📜  具有N个节点的二叉索引树的直径

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-29 03:52:07             🧑  作者: Mango


二进制索引树是其中节点编号X = X –(X&(X – 1))的父节点,即X中未设置最后一位的树。树的直径是任意两片叶子之间最长的简单路径。



  • 在BIT中,根始终是节点0。在第一级,所有节点的幂都是2。 (1、2、4、8,…。)
  • 考虑第一级(1、2、4、8)中的任何节点,其子树将包括具有与根相同位数的所有节点。
    1. 根为1的子树将没有子树。
    2. 根为2的子树将有3个子树。
    3. 根为4的子树将有5、6、7作为子级。
    4. 根为8的子树将有9、10、11、12、13、14、15作为孩子。 (是前一个子树的大小的两倍)
    5. 因此,具有根K的子树将具有包括根在内的K个节点。并且每个子树的高度将相等:
      • 用于根为1的子树
      • 用于根为2的子树
      • 用于根为4的子树
  • 现在,我们需要找到N所在的子树。假设N所在的子树之前的子树的高度为H,大小为L。因此,以下情况是可能的:
    • 情况1:当N> = L * 2-1 – 1时,在这种情况下,N位于其子树的最后一级。因此,直径将为2 * H +1。(从先前子树的最低层叶子到N的路径)。
    • 情况2:当N> = L + L / 2 – 1时,在这种情况下,N在其子树中处于级别H。因此,直径将为2 * H。
    • 情况3:否则,最好考虑两个子树的叶子节点之间的最大路径长度,恰好在N所在的子树之前,即直径为2 * H – 1。


using namespace std;
// Function to find diameter
// of BIT with N + 1 nodes
int diameter(int n)
    // L is size of subtree just before subtree
    // in which N lies
    int L, H, templen;
    L = 1;
    // H is the height of subtree just before
    // subtree in which N lies
    H = 0;
    // Base Cases
    if (n == 1) {
        return 1;
    if (n == 2) {
        return 2;
    if (n == 3) {
        return 3;
    // Size of subtree are power of 2
    while (L * 2 <= n) {
        L *= 2;
    // 3 Cases as explained in Approach
    if (n >= L * 2 - 1)
        return 2 * H + 1;
    else if (n >= L + (L / 2) - 1)
        return 2 * H;
    return 2 * H - 1;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int n = 15;
    cout << diameter(n) << endl;

// Java implementation of the approach
class GFG 
// Function to find diameter
// of BIT with N + 1 nodes
static int diameter(int n)
    // L is size of subtree just before subtree
    // in which N lies
    int L, H, templen;
    L = 1;
    // H is the height of subtree just before
    // subtree in which N lies
    H = 0;
    // Base Cases
    if (n == 1) {
        return 1;
    if (n == 2) {
        return 2;
    if (n == 3) {
        return 3;
    // Size of subtree are power of 2
    while (L * 2 <= n) {
        L *= 2;
    // 3 Cases as explained in Approach
    if (n >= L * 2 - 1)
        return 2 * H + 1;
    else if (n >= L + (L / 2) - 1)
        return 2 * H;
    return 2 * H - 1;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String []args) 
    int n = 15;
// This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992

# Python3 implementation of the approach
# Function to find diameter
# of BIT with N + 1 nodes
def diameter(n):
    # L is size of subtree just before 
    # subtree in which N lies
    L, H, templen = 0, 0, 0;
    L = 1;
    # H is the height of subtree just before
    # subtree in which N lies
    H = 0;
    # Base Cases
    if (n == 1):
        return 1;
    if (n == 2):
        return 2;
    if (n == 3):
        return 3;
    # Size of subtree are power of 2
    while (L * 2 <= n):
        L *= 2;
        H += 1;
    # 3 Cases as explained in Approach
    if (n >= L * 2 - 1):
        return 2 * H + 1;
    elif (n >= L + (L / 2) - 1):
        return 2 * H;
    return 2 * H - 1;
# Driver Code
n = 15;
# This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji

// C# implementation of the approach
using System;
class GFG 
// Function to find diameter
// of BIT with N + 1 nodes
static int diameter(int n)
    // L is size of subtree just before subtree
    // in which N lies
    int L, H;
    L = 1;
    // H is the height of subtree just before
    // subtree in which N lies
    H = 0;
    // Base Cases
    if (n == 1)
        return 1;
    if (n == 2) 
        return 2;
    if (n == 3) 
        return 3;
    // Size of subtree are power of 2
    while (L * 2 <= n) 
        L *= 2;
    // 3 Cases as explained in Approach
    if (n >= L * 2 - 1)
        return 2 * H + 1;
    else if (n >= L + (L / 2) - 1)
        return 2 * H;
    return 2 * H - 1;
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String []args) 
    int n = 15;
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar
