顺序电路是具有内部状态概念的电路。这种内部状态的概念是必要的,因为在时序电路中,电路的输出是当前输入和过去输入的函数。时序电路的内部状态只不过是电路过去输入的反映。现在,顺序电路的内部状态由许多状态变量表示。每个状态变量可以处于 2 种可能状态中的一种。这是因为 State Variables 是在 Flip-Flops 的帮助下物理实现的,每个 Flip-Flop 只能代表 2 种可能的状态。因此,如果我们有“N”个触发器,我们最多可以表示 2 N个状态。
最大限度。 ‘N’ 触发器的状态数 =
现在让我们以使用 T 触发器的同步和异步 2 位二进制递增计数器为例,说明同步和异步顺序电路之间的区别。
在上述两个电路中是表示上述每个电路的内部状态的状态变量。由于有 2 个状态变量,上述时序电路可以处于 4 种可能的状态,而计数器的函数是按特定顺序循环通过这 4 种状态。
Synchronous Circuit | Asynchronous Circuit |
All the State Variable changes are synchronized with a universal clock signal. | The State Variables are not synchronized to change simulteneously and may change at anytime irrespective of each other to achieve the next Steady Internal State |
Since all the Internal State changes are in the strict control of a master clock source they are less prone to failure or to a race condition and hence are more reliable. | Since there is no such universal clock source, the internal state changes as soon as any of the inputs change and hence are more prone to a race condition. |
Timings of the internal state changes are in our control. | The changes in the internal state of an asynchronous circuit are not in our control. |