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📜  最长子序列,使得相邻元素至少有一个公共数字

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-17 07:15:46             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个由N 个整数组成的数组arr[] ,任务是找到最长子序列的长度,使得该子序列的相邻元素至少有一个公共数字。


  • 如果数字 d 是公共数字,dp[i][d] 表示到第 i 个元素的最长子序列的长度。

  • 声明一个 cnt 数组并为当前元素中存在的每个数字设置 cnt[d] = 1。
  • 将每个数字 d 视为公共数字,并找到以 arr[i] 结尾的最大长度子序列为 dp[i][d] = max(dp[j][d]+1) (0<=j
  • 还要找到当前元素的局部最大值 max(dp[i][d])。
  • 在找到局部最大值后,将当前元素中存在的所有数字的 dp[i][d] 更新为局部最大值。
  • 这是必需的,因为局部最大值表示具有数字 d 的元素的最大长度子序列。


// C++ program to find maximum length subsequence
// such that adjacent elements have at least
// one common digit
using namespace std;
// Returns length of maximum length subsequence
int findSubsequence(int arr[], int n)
    // To store the length of the
    // maximum length subsequence
    int len = 1;
    // To store current element arr[i]
    int tmp;
    int i, j, d;
    // To store the length of the sub-sequence
    // ending at index i and having common digit d
    int dp[n][10];
    memset(dp, 0, sizeof(dp));
    // To store digits present in current element
    int cnt[10];
    // To store length of maximum length subsequence
    // ending at index i
    int locMax;
    // For first element maximum length is 1 for
    // each digit
    tmp = arr[0];
    while (tmp > 0) {
        dp[0][tmp % 10] = 1;
        tmp /= 10;
    // Find digits of each element, then find length
    // of subsequence for each digit and then find
    // local maximum
    for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        tmp = arr[i];
        locMax = 1;
        memset(cnt, 0, sizeof(cnt));
        // Find digits in current element
        while (tmp > 0) {
            cnt[tmp % 10] = 1;
            tmp /= 10;
        // For each digit present find length of
        // subsequence and find local maximum
        for (d = 0; d <= 9; d++) {
            if (cnt[d]) {
                dp[i][d] = 1;
                for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
                    dp[i][d] = max(dp[i][d], dp[j][d] + 1);
                    locMax = max(dp[i][d], locMax);
        // Update value of dp[i][d] for each digit
        // present in current element to local maximum
        // found.
        for (d = 0; d <= 9; d++) {
            if (cnt[d]) {
                dp[i][d] = locMax;
        // Update maximum length with local maximum
        len = max(len, locMax);
    return len;
// Driver code
int main()
    int arr[] = { 1, 12, 44, 29, 33, 96, 89 };
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    cout << findSubsequence(arr, n);
    return 0;

// Java program to find maximum length subsequence
// such that adjacent elements have at least
// one common digit
class GFG
// Returns length of maximum length subsequence
static int findSubsequence(int arr[], int n)
    // To store the length of the
    // maximum length subsequence
    int len = 1;
    // To store current element arr[i]
    int tmp;
    int i, j, d;
    // To store the length of the sub-sequence
    // ending at index i and having common digit d
    int[][] dp = new int[n][10];
    // To store digits present in current element
    int[] cnt = new int[10];
    // To store length of maximum length subsequence
    // ending at index i
    int locMax;
    // For first element maximum length is 1 for
    // each digit
    tmp = arr[0];
    while (tmp > 0)
        dp[0][tmp % 10] = 1;
        tmp /= 10;
    // Find digits of each element, then find length
    // of subsequence for each digit and then find
    // local maximum
    for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
        tmp = arr[i];
        locMax = 1;
        for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
        // Find digits in current element
        while (tmp > 0)
            cnt[tmp % 10] = 1;
            tmp /= 10;
        // For each digit present find length of
        // subsequence and find local maximum
        for (d = 0; d <= 9; d++)
            if (cnt[d] > 0)
                dp[i][d] = 1;
                for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    dp[i][d] = Math.max(dp[i][d], dp[j][d] + 1);
                    locMax = Math.max(dp[i][d], locMax);
        // Update value of dp[i][d] for each digit
        // present in current element to local maximum
        // found.
        for (d = 0; d <= 9; d++)
            if (cnt[d] > 0)
                dp[i][d] = locMax;
        // Update maximum length with local maximum
        len = Math.max(len, locMax);
    return len;
// Driver code
public static void main (String[] args)
    int arr[] = { 1, 12, 44, 29, 33, 96, 89 };
    int n = arr.length;
    System.out.println(findSubsequence(arr, n));
// This code is contributed by mits

# Python3 program to find maximum
# Length subsequence such that
# adjacent elements have at least
# one common digit
# Returns Length of maximum
# Length subsequence
def findSubsequence(arr, n):
    # To store the Length of the
    # maximum Length subsequence
    Len = 1
    # To store current element arr[i]
    tmp = 0
    i, j, d = 0, 0, 0
    # To store the Length of the sub-sequence
    # ending at index i and having common digit d
    dp = [[0 for i in range(10)]
             for i in range(n)]
    # To store digits present in current element
    cnt = [0 for i in range(10)]
    # To store Length of maximum
    # Length subsequence ending at index i
    locMax = 0
    # For first element maximum
    # Length is 1 for each digit
    tmp = arr[0]
    while (tmp > 0):
        dp[0][tmp % 10] = 1
        tmp //= 10
    # Find digits of each element,
    # then find Length of subsequence
    # for each digit and then find
    # local maximum
    for i in range(1, n):
        tmp = arr[i]
        locMax = 1
        cnt = [0 for i in range(10)]
        # Find digits in current element
        while (tmp > 0):
            cnt[tmp % 10] = 1
            tmp //= 10
        # For each digit present find Length of
        # subsequence and find local maximum
        for d in range(10):
            if (cnt[d]):
                dp[i][d] = 1
                for j in range(i):
                    dp[i][d] = max(dp[i][d],
                                   dp[j][d] + 1)
                    locMax = max(dp[i][d], locMax)
        # Update value of dp[i][d] for each digit
        # present in current element to local
        # maximum found.
        for d in range(10):
            if (cnt[d]):
                dp[i][d] = locMax
        # Update maximum Length
        # with local maximum
        Len = max(Len, locMax)
    return Len
# Driver code
arr = [1, 12, 44, 29, 33, 96, 89]
n = len(arr)
print(findSubsequence(arr, n))
# This code is contributed
# by mohit kumar

// C# program to find maximum length subsequence
// such that adjacent elements have at least
// one common digit
using System;
class GFG
// Returns length of maximum length subsequence
static int findSubsequence(int []arr, int n)
    // To store the length of the
    // maximum length subsequence
    int len = 1;
    // To store current element arr[i]
    int tmp;
    int i, j, d;
    // To store the length of the sub-sequence
    // ending at index i and having common digit d
    int[,] dp = new int[n, 10];
    // To store digits present in current element
    int[] cnt = new int[10];
    // To store length of maximum length subsequence
    // ending at index i
    int locMax;
    // For first element maximum length is 1 for
    // each digit
    tmp = arr[0];
    while (tmp > 0)
        dp[0, tmp % 10] = 1;
        tmp /= 10;
    // Find digits of each element, then find length
    // of subsequence for each digit and then find
    // local maximum
    for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
        tmp = arr[i];
        locMax = 1;
        for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
            cnt[x] = 0;
        // Find digits in current element
        while (tmp > 0)
            cnt[tmp % 10] = 1;
            tmp /= 10;
        // For each digit present find length of
        // subsequence and find local maximum
        for (d = 0; d <= 9; d++)
            if (cnt[d] > 0)
                dp[i, d] = 1;
                for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    dp[i, d] = Math.Max(dp[i, d], dp[j, d] + 1);
                    locMax = Math.Max(dp[i, d], locMax);
        // Update value of dp[i,d] for each digit
        // present in current element to local maximum
        // found.
        for (d = 0; d <= 9; d++)
            if (cnt[d] > 0)
                dp[i, d] = locMax;
        // Update maximum length with local maximum
        len = Math.Max(len, locMax);
    return len;
// Driver code
public static void Main()
    int []arr = { 1, 12, 44, 29, 33, 96, 89 };
    int n = arr.Length;
    Console.WriteLine(findSubsequence(arr, n));
// This code is contributed by mits


// C++ program to find maximum length subsequence
// such that adjacent elements have at least
// one common digit
using namespace std;
// Returns length of maximum length subsequence
int findSubsequence(int arr[], int n)
    // To store length of maximum length subsequence
    int len = 1;
    // To store current element arr[i]
    int tmp;
    int i, j, d;
    // To store length of subsequence
    // having common digit d
    int dp[10];
    memset(dp, 0, sizeof(dp));
    // To store digits present in current element
    int cnt[10];
    // To store local maximum for current element
    int locMax;
    // For first element maximum length is 1 for
    // each digit
    tmp = arr[0];
    while (tmp > 0) {
        dp[tmp % 10] = 1;
        tmp /= 10;
    // Find digits of each element, then find length
    // of subsequence for each digit and then find
    // local maximum
    for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        tmp = arr[i];
        locMax = 1;
        memset(cnt, 0, sizeof(cnt));
        // Find digits in current element
        while (tmp > 0) {
            cnt[tmp % 10] = 1;
            tmp /= 10;
        // For each digit present find length of
        // subsequence and find local maximum
        for (d = 0; d <= 9; d++) {
            if (cnt[d]) {
                locMax = max(locMax, dp[d]);
        // Update value of dp[d] for each digit
        // present in current element to local maximum
        // found
        for (d = 0; d <= 9; d++) {
            if (cnt[d]) {
                dp[d] = locMax;
        // Update maximum length with local maximum
        len = max(len, locMax);
    return len;
// Driver code
int main()
    int arr[] = { 1, 12, 44, 29, 33, 96, 89 };
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    cout << findSubsequence(arr, n);
    return 0;

// Java program to find maximum length subsequence
// such that adjacent elements have at least
// one common digit
import java.util.*;
class GFG
// Returns length of maximum length subsequence
static int findSubsequence(int arr[], int n)
    // To store length of maximum length subsequence
    int len = 1;
    // To store current element arr[i]
    int tmp;
    int i, j, d;
    // To store length of subsequence
    // having common digit d
    int dp[] = new int[10];
    // To store digits present in current element
    int cnt[] = new int[10];
    // To store local maximum for current element
    int locMax;
    // For first element maximum length is 1 for
    // each digit
    tmp = arr[0];
    while (tmp > 0)
        dp[tmp % 10] = 1;
        tmp /= 10;
    // Find digits of each element, then find length
    // of subsequence for each digit and then find
    // local maximum
    for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
        tmp = arr[i];
        locMax = 1;
                Arrays.fill(cnt, 0);
        // Find digits in current element
        while (tmp > 0)
            cnt[tmp % 10] = 1;
            tmp /= 10;
        // For each digit present find length of
        // subsequence and find local maximum
        for (d = 0; d <= 9; d++)
            if (cnt[d] == 1)
                locMax = Math.max(locMax, dp[d]);
        // Update value of dp[d] for each digit
        // present in current element to local maximum
        // found
        for (d = 0; d <= 9; d++)
            if (cnt[d] == 1)
                dp[d] = locMax;
        // Update maximum length with local maximum
        len = Math.max(len, locMax);
    return len;
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int arr[] = { 1, 12, 44, 29, 33, 96, 89 };
    int n = arr.length;
        System.out.print(findSubsequence(arr, n));
/* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */

# Python3 program to find maximum length
# subsequence such that adjacent elements
# have at least one common digit
# Returns length of maximum
# length subsequence
def findSubsequence(arr, n) :
    # To store length of maximum
    # length subsequence
    length = 1;
    # To store length of subsequence
    # having common digit d
    dp = [0] * 10;
    # For first element maximum length
    # is 1 for each digit
    tmp = arr[0];
    while (tmp > 0) :
        dp[tmp % 10] = 1;
        tmp //= 10;
    # Find digits of each element, then
    # find length of subsequence for each
    # digit and then find local maximum
    for i in range(1, n) :
        tmp = arr[i];
        locMax = 1;
        cnt = [0] * 10
        # Find digits in current element
        while (tmp > 0) :
            cnt[tmp % 10] = 1;
            tmp //= 10;
        # For each digit present find length of
        # subsequence and find local maximum
        for d in range(10) :
            if (cnt[d]) :
                dp[d] += 1;
                locMax = max(locMax, dp[d]);
        # Update value of dp[d] for each digit
        # present in current element to local
        # maximum found
        for d in range(10) :
            if (cnt[d]) :
                dp[d] = locMax;
        # Update maximum length with local
        # maximum
        length = max(length, locMax);
    return length;
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__" :
    arr = [ 1, 12, 44, 29, 33, 96, 89 ];
    n = len(arr)
    print(findSubsequence(arr, n));
# This code is contributed by Ryuga

// C# program to find maximum length subsequence
// such that adjacent elements have at least
// one common digit
using System;
class GFG
// Returns length of maximum length subsequence
static int findSubsequence(int []arr, int n)
    // To store length of maximum length subsequence
    int len = 1;
    // To store current element arr[i]
    int tmp;
    int i, j, d;
    // To store length of subsequence
    // having common digit d
    int []dp = new int[10];
    // To store digits present in current element
    int []cnt = new int[10];
    // To store local maximum for current element
    int locMax;
    // For first element maximum length is 1 for
    // each digit
    tmp = arr[0];
    while (tmp > 0)
        dp[tmp % 10] = 1;
        tmp /= 10;
    // Find digits of each element, then find length
    // of subsequence for each digit and then find
    // local maximum
    for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
        tmp = arr[i];
        locMax = 1;
        for(int k = 0; k < 10; k++)
            cnt[k] = 0;
        // Find digits in current element
        while (tmp > 0)
            cnt[tmp % 10] = 1;
            tmp /= 10;
        // For each digit present find length of
        // subsequence and find local maximum
        for (d = 0; d <= 9; d++)
            if (cnt[d] == 1)
                locMax = Math.Max(locMax, dp[d]);
        // Update value of dp[d] for each digit
        // present in current element to local maximum
        // found
        for (d = 0; d <= 9; d++)
            if (cnt[d] == 1)
                dp[d] = locMax;
        // Update maximum length with local maximum
        len = Math.Max(len, locMax);
    return len;
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int []arr = { 1, 12, 44, 29, 33, 96, 89 };
    int n = arr.Length;
        Console.WriteLine(findSubsequence(arr, n));
// This code contributed by Rajput-Ji

        $dp[$tmp % 10] = 1;
        $tmp = intval($tmp / 10);
    // Find digits of each element, then
    // find length of subsequence for each
    // digit and then find local maximum
    for ($i = 1; $i < $n; $i++)
        $tmp = $arr[$i];
        $locMax = 1;
        $cnt = array_fill(0, 10, NULL);
        // Find digits in current element
        while ($tmp > 0)
            $cnt[$tmp % 10] = 1;
            $tmp = intval($tmp / 10);
        // For each digit present find length of
        // subsequence and find local maximum
        for ($d = 0; $d <= 9; $d++)
            if ($cnt[$d])
                $locMax = max($locMax, $dp[$d]);
        // Update value of dp[d] for each digit
        // present in current element to local
        // maximum found
        for ($d = 0; $d <= 9; $d++)
            if ($cnt[$d])
                $dp[$d] = $locMax;
        // Update maximum length with
        // local maximum
        $len = max($len, $locMax);
    return $len;
// Driver code
$arr = array( 1, 12, 44, 29, 33, 96, 89 );
$n = sizeof($arr);
echo findSubsequence($arr, $n);
// This code is contributed by ita_c



时间复杂度: O(n 2 )
辅助空间: O(n)
可以进一步减少上述方案所需的辅助空间。观察到,对于出现在 arr[i] 中的每个数字 d,无论子序列在哪个元素结束,都需要找到直到该数字的最大长度子序列。这减少了 O(1) 所需的辅助空间。对于每个 arr[i],找到局部最大值并将 arr[i] 中每个数字 d 的 dig[d] 更新为局部最大值。


// C++ program to find maximum length subsequence
// such that adjacent elements have at least
// one common digit
using namespace std;
// Returns length of maximum length subsequence
int findSubsequence(int arr[], int n)
    // To store length of maximum length subsequence
    int len = 1;
    // To store current element arr[i]
    int tmp;
    int i, j, d;
    // To store length of subsequence
    // having common digit d
    int dp[10];
    memset(dp, 0, sizeof(dp));
    // To store digits present in current element
    int cnt[10];
    // To store local maximum for current element
    int locMax;
    // For first element maximum length is 1 for
    // each digit
    tmp = arr[0];
    while (tmp > 0) {
        dp[tmp % 10] = 1;
        tmp /= 10;
    // Find digits of each element, then find length
    // of subsequence for each digit and then find
    // local maximum
    for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        tmp = arr[i];
        locMax = 1;
        memset(cnt, 0, sizeof(cnt));
        // Find digits in current element
        while (tmp > 0) {
            cnt[tmp % 10] = 1;
            tmp /= 10;
        // For each digit present find length of
        // subsequence and find local maximum
        for (d = 0; d <= 9; d++) {
            if (cnt[d]) {
                locMax = max(locMax, dp[d]);
        // Update value of dp[d] for each digit
        // present in current element to local maximum
        // found
        for (d = 0; d <= 9; d++) {
            if (cnt[d]) {
                dp[d] = locMax;
        // Update maximum length with local maximum
        len = max(len, locMax);
    return len;
// Driver code
int main()
    int arr[] = { 1, 12, 44, 29, 33, 96, 89 };
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    cout << findSubsequence(arr, n);
    return 0;


// Java program to find maximum length subsequence
// such that adjacent elements have at least
// one common digit
import java.util.*;
class GFG
// Returns length of maximum length subsequence
static int findSubsequence(int arr[], int n)
    // To store length of maximum length subsequence
    int len = 1;
    // To store current element arr[i]
    int tmp;
    int i, j, d;
    // To store length of subsequence
    // having common digit d
    int dp[] = new int[10];
    // To store digits present in current element
    int cnt[] = new int[10];
    // To store local maximum for current element
    int locMax;
    // For first element maximum length is 1 for
    // each digit
    tmp = arr[0];
    while (tmp > 0)
        dp[tmp % 10] = 1;
        tmp /= 10;
    // Find digits of each element, then find length
    // of subsequence for each digit and then find
    // local maximum
    for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
        tmp = arr[i];
        locMax = 1;
                Arrays.fill(cnt, 0);
        // Find digits in current element
        while (tmp > 0)
            cnt[tmp % 10] = 1;
            tmp /= 10;
        // For each digit present find length of
        // subsequence and find local maximum
        for (d = 0; d <= 9; d++)
            if (cnt[d] == 1)
                locMax = Math.max(locMax, dp[d]);
        // Update value of dp[d] for each digit
        // present in current element to local maximum
        // found
        for (d = 0; d <= 9; d++)
            if (cnt[d] == 1)
                dp[d] = locMax;
        // Update maximum length with local maximum
        len = Math.max(len, locMax);
    return len;
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int arr[] = { 1, 12, 44, 29, 33, 96, 89 };
    int n = arr.length;
        System.out.print(findSubsequence(arr, n));
/* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */


# Python3 program to find maximum length
# subsequence such that adjacent elements
# have at least one common digit
# Returns length of maximum
# length subsequence
def findSubsequence(arr, n) :
    # To store length of maximum
    # length subsequence
    length = 1;
    # To store length of subsequence
    # having common digit d
    dp = [0] * 10;
    # For first element maximum length
    # is 1 for each digit
    tmp = arr[0];
    while (tmp > 0) :
        dp[tmp % 10] = 1;
        tmp //= 10;
    # Find digits of each element, then
    # find length of subsequence for each
    # digit and then find local maximum
    for i in range(1, n) :
        tmp = arr[i];
        locMax = 1;
        cnt = [0] * 10
        # Find digits in current element
        while (tmp > 0) :
            cnt[tmp % 10] = 1;
            tmp //= 10;
        # For each digit present find length of
        # subsequence and find local maximum
        for d in range(10) :
            if (cnt[d]) :
                dp[d] += 1;
                locMax = max(locMax, dp[d]);
        # Update value of dp[d] for each digit
        # present in current element to local
        # maximum found
        for d in range(10) :
            if (cnt[d]) :
                dp[d] = locMax;
        # Update maximum length with local
        # maximum
        length = max(length, locMax);
    return length;
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__" :
    arr = [ 1, 12, 44, 29, 33, 96, 89 ];
    n = len(arr)
    print(findSubsequence(arr, n));
# This code is contributed by Ryuga


// C# program to find maximum length subsequence
// such that adjacent elements have at least
// one common digit
using System;
class GFG
// Returns length of maximum length subsequence
static int findSubsequence(int []arr, int n)
    // To store length of maximum length subsequence
    int len = 1;
    // To store current element arr[i]
    int tmp;
    int i, j, d;
    // To store length of subsequence
    // having common digit d
    int []dp = new int[10];
    // To store digits present in current element
    int []cnt = new int[10];
    // To store local maximum for current element
    int locMax;
    // For first element maximum length is 1 for
    // each digit
    tmp = arr[0];
    while (tmp > 0)
        dp[tmp % 10] = 1;
        tmp /= 10;
    // Find digits of each element, then find length
    // of subsequence for each digit and then find
    // local maximum
    for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
        tmp = arr[i];
        locMax = 1;
        for(int k = 0; k < 10; k++)
            cnt[k] = 0;
        // Find digits in current element
        while (tmp > 0)
            cnt[tmp % 10] = 1;
            tmp /= 10;
        // For each digit present find length of
        // subsequence and find local maximum
        for (d = 0; d <= 9; d++)
            if (cnt[d] == 1)
                locMax = Math.Max(locMax, dp[d]);
        // Update value of dp[d] for each digit
        // present in current element to local maximum
        // found
        for (d = 0; d <= 9; d++)
            if (cnt[d] == 1)
                dp[d] = locMax;
        // Update maximum length with local maximum
        len = Math.Max(len, locMax);
    return len;
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int []arr = { 1, 12, 44, 29, 33, 96, 89 };
    int n = arr.Length;
        Console.WriteLine(findSubsequence(arr, n));
// This code contributed by Rajput-Ji


        $dp[$tmp % 10] = 1;
        $tmp = intval($tmp / 10);
    // Find digits of each element, then
    // find length of subsequence for each
    // digit and then find local maximum
    for ($i = 1; $i < $n; $i++)
        $tmp = $arr[$i];
        $locMax = 1;
        $cnt = array_fill(0, 10, NULL);
        // Find digits in current element
        while ($tmp > 0)
            $cnt[$tmp % 10] = 1;
            $tmp = intval($tmp / 10);
        // For each digit present find length of
        // subsequence and find local maximum
        for ($d = 0; $d <= 9; $d++)
            if ($cnt[$d])
                $locMax = max($locMax, $dp[$d]);
        // Update value of dp[d] for each digit
        // present in current element to local
        // maximum found
        for ($d = 0; $d <= 9; $d++)
            if ($cnt[$d])
                $dp[$d] = $locMax;
        // Update maximum length with
        // local maximum
        $len = max($len, $locMax);
    return $len;
// Driver code
$arr = array( 1, 12, 44, 29, 33, 96, 89 );
$n = sizeof($arr);
echo findSubsequence($arr, $n);
// This code is contributed by ita_c



时间复杂度: O(n)
辅助空间: O(1)

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