用于数组中范围产品的 Python3 程序
给定一个大小为 N 的数组 A[]。解决 Q 个查询。在模 P 下找到范围 [L, R] 中的产品(P 是素数)。
Input : A[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
L = 2, R = 5, P = 229
Output : 120
Input : A[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
L = 2, R = 5, P = 113
Output : 7
对于每个查询,遍历 [L, R] 范围内的每个元素并计算模 P 下的乘积。这将在 O(N) 中回答每个查询。
# Python3 program to find
# Product in range Queries in O(N)
# Function to calculate Product
# in the given range.
def calculateProduct (A, L, R, P):
# As our array is 0 based
# and L and R are given as
# 1 based index.
L = L - 1
R = R - 1
ans = 1
for i in range(R + 1):
ans = ans * A[i]
ans = ans % P
return ans
# Driver code
A = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
P = 229
L = 2
R = 5
print (calculateProduct(A, L, R, P))
L = 1
R = 3
print (calculateProduct(A, L, R, P))
# This code is contributed
# by "Abhishek Sharma 44"
# Python3 implementation of the
# above approach
# Returns modulo inverse of a with
# respect to m using extended Euclid
# Algorithm. Assumption: a and m are
# coprimes, i.e., gcd(a, m) = 1
def modInverse(a, m):
m0, x0, x1 = m, 0, 1
if m == 1:
return 0
while a > 1:
# q is quotient
q = a // m
t = m
# m is remainder now, process
# same as Euclid's algo
m, a = a % m, t
t = x0
x0 = x1 - q * x0
x1 = t
# Make x1 positive
if x1 < 0:
x1 += m0
return x1
# calculating pre_product array
def calculate_Pre_Product(A, N, P):
pre_product[0] = A[0]
for i in range(1, N):
pre_product[i] = pre_product[i - 1] * A[i]
pre_product[i] = pre_product[i] % P
# Calculating inverse_product
# array.
def calculate_inverse_product(A, N, P):
inverse_product[0] = modInverse(pre_product[0], P)
for i in range(1, N):
inverse_product[i] = modInverse(pre_product[i], P)
# Function to calculate
# Product in the given range.
def calculateProduct(A, L, R, P):
# As our array is 0 based as
# and L and R are given as 1
# based index.
L = L - 1
R = R - 1
ans = 0
if L == 0:
ans = pre_product[R]
ans = pre_product[R] * inverse_product[L - 1]
return ans
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Array
A = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
N = len(A)
# Prime P
P = 113
MAX = 100
pre_product = [None] * (MAX)
inverse_product = [None] * (MAX)
# Calculating PreProduct
# and InverseProduct
calculate_Pre_Product(A, N, P)
calculate_inverse_product(A, N, P)
# Range [L, R] in 1 base index
L, R = 2, 5
print(calculateProduct(A, L, R, P))
L, R = 1, 3
print(calculateProduct(A, L, R, P))
# This code is contributed by Rituraj Jain
输出 :
由于 P 是素数,我们可以使用模乘逆。使用动态规划,我们可以计算模 P 下的前积数组,使得索引 i 处的值包含 [0, i] 范围内的乘积。类似地,我们可以计算模 P 下的预逆积。现在每个查询都可以在 O(1) 中得到回答。
逆积数组包含索引 i 处 [0, i] 范围内的逆积。因此,对于查询 [L, R],答案将是 Product[R]*InverseProduct[L-1]
注意:我们不能将答案计算为 Product[R]/Product[L-1],因为乘积是在模 P 下计算的。如果我们不计算模 P 下的乘积,总是有溢出的可能性。
# Python3 implementation of the
# above approach
# Returns modulo inverse of a with
# respect to m using extended Euclid
# Algorithm. Assumption: a and m are
# coprimes, i.e., gcd(a, m) = 1
def modInverse(a, m):
m0, x0, x1 = m, 0, 1
if m == 1:
return 0
while a > 1:
# q is quotient
q = a // m
t = m
# m is remainder now, process
# same as Euclid's algo
m, a = a % m, t
t = x0
x0 = x1 - q * x0
x1 = t
# Make x1 positive
if x1 < 0:
x1 += m0
return x1
# calculating pre_product array
def calculate_Pre_Product(A, N, P):
pre_product[0] = A[0]
for i in range(1, N):
pre_product[i] = pre_product[i - 1] * A[i]
pre_product[i] = pre_product[i] % P
# Calculating inverse_product
# array.
def calculate_inverse_product(A, N, P):
inverse_product[0] = modInverse(pre_product[0], P)
for i in range(1, N):
inverse_product[i] = modInverse(pre_product[i], P)
# Function to calculate
# Product in the given range.
def calculateProduct(A, L, R, P):
# As our array is 0 based as
# and L and R are given as 1
# based index.
L = L - 1
R = R - 1
ans = 0
if L == 0:
ans = pre_product[R]
ans = pre_product[R] * inverse_product[L - 1]
return ans
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Array
A = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
N = len(A)
# Prime P
P = 113
MAX = 100
pre_product = [None] * (MAX)
inverse_product = [None] * (MAX)
# Calculating PreProduct
# and InverseProduct
calculate_Pre_Product(A, N, P)
calculate_inverse_product(A, N, P)
# Range [L, R] in 1 base index
L, R = 2, 5
print(calculateProduct(A, L, R, P))
L, R = 1, 3
print(calculateProduct(A, L, R, P))
# This code is contributed by Rituraj Jain
输出 :