Python中的 numpy.log()
numpy.log()是一个数学函数,可帮助用户计算x 的自然对数,其中 x 属于所有输入数组元素。
自然对数 log 是exp() 的倒数,因此log(exp(x)) = x 。自然对数是以 e 为底的对数。
Syntax :numpy.log(x[, out] = ufunc ‘log1p’)
Parameters :
array : [array_like] Input array or object.
out : [ndarray, optional] Output array with same dimensions as Input array, placed with result.
Return :
An array with Natural logarithmic value of x; where x belongs to all elements of input array.
# Python program explaining
# log() function
import numpy as np
in_array = [1, 3, 5, 2**8]
print ("Input array : ", in_array)
out_array = np.log(in_array)
print ("Output array : ", out_array)
print("\nnp.log(4**4) : ", np.log(4**4))
print("np.log(2**8) : ", np.log(2**8))
输出 :
Input array : [1, 3, 5, 256]
Output array : [ 0. 1.09861229 1.60943791 5.54517744]
np.log(4**4) : 5.54517744448
np.log(2**8) : 5.54517744448
代码 #2:图形表示
# Python program showing
# Graphical representation
# of log() function
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
in_array = [1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2]
out_array = np.log(in_array)
print ("out_array : ", out_array)
plt.plot(in_array, in_array,
color = 'blue', marker = "*")
# red for numpy.log()
plt.plot(out_array, in_array,
color = 'red', marker = "o")
输出 :
out_array : [ 0. 0.18232156 0.33647224 0.47000363 0.58778666 0.69314718]