给定一个大小为 n 的数组 ‘a[]’ 和查询数 q。每个查询可以用两个整数 l 和 r 表示。你的任务是打印子数组 l 到 r 中不同整数的数量。
给定 a[i] <=
例子 :
Input : a[] = {1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3}
q = 3
0 4
1 3
2 5
Output : 2
In query 1, number of distinct integers
in a[0...4] is 2 (1, 2)
In query 2, number of distinct integers
in a[1..3] is 2 (1, 2)
In query 3, number of distinct integers
in a[2..5] is 3 (1, 2, 3)
Input : a[] = {7, 3, 5, 9, 7, 6, 4, 3, 2}
q = 4
1 5
0 4
0 7
1 8
output : 5
让 a[0…n-1] 是输入数组,q[0..m-1] 是查询数组。
方法 :
- 以查询 L 值从 0 到
, 等等。块内的所有查询都按 R 值的升序排序。
- 初始化一个大小为 freq[] 的数组
与 0 。 freq[] 数组保持给定范围内所有元素的频率计数。
- 以每次查询使用先前查询中计算的不同元素数量和频率数组并将结果存储在结构中的方式逐个处理所有查询。
- 让 ‘curr_Diff_element’ 是先前查询的不同元素的数量。
- 删除先前查询的额外元素。例如,如果先前的查询是 [0, 8] 而当前的查询是 [3, 9],则删除 a[0]、a[1] 和 a[2]
- 添加当前查询的新元素。在与上述相同的示例中,添加 a[9]。
- 按照之前提供的相同顺序对查询进行排序并打印其存储的结果
- 将要添加的元素的频率 (freq[a[i]]) 增加 1。
- 如果元素 a[i] 的频率为 1。将 curr_diff_element 增加 1,因为在范围中添加了 1 个新元素。
- 将要移除的元素 (a[i]) 的频率降低 1。
- 如果元素 a[i] 的频率为 0。只需将 curr_diff_element 减少 1,因为 1 个元素已从范围中完全移除。
注意:在这个算法中,在步骤 2 中,R 的索引变量最多变化 O(n * ) 次在整个运行过程中和 L 相同,最多改变其值 O(m *
) 次。所有这些边界都是可能的,因为首先在块中排序查询
预处理部分需要 O(m Log m) 时间。
处理所有查询需要 O(n * ) + O(米 *
) = O((m+n) *
) 时间。
// Program to compute no. of different elements
// of ranges for different range queries
using namespace std;
// Used in frequency array (maximum value of an
// array element).
const int MAX = 1000000;
// Variable to represent block size. This is made
// global so compare() of sort can use it.
int block;
// Structure to represent a query range and to store
// index and result of a particular query range
struct Query {
int L, R, index, result;
// Function used to sort all queries so that all queries
// of same block are arranged together and within a block,
// queries are sorted in increasing order of R values.
bool compare(Query x, Query y)
// Different blocks, sort by block.
if (x.L / block != y.L / block)
return x.L / block < y.L / block;
// Same block, sort by R value
return x.R < y.R;
// Function used to sort all queries in order of their
// index value so that results of queries can be printed
// in same order as of input
bool compare1(Query x, Query y)
return x.index < y.index;
// calculate distinct elements of all query ranges.
// m is number of queries n is size of array a[].
void queryResults(int a[], int n, Query q[], int m)
// Find block size
block = (int)sqrt(n);
// Sort all queries so that queries of same
// blocks are arranged together.
sort(q, q + m, compare);
// Initialize current L, current R and current
// different elements
int currL = 0, currR = 0;
int curr_Diff_elements = 0;
// Initialize frequency array with 0
int freq[MAX] = { 0 };
// Traverse through all queries
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
// L and R values of current range
int L = q[i].L, R = q[i].R;
// Remove extra elements of previous range.
// For example if previous range is [0, 3]
// and current range is [2, 5], then a[0]
// and a[1] are subtracted
while (currL < L) {
// element a[currL] is removed
if (freq[a[currL]] == 0)
// Add Elements of current Range
// Note:- during addition of the left
// side elements we have to add currL-1
// because currL is already in range
while (currL > L) {
freq[a[currL - 1]]++;
// include a element if it occurs first time
if (freq[a[currL - 1]] == 1)
while (currR <= R) {
// include a element if it occurs first time
if (freq[a[currR]] == 1)
// Remove elements of previous range. For example
// when previous range is [0, 10] and current range
// is [3, 8], then a[9] and a[10] are subtracted
// Note:- Basically for a previous query L to R
// currL is L and currR is R+1. So during removal
// of currR remove currR-1 because currR was
// never included
while (currR > R + 1) {
// element a[currL] is removed
freq[a[currR - 1]]--;
// if occurrence of a number is reduced
// to zero remove it from list of
// different elements
if (freq[a[currR - 1]] == 0)
q[i].result = curr_Diff_elements;
// print the result of all range queries in
// initial order of queries
void printResults(Query q[], int m)
sort(q, q + m, compare1);
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
cout << "Number of different elements" <<
" in range " << q[i].L << " to "
<< q[i].R << " are " << q[i].result << endl;
// Driver program
int main()
int a[] = { 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 2, 8 };
int n = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);
Query q[] = { { 0, 4, 0, 0 }, { 1, 3, 1, 0 },
{ 2, 4, 2, 0 } };
int m = sizeof(q) / sizeof(q[0]);
queryResults(a, n, q, m);
printResults(q, m);
return 0;
Number of different elements in range 0 to 4 are 3
Number of different elements in range 1 to 3 are 2
Number of different elements in range 2 to 4 are 3
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