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📜  最小化数组中的插入以获得最大为 N 的所有和

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-26 05:45:44             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个大小为K的正整数的排序数组arr[]和一个整数N ,其中一些数字可以插入到数组中,这样所有正整数[1, N]都可以作为修改后的数组的子集之和获得.任务是找到所需的最少插入次数。
注意:数组的最小长度可以是 1。


  1. 通过包含给定数组 arr[] 中的一些元素和/或添加所需的其他缺失元素,形成一个列表,说X[]形成一个总和到 N 所需的基本元素。
  2. 最初,从空列表 X[] 开始,使用来自 X[] 的数字的可能和的范围是 [0, 0]。
  3. 假设范围[1, m] (m < N) 中的元素可以表示为该时刻列表X[]中存在的元素的总和,并且添加了直到 arr[] 的索引 i 的数字.
  1. 重复这个过程,直到范围跨越给定的数字 N。
  2. 即使这样做之后,如果数组 arr[] 中的所有数字都被遍历,并且范围还没有越过 N,那么就需要继续向 X[] 添加越来越多的数字,直到范围越过 N。
  3. X[]arr[]的大小之间的差异是所需的最少插入次数
  4. X[] 中包含所有基本元素后,范围应至少为[1, N] ,并且从给定列表外部插入的次数最少。

注意:不是维护列表 X[],计数器变量ans可以初始化为 0,每次添加新元素时,计数器值都可以递增。计数器变量的值是所需的答案。

// C++ code to minimize insertions
// such that sum of subsets of
// array elements form all numbers
// up to N
using namespace std;
#define N 100005
int minInsertions(vector& v, int n)
    // initialised rangeEnd which
    // denotes the range covered,
    // [1, rangeEnd] ans denotes
    // the number of insertions made
    // so far
    int rangeEnd = 0, ans = 0;
    for (auto i : v) {
        // in the case where our next
        // number is greater than
        // rangeEnd+1, it is compulsory
        // to insert rangeEnd+1
        while (i > rangeEnd + 1) {
            rangeEnd = rangeEnd * 2 + 1;
            if (rangeEnd >= n) {
                return ans;
        // otherwise we just move
        // forward our rangeEnd
        rangeEnd += i;
        if (rangeEnd >= n) {
            return ans;
    // after we have included all
    // elements in the array and have
    // still not reached n, we insert
    // numbers = rangeEnd+1 till
    // we reach n
    while (rangeEnd < n) {
        rangeEnd = rangeEnd * 2 + 1;
    return ans;
// Driver Program
signed main()
    // the size of the given array
    int k = 4;
    // the given number n
    int n = 15;
    std::vector v = { 1, 6, 7, 9 };
    cout << minInsertions(v, n);
    return 0;

// Java code to minimize insertions
// such that sum of subsets of
// array elements form all numbers
// up to N
class GFG
      int N = 100005;
    static int minInsertions(int []v, int n)
        // initialised rangeEnd which
        // denotes the range covered,
        // [1, rangeEnd] ans denotes
        // the number of insertions made
        // so far
        int rangeEnd = 0, ans = 0;
        for (int i : v)
            // in the case where our next
            // number is greater than
            // rangeEnd+1, it is compulsory
            // to insert rangeEnd+1
            while (i > rangeEnd + 1)
                rangeEnd = rangeEnd * 2 + 1;
                if (rangeEnd >= n)
                    return ans;
            // otherwise we just move
            // forward our rangeEnd
            rangeEnd += i;
            if (rangeEnd >= n)
                return ans;
        // after we have included all
        // elements in the array and have
        // still not reached n, we insert
        // numbers = rangeEnd+1 till
        // we reach n
        while (rangeEnd < n)
            rangeEnd = rangeEnd * 2 + 1;
        return ans;
    // Driver Program
    public static void main (String[] args)
        // the size of the given array
        int k = 4;
        // the given number n
        int n = 15;
        int v[] = { 1, 6, 7, 9 };
        System.out.println(minInsertions(v, n));
// This code is contributed by AnkitRai01

# Python3 program to minimize insertions
# such that sum of subsets of
# array elements form all numbers
# up to N
N = 100005
def minInsertions(v, n):
    # Initialised rangeEnd which
    # denotes the range covered,
    # [1, rangeEnd] ans denotes
    # the number of insertions made
    # so far
    rangeEnd, ans = 0, 0
    for i in v:
        # In the case where our next
        # number is greater than
        # rangeEnd+1, it is compulsory
        # to insert rangeEnd+1
        while (i > rangeEnd + 1):
            ans += 1
            rangeEnd = rangeEnd * 2 + 1
            if (rangeEnd >= n):
                return ans
        # Otherwise we just move
        # forward our rangeEnd
        rangeEnd += i
        if (rangeEnd >= n):
            return ans
    # After we have included all
    # elements in the array and have
    # still not reached n, we insert
    # numbers = rangeEnd+1 till
    # we reach n
    while (rangeEnd < n):
        ans += 1
        rangeEnd = rangeEnd * 2 + 1
    return ans
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # The size of the given array
    k = 4
    # The given number n
    n = 15
    v = [ 1, 6, 7, 9 ]
    print(minInsertions(v, n))
# This code is contributed by chitranayal

// C# program to minimize insertions
// such that sum of subsets of
// array elements form all numbers
// up to N
using System;
class GFG{
//int N = 100005;
static int minInsertions(int []v, int n)
    // Initialised rangeEnd which
    // denotes the range covered,
    // [1, rangeEnd] ans denotes
    // the number of insertions made
    // so far
    int rangeEnd = 0, ans = 0;
    foreach(int i in v)
        // In the case where our next
        // number is greater than
        // rangeEnd+1, it is compulsory
        // to insert rangeEnd+1
        while (i > rangeEnd + 1)
            rangeEnd = rangeEnd * 2 + 1;
            if (rangeEnd >= n)
                return ans;
        // Otherwise we just move
        // forward our rangeEnd
        rangeEnd += i;
        if (rangeEnd >= n)
            return ans;
    // After we have included all
    // elements in the array and have
    // still not reached n, we insert
    // numbers = rangeEnd+1 till
    // we reach n
    while (rangeEnd < n)
        rangeEnd = rangeEnd * 2 + 1;
    return ans;
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    // The size of the given array
    //int k = 4;
    // The given number n
    int n = 15;
    int []v = { 1, 6, 7, 9 };
    Console.WriteLine(minInsertions(v, n));
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji



时间复杂度: O(K + log(N))

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