📜  使用 Bresenham 算法的圆上点的邻居

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-23 08:04:20             🧑  作者: Mango


Input :  Center = (0, 0), 
         Radius = 3 
         Point for determining neighbors = (2, 2)
Output : Neighbors of given point are : (1, 3), (3, 1)

Input : Center = (2, 2) 
        Radius 2
        Point of determining neighbors = (0, 2)
Output : Neighbors of given point are : (1, 4), (3, 4)

离散圆上任何点的邻居是那些比其原始 x 坐标少一个或多一个 x 坐标的点。

我们使用 bresenham 的圆生成算法来提取在像素的计算机屏幕上绘制圆所需的整数点。


圆形具有高度对称的特性,这是在像素的计算机屏幕上绘制它们时所需要的。 Bresenham 圆算法计算前 45 度内像素的位置,并利用圆的 8 向对称性计算以原点为中心的圆外围的剩余像素。


推导:考虑一个无限小的连续圆弧,如下图所示,假设我们要沿顺时针圆弧移动,圆心在原点,半径为r,我们的运动位于第一个八分圆内八分圆,所以我们的极限是从 (0, r) 到 (r/ \sqrt{2} , r/ \sqrt{2} ) 其中 x = y。正如我们所知,在这个特定的八分圆中,y 坐标的减少小于 x 坐标的增加,或者您可以说沿 x 轴的运动大于沿 y 轴的运动,因此 x 坐标总是增加第一个八分圆。现在,我们想知道 y 是否会随 x 变化。为了知道 y 随 x 的变化,bresenham 引入了一个名为决策参数的变量,该变量将在循环运行时更新它们的值。
现在,我们需要了解我们将如何选择下一个像素,在图中,f(N) 和 f(S) 分别是计算从原点到像素 N 和 S 的距离所涉及的误差,以得出的为准更少我们会选择那个像素。决策参数定义为 d = f(N)+f(S),如果 d <= 0 那么 N 将是下一个像素,否则 S 将是下一个像素。我们将继续执行此过程,直到 x这篇文章并不主要关注 bresenham 算法,因此,我将跳过决策参数的推导,但如果您想了解决策参数的推导,请转到参考链接。
注意:一个点的邻居可以是任意数量,邻居的 y 坐标应该与其输入像素具有相同的符号,对于那些 y 坐标为零的像素,我们将打印出所有邻居,而不管其符号如何。
离散几何对象由一组有限的整数点组成。这个集合通常非常稀疏。因此,数组表示的存储空间效率根本不高。我们将使用哈希映射,其数据值为 y 坐标的链表,键值为 x 坐标。我们可以使用键值轻松访问它们,这也是一种节省空间的方法。
下面是用于确定给定点的邻居的 C++ stl 程序。

// C++ program to find neighbors of a given point on circle
using namespace std;
// map to store all the pixels of circle
map > mymap;
map >::iterator it;
// This program will print all the stored pixels.
void showallpoints(map >& mymap)
    // To print out all the stored pixels,
    // we will traverse the map using iterator
    for (it = mymap.begin(); it != mymap.end(); it++) {
        // List contains all the y-coordinate.
        list temp = it->second;
        for (auto p = temp.begin(); p != temp.end(); p++) {
            cout << "(" << it->first << ", " << *p << ")\n";
// This function will stored the pixels.
void putpixelone(int m, int n, map >& mymap)
    // check if the given pixel is present already in the
    // map then discard that pixel and return the function.
    map >::iterator it;
    // if x-coordinate of the pixel is present in the map then
    // it will give iterator pointing to list of those pixels
    // which are having same x-coordinate as the input pixel
    if (mymap.find(m) != mymap.end()) {
        it = mymap.find(m);
        list temp = it->second;
        list::iterator p;
        // Checking for y coordinate
        for (p = temp.begin(); p != temp.end(); p++)
            if (*p == n)
        // if map doesn't contain pixels having same y-
        // coordinate then pixel are different and store
        // the pixel
    } else
        // Neither x nor y coordinate are same.
        // put the pixel into the map
// generate all the pixels using 8 way-symmetry of circle
void putpixelall(int p, int q, int x1, int y1)
    putpixelone(p + x1, q + y1, mymap);
    putpixelone(q + x1, p + y1, mymap);
    putpixelone(q + x1, -p + y1, mymap);
    putpixelone(p + x1, -q + y1, mymap);
    putpixelone(-p + x1, -q + y1, mymap);
    putpixelone(-q + x1, -p + y1, mymap);
    putpixelone(-q + x1, p + y1, mymap);
    putpixelone(-p + x1, q + y1, mymap);
// Brensenham's circle algorithm
void circle(int centerx, int centery, int r)
    // initial coordinate will be (0, radius) and we
    // will move counter-clockwise from this coordinate
    int x = 0;
    int y = r;
    // decision parameter for initial coordinate
    float decision_para = 3 - 2 * (r);
    putpixelall(x, y, centerx, centery);
    while (x < y) {
        // x will always increase by 1 unit
        x = x + 1;
        if (decision_para <= 0) {
            // if decision parameter is negative then N
            // will be next pixel N(x+1, y)
            decision_para = decision_para + 4 * x + 6;
        } else {
            // if decision parameter is positive then N
            // will be next pixel S(x+1, y-1)
            y = y - 1;
            decision_para = decision_para + 4 * (x - y) + 10;
        // Function call to generate all the pixels by symmetry
        putpixelall(x, y, centerx, centery);
// this program will find the neighbors of a given point`
void neighbours(map >& mymap, int given_pointx,
                                             int given_pointy)
    for (it = mymap.begin(); it != mymap.end(); ++it) {
        if (it->first == given_pointx + 1 ||
            it->first == given_pointx - 1) {
            list temp1 = it->second;
            list::iterator itr1;
            for (itr1 = temp1.begin(); itr1 != temp1.end(); ++itr1) {
                // Checking for same-sign.
                if (given_pointy >= 0 && *itr1 >= 0)
                    cout << "(" << it->first << ", " << *itr1 << ")\n";
                else if (given_pointy <= 0 && *itr1 <= 0)
                    cout << "(" << it->first << ", " << *itr1 << ")\n";
// Driver code
int main()
    int center_x = 0, center_y = 0;
    float r = 3.0;
    circle(center_x, center_y, r);
    int nx = 3, ny = 0;
    neighbours(mymap, nx, ny);
    cout << endl;
    return 0;


(-3, 0), (-3, -1), (-3, 1), (-2, -2), (-2, 2), (-1, -3), (-1, 3), (0, 3)
(0, -3), (1, 3), (1, -3), (2, 2), (2, -2), (3, 0), (3, 1), (3, -1)
 Neighbours of given point are : (2, 2), (2, -2)

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