📜  Primefaces SelectmanyButton

📅  最后修改于: 2021-01-08 04:11:49             🧑  作者: Mango

PrimeFaces SelectManyButton

它是使用按钮用户界面的多选组件。 组件用于创建多个按钮。它用于通过按钮获取用户输入。我们可以在JSF应用程序中创建它。它具有下表列出的各种属性。


Attribute Default value Return type Description
id null String It is an unique identifier of the component.
rendered true Boolean It is used to render component. It takes boolean value.
binding null obejct It is used to set an expression that maps to a server side UIComponent
instance in a backing bean
value null obejct It is used to set value of the component referring to a List.
converter null Converter/String It is used to set text that defines a converter for
the component.
required false Boolean It is used to make component as required
widgetVar null String It is a name of the client side widget.
disabled false Boolean It is used to disable the component.
label null String It is used to set user presentable name.
onchange null String It is used to execute script on value change.
style null String It is used to set inline CSS of the component.



// manyButton.xhtml

PrimeFaces ManyButton


// ManyButton.java

package com.javatpoint;
import java.util.List;
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
public class ManyButton {
private List selectedValue;
public List getSelectedValue() {
return selectedValue;
public void setSelectedValue(List selectedValue) {
this.selectedValue = selectedValue;
