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📜  二进制字符串所需的最小翻转次数,使得所有 K 大小的子字符串都包含 1

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-02 06:36:17             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个大小为N的二进制字符串str和一个正整数K ,任务是找到使大小为K 的所有子串至少包含一个“1”所需的最小翻转次数。


  1. 这个想法是使用滑动窗口技术来检查长度为 K 的每个子字符串是否包含任何“1”。
  2. 维护一个变量last_idx来存储字符为“1”的窗口的最后一个索引。如果当前窗口中不存在“1” ,则此变量的值将为-1
  3. 对于任何此类窗口,我们将通过将当前窗口最后一个索引处的字符翻转为“1”并将索引last_idx更新为该索引来增加翻转次数。
  4. 翻转当前窗口的最后一个字符可确保后面的K-1窗口也至少有一个“1”。因此,这种方法最大限度地减少了所需的翻转次数。
  5. 对字符串的其余部分重复此过程并打印所需的最终翻转次数。


// C++ program to find the
// minimum numbers of flips
// required in a binary string
// such that all substrings of
// size K has atleast one 1
using namespace std;
// Function to calculate and
// return the minimum number
// of flips to make string valid
int minimumMoves(string S, int K)
    int N = S.length();
    // Stores the count
    // of required flips
    int ops = 0;
    // Stores the last index
    // of '1' in the string
    int last_idx = -1;
    // Check for the first
    // substring of length K
    for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) {
        // If i-th character
        // is '1'
        if (S[i] == '1')
            last_idx = i;
    // If the substring had
    // no '1'
    if (last_idx == -1) {
        // Increase the
        // count of required
        // flips
        // Flip the last
        // index of the
        // window
        S[K - 1] = '1';
        // Update the last
        // index which
        // contains 1
        last_idx = K - 1;
    // Check for remaining substrings
    for (int i = 1; i < N - K + 1; i++) {
        // If last_idx does not
        // belong to current
        // window make it -1
        if (last_idx < i)
            last_idx = -1;
        // If the last character of
        // the current substring
        // is '1', then update
        // last_idx to i+k-1;
        if (S[i + K - 1] == '1')
            last_idx = i + K - 1;
        // If last_idx == -1, then
        // the current substring
        // has no 1
        if (last_idx == -1) {
            // Increase the count
            // of flips
            // Update the last
            // index of the
            // current window
            S[i + K - 1] = '1';
            // Store the last
            // index of current
            // window as the
            // index of last '1'
            // in the string
            last_idx = i + K - 1;
    // Return the number
    // of operations
    return ops;
// Driver Code
int main()
    string S = "001010000";
    int K = 3;
    cout << minimumMoves(S, K);
    return 0;

// Java program to find the
// minimum numbers of flips
// required in a binary string
// such that all substrings of
// size K has atleast one 1
class GFG{
// Function to calculate and
// return the minimum number
// of flips to make string valid
public static int minimumMoves(String s, int K)
    StringBuilder S = new StringBuilder(s);
    int N = S.length();
    // Stores the count
    // of required flips
    int ops = 0;
    // Stores the last index
    // of '1' in the string
    int last_idx = -1;
    // Check for the first
    // substring of length K
    for(int i = 0; i < K; i++)
    // If i-th character
    // is '1'
    if (S.charAt(i) == '1')
        last_idx = i;
    // If the substring had
    // no '1'
    if (last_idx == -1)
        // Increase the count
        // of required flips
        // Flip the last index
        // of the window
        S.setCharAt(K - 1, '1');
        // Update the last index
        // which contains 1
        last_idx = K - 1;
    // Check for remaining substrings
    for(int i = 1; i < N - K + 1; i++)
    // If last_idx does not
    // belong to current
    // window make it -1
    if (last_idx < i)
        last_idx = -1;
    // If the last character of
    // the current substring
    // is '1', then update
    // last_idx to i+k-1;
    if (S.charAt(i + K - 1) == '1')
        last_idx = i + K - 1;
    // If last_idx == -1, then
    // the current substring
    // has no 1
    if (last_idx == -1)
        // Increase the count
        // of flips
        // Update the last index
        // of the current window
        S.setCharAt(i + K - 1, '1');
        // Store the last index
        // of current window as
        // the index of last '1'
        // in the string
        last_idx = i + K - 1;
    // Return the number
    // of operations
    return ops;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    String S = "001010000";
    int K = 3;
    System.out.println(minimumMoves(S, K));
// This code is contributed by jrishabh99

# Python3 program to find the minimum
# numbers of flips required in a binary
# string such that all substrings of
# size K has atleast one 1
# Function to calculate and
# return the minimum number
# of flips to make string valid
def minimumMoves(S, K):
    N = len(S)
    # Stores the count
    # of required flips
    ops = 0
    # Stores the last index
    # of '1' in the string
    last_idx = -1
    # Check for the first
    # substring of length K
    for i in range(K):
        # If i-th character
        # is '1'
        if (S[i] == '1'):
            last_idx = i
    # If the substring had
    # no '1'
    if (last_idx == -1):
        # Increase the count
        # of required flips
        ops += 1
        # Flip the last index
        # of the window
        S[K - 1] = '1'
        # Update the last index
        # which contains 1
        last_idx = K - 1
    # Check for remaining substrings
    for i in range(N - K + 1):
        # If last_idx does not
        # belong to current
        # window make it -1
        if (last_idx < i):
            last_idx = -1
        # If the last character of
        # the current substring
        # is '1', then update
        # last_idx to i + k-1;
        if (S[i + K - 1] == '1'):
            last_idx = i + K - 1
        # If last_idx == -1, then
        # the current substring
        # has no 1
        if (last_idx == -1):
            # Increase the count
            # of flips
            ops += 1
            # Update the last index
            # of the current window
            S = S[:i + K - 1] + '1' + S[i + K:]
            # Store the last index of
            # current window as the index
            # of last '1' in the string
            last_idx = i + K - 1
    # Return the number
    # of operations
    return ops
# Driver Code
S = "001010000"
K = 3;
print(minimumMoves(S, K))
# This code is contributed by yatinagg

// C# program to find the
// minimum numbers of flips
// required in a binary string
// such that all substrings of
// size K has atleast one 1
using System;
using System.Text;
class GFG{
// Function to calculate and
// return the minimum number
// of flips to make string valid
public static int minimumMoves(String s, int K)
    StringBuilder S = new StringBuilder(s);
    int N = S.Length;
    // Stores the count
    // of required flips
    int ops = 0;
    // Stores the last index
    // of '1' in the string
    int last_idx = -1;
    // Check for the first
    // substring of length K
    for(int i = 0; i < K; i++)
        // If i-th character
        // is '1'
        if (S[i] == '1')
            last_idx = i;
    // If the substring had
    // no '1'
    if (last_idx == -1)
        // Increase the count
        // of required flips
        // Flip the last index
        // of the window
        S.Insert(K - 1, '1');
        // Update the last index
        // which contains 1
        last_idx = K - 1;
    // Check for remaining substrings
    for(int i = 1; i < N - K + 1; i++)
        // If last_idx does not
        // belong to current
        // window make it -1
        if (last_idx < i)
            last_idx = -1;
        // If the last character of
        // the current substring
        // is '1', then update
        // last_idx to i+k-1;
        if (S[i + K - 1] == '1')
            last_idx = i + K - 1;
        // If last_idx == -1, then
        // the current substring
        // has no 1
        if (last_idx == -1)
            // Increase the count
            // of flips
            // Update the last index
            // of the current window
            S.Insert(i + K - 1, '1');
            // Store the last index
            // of current window as
            // the index of last '1'
            // in the string
            last_idx = i + K - 1;
    // Return the number
    // of operations
    return ops;
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    String S = "001010000";
    int K = 3;
    Console.WriteLine(minimumMoves(S, K));
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1



时间复杂度: O(N)
辅助空间: O(1)

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