)的数字,其中a和b是实数,而i是一个称为iota的虚构单位,代表√-1。例如,2 + 3i是一个复数,其中2是实数,3i是虚数。
最初,我们只有自然数( N )的集合,该自然数被扩展为形成整数( I )的集合,因为等式(x + a = b)对于a> b是不可解的,其中a,b∈N。
然后,这组整数(I)扩展为一组有理数( Q ),因为形式(xa = b)的每个方程在a≠0且a,b∈I时不是唯一可解的。
同样,这组整数(Q)扩展为一组实数(有理数和无理数)( R ),因为形式(x 2 = a)的每个方程在a> 0和a∈Q即x 2时都不可解。 = 5,因为不存在平方为5的有理数。因此,将无理数的概念赋予√2,√3,√5等数字。
最后,我们将这组实数(R)扩展为一组复数( C ),因为形式(x 2 = a)的方程不可解,其中a <0和a∈R即x 2 + 5 = 0,因为没有任何平方为-5的实数。因此,复数(虚数)的概念被赋予诸如√-1,√-2,√-3,√-5等数字,其中√-1被称为虚数单位(iota),并由符号i表示。 (i 2 = -1)。
众所周知,复数的标准形式为z =(a + ib) ,其中a,b∈R,而i为iota(虚数单位)。因此,根据a(称为实部)和b(称为虚部)的值,复数可分为四种类型:
1. Zero Complex Number (a = 0 & b = 0)
Example: 0 (zero)
2. Purely Real Numbers (a ≠ 0 & b = 0)
Examples: 2, 3, 7, etc.
3. Purely Imaginary Numbers (a = 0 & b ≠ 0)
Examples: -7i, -5i, -i, i, 5i, 7i, etc.
4. Imaginary Numbers (a ≠ 0 & b ≠ 0)
Examples: (-1 – i), (1 + i), (1 – i), (2 + 3i), etc.
1. Rectangular Form also called Standard Form = (a + i b)
Examples: (5 + 5i), (-7i), (-3 – 4i), etc.
2. Polar Form = r [cos(θ) + i sin(θ)]
Examples: [cos(π/2) + i sin(π/2)], 5[cos(π/6) + i sin(π/6)], etc.
3. Exponential Form =
Examples: ei(0), ei(π/2), 5.ei(π/6), etc.
唯一表示复数的平面称为“复数平面”或“ Argand平面”或“ Gaussian平面” 。
The Complex plane has two axes:
1. X-axis
- All the purely real complex numbers are uniquely represented by a point on it.
- Real part Re(z) of all complex numbers are plotted with respect to it.
- That’s why X-axis is also called Real axis.
2. Y-axis
- All the purely imaginary complex numbers are uniquely represented by a point on it.
- Imaginary part Im(z) of all complex numbers are plotted with respect to it.
- That’s why Y-axis is also called Imaginary axis.
众所周知,每个复数(z = a + ib)由复数平面上的唯一点p(a,b)表示,而复数平面上的每个点都表示唯一的复数。
To represent any complex number z = (a + i b) on the complex plane follow these conventions:
- Real part of z (Re(z) = a) becomes the X-coordinate of the point p
- Imaginary part of z (Im(z) = b) becomes the Y-coordinate of the point p
And finally z (a + i b) ⇒ p (a, b) which is a point on the complex plane.
示例1:绘制这些复数z = 3 + 2 i在复平面上。
z = 3 + 2 i
So, the point is z(3, 2). Now we plot this point on the below graph, here in this graph x-axis represents the real part and y-axis represents the imaginary part.
示例2:在复数上绘制这些复数z 1 =(2 + 2 i),z 2 =(-2 + 3 i),z 3 =(-1 – 3 i),z 4 =(1 – i)飞机。
z1 = (2 + 2 i)
z2 = (-2 + 3 i)
z3 = (-1 – 3 i)
z4 = (1 – i)
So, the points are z1 (2, 2), z2(-2, 3), z3(-1, -3), and z4(1, -1). Now we plot these points on the below graph, here in this graph x-axis represents the real part and y-axis represents the imaginary part.