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📜  Python|使用 .kv 文件创建复选框

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:57.514000             🧑  作者: Mango

Python|使用 .kv 文件创建复选框

Kivy 是Python中一个独立于平台的 GUI 工具。因为它可以在Android、IOS、Linux、Windows等平台上运行。它基本上是用来开发Android应用程序的,但这并不意味着它不能在桌面应用程序上使用。

CheckBox 是一个特定的两种状态按钮,可以选中或取消选中。

from kivy.uix.checkbox import CheckBox 
Basic Approach to follow while creating Checkbox using .kv file :
1) import kivy
2) import kivyApp
3) import BoxLayout
4) import Checkbox
5) set minimum version(optional)
6) Extend the container class
7) set up .kv file :
9) Return layout
10) Run an instance of the class

现在是如何使用 .kv 文件在 Kivy 中创建复选框的程序:

# main.py file
# program for creating checkbox using .kv in kivy.
# import kivy module
import kivy
# set require version
# base Class of your App inherits from the App class. 
# app:always refers to the instance of your application 
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
## not necessary while using .kv file
from kivy.uix.checkbox import CheckBox
# To do some manipulation on window import window
from kivy.core.window import Window
# Container class for the app's widgets
class SampBoxLayout(BoxLayout):
    # Callback for the checkbox
    def checkbox_click(self, instance, value):
        if value is True:
            print("Checkbox Checked")
            print("Checkbox Unchecked")
# App derived from App class
class SampleApp(App):
    # build is a method of Kivy's App class used
    # to place widgets onto the GUI.
    def build(self):
        # setting up window background color
        Window.clearcolor = (0, 0, .30, .60)
        return SampBoxLayout()
# Run the app
root = SampleApp()

#.kv file of main.py file
#: import CheckBox kivy.uix.checkbox
# giving colour to label
    color: .761, .190, .810, 1
    orientation: "vertical"
    padding: 10
    spacing: 10
        text: "Gender"
        size_hint_x: 1
    # creating box layout
        # assigning orientation
        orientation: "horizontal"
        height: 20
            orientation: "horizontal"
            size_hint_x: .22
            # label creation
                text: "Male"
                size_hint_x: .80
                color:.294, .761, .623
                on_active: root.checkbox_click(self, self.active)
                size_hint_x: .20
                text: "Female"
                size_hint_x: .80
                on_active: root.checkbox_click(self, self.active)
                size_hint_x: .20
                text: "Other"
                size_hint_x: .80
                on_active: root.checkbox_click(self, self.active)
                size_hint_x: .20

代码的 sample.kv 文件。


#.kv file of main.py file
#: import CheckBox kivy.uix.checkbox
# giving colour to label
    color: .761, .190, .810, 1
    orientation: "vertical"
    padding: 10
    spacing: 10
        text: "Gender"
        size_hint_x: 1
    # creating box layout
        # assigning orientation
        orientation: "horizontal"
        height: 20
            orientation: "horizontal"
            size_hint_x: .22
            # label creation
                text: "Male"
                size_hint_x: .80
                color:.294, .761, .623
                on_active: root.checkbox_click(self, self.active)
                size_hint_x: .20
                text: "Female"
                size_hint_x: .80
                on_active: root.checkbox_click(self, self.active)
                size_hint_x: .20
                text: "Other"
                size_hint_x: .80
                on_active: root.checkbox_click(self, self.active)
                size_hint_x: .20

