📜  门| GATE-CS-2015(Set 1)|第65章

📅  最后修改于: 2021-06-28 22:13:34             🧑  作者: Mango

假设给出了具有100个磁道的磁盘的以下磁盘请求顺序(磁道号):45、20、90、10、50、60、80、25、70。假定R / W磁头的初始位置为on轨迹50。使用最短搜寻时间优先(SSTF)算法与使用SCAN(电梯)算法时,R / W头将经过的附加距离(假设SCAN算法在开始执行时朝100移动)是_________曲目
(A) 8
(B) 9
(C) 10
(D) 11答案: (C)


Given a disk with 100 tracks 

And Sequence 45, 20, 90, 10, 50, 60, 80, 25, 70.

Initial position of the R/W head is on track 50.

In SSTF, requests are served as following

Next Served     Distance Traveled
  50                   0
  45                   5
  60                  15   
  70                  10   
  80                  10   
  90                  10
  25                  65   
  20                   5   
  10                  10
Total Dist         =  130

If Simple SCAN is used, requests are served as following

Next Served     Distance Traveled
  50                   0
  60                  10   
  70                  10   
  80                  10   
  90                  10
  45                  65 [disk arm goes to 99, then to 45]
  25                  20   
  20                   5   
  10                  10
Total Dist         =  140

Less Distance traveled in SSTF = 130 - 140 =  10 

